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Thread: The Final Outline Of My Cycle - Will Be Starting Monday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    The Final Outline Of My Cycle - Will Be Starting Monday

    What's up guys,
    I've been posting up for the last 7 or 8 months on AR and now, the last few months, on RC as to what is the best cycle for me to get huge. So here it is and this is the final cut of what I'll be doing. No changes (unless otherwise noted or from your final opinions):

    Weeks 1-5
    30mg D-Bol ED (one 5mg Tab every 4 hours)

    Weeks 1-10
    400mg Deca (1cc Monday/1cc Thursday)

    Weeks 1-12
    500mg Sust 250 (1cc Monday/1cc Thursday)

    Weeks 12-15
    50mg Fina ED

    Weeks 16-19
    Clomid Therapy
    AM 10mg D-Bol Bridge Therapy

    Weeks 1-16
    10mg Nolva ED

    With the Nolva, it's better safe than sorry for me. And the purpose of having two injections of Deca a week as opposed to one? Using the Sust/Deca in the same syringe to make the Sust less painful and easier to administer.
    Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 11-25-2002 at 05:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Just one question...why are you running the dbol EOD instead of ED for the first 5 weeks?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I wouldn't do dbol EOD you should do them everyday. Other than that it looks pretty good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Ronny, it looks good bro...good luck and keep us posted.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Whoops! No no no! It's SUPPOSED to be ED! Let me fix that bro's!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    There we go. NOW how does it look. I knew something was off....

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Here's my training split:
    *****Heavy = 4 Exercises with sets being 4 and reps being 10,8,6,4*****
    ***** Light = 3 Exercises with sets being 3 and reps being 16,14,12****

    Mon - Heavy Chest/Light Back
    Tues - Heavy Shoulders/Light Arms
    Wed - Heavy Quads/Light Hamstrings
    Thur - Heavy Back/Light Chest
    Fri - Heavy Arms/Light Shoulders
    Sat - Heavy Hamstrings/Light Quads
    Sun - Rest

    Abs/Calves/Forearms = EOD

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    And here's the diet

    330g Protein = 1320 Calories
    650g Carbs = 2600 Calories
    100g EFA Fat = 900 Calories
    = 4820 Cals.

    Or 8 meals a day with each one totalling: (with post workout the exception)
    Protein = 41.25g
    Carbs = 81.25
    Fats = 12.5

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    everthing look great. especially the training split and diet. anyone can throw together a good cycle, but with a good cycle, killer diet and good training split, your gonna get huge bro. Im on pretty much the same diet, maybe a little more, Im stackin on the weight, I love it. good luck with the cycle bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for the words of Encouragement bro. I hope come Monday, everything will be rocking and rolling. I'm especially looking forward to the power from the D-Bol during the frontload! I'm so pumped up JUST for that!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    yeah bro Im doing test deca right now. I wanted to run dbol at the beginning but couldnt get any. SO now Im gonna run anadrol weeks 6-10 with my test deca. then Im gonna do weeks 11-13 500mgsust to help keep the size from the drol. Im pretty pumped about it. your cycle looks badass bro. your gonna have to buy some new shirts

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Ronny, 1cc monday / 1cc thursday for Deca makes only 200mg Deca per week? Maybe I am missing something here, I ran my deca at 400mg / week and shot 2cc's each Mon and Thurs.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    No bro, 1cc Monday and 1cc Thursday = 400mg Deca a week.
    Each cc = 200mg x 2 = 400mg.

    My concentration of Spectro Deca is 200mg PER ml. I'm injecting 2 ml's a week.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You're the man with a plan! Looks awesome...

    I do a similar split on cycle but don't break it into days of the week for this biggest reason: bodypart size. An advanced routine indeed - I hope you got a book or calendar to keep track of it all if you do choose to use this idea: Light (low intensity/lighter weights/basic POF split) days need 2-3 days of recovery for small bodyparts - and 3-4 for larger bodyparts. Heavy (high intensity/heavy weights/advanced techniques) days need 4-5 days recovery for small bodyparts - and 5-6 days for larger bodyparts.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If you really want a killer workout on cycle check out Hatfield's Hardcore Bodybuilding | A Scientific Approach. Read up on the part about Holistic training. The ABC (Holistic) training is actually what I have been doing and getting huge The Holistic Leg days are intense and the pumps are pronounced with the Eq

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    hry ronny I just got off the phone with my uncle who I havent talked to in years. he is a liscenced trainer and now and is a bodybuilder too. hell be in his first natural show next month. I liked your training split earlier and thought of trying it. I asked my uncle what his split was and he described one almost exactly like yours! I was like 'no shit huh' I am definetelty gonna try it out for the rest of my cycle and see what kind of results I get. Ive been wanting to change it lately but havent found a good routine to switch too. Im gonna tweek it a little, but Im gonna try it out. anyway, just had to point out that eerie coincidence and say thanks for posting, it helped me out. peace,happy lifting Mike

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    -So Cal-
    Im new to fina so what will this do in your cycle for you?

    Weeks 12-15
    50mg Fina ED

    and what is your stats hight, weight? to referance the eating plan you have?

    "And here's the diet
    330g Protein = 1320 Calories
    650g Carbs = 2600 Calories
    100g EFA Fat = 900 Calories
    = 4820 Cals."

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    The reason for the Fina is because the half life of the Sust is 2 weeks. So for 2 weeks before my Clomid Therapy and D-Bol Bridge, I'll be using the Fina as a fast-acting AS to solidify my gains and keep me anabolic during my 2 week 'drought' of no AS. Basically, it's just an AS to help solidify everything and get rid of excess water retention before my Clomid/D-Bol therapy to help me keep most of my gains...hope it works!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by Mike62200
    hry ronny I just got off the phone with my uncle who I havent talked to in years. he is a liscenced trainer and now and is a bodybuilder too. hell be in his first natural show next month. I liked your training split earlier and thought of trying it. I asked my uncle what his split was and he described one almost exactly like yours! I was like 'no shit huh' I am definetelty gonna try it out for the rest of my cycle and see what kind of results I get. Ive been wanting to change it lately but havent found a good routine to switch too. Im gonna tweek it a little, but Im gonna try it out. anyway, just had to point out that eerie coincidence and say thanks for posting, it helped me out. peace,happy lifting Mike
    No shit! Wow! The way I came up with this routine was just by being bored. I trained real intense in high school, really really intense and I guess my body adapted to it a little too well. Working out once a week wasn't enough for me, by the 3rd day, I was healed and by the 5th day I was flabby. So I started adding in light and heavy for every body part in the same week. The light initially was just a touch up exercise to keep everything nice and tight, but I noticed it helped out HUGE in muscle density, seperation and size.

    The ONLY setback is that it burns you out. It's not over-training burn out? But more or's hard to describe? When i think of the words, I'll post it up!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    The gear!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dscf0001.jpg 
Views:	186 
Size:	46.2 KB 
ID:	14359  

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I like the diet, based on 1.5 gram per lean pound I assume you are carrying approx 220lbs lean pounds. If not then lower protein, excess protein will still convert into fat. EFA's I suggest UDO's Choice the ratio of Omega 3/6 is 100% reliable, under normal circumstances I would suggest reducing th carbs but the amount of training you do you probAbably need, and I assume the diet has evolved over time and you know your own body. Leave the d-bol bridge unti you have finished clomid, attempt to get the natrual test pumping, and the earlier in the morning the better for the 10mg bridge. I think fina is too much for a first cycle, I like the concept proving you have thought about this, but I would stop deca at week nice, sus at 8 and run prop 9-12 and start clomid at 13.

    But either way good luck and well researched.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    that is such a fucking hot picture, just about as good as any t&a pic...jeeze those spectros look nice...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Everything looks good as far as the cycle goes the only thing that I don't find too necessary is waking up to take your dbol in the middle of the night. I would pop the last remaining dbols before you go to bed and get a good night sleep. Just my .02.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Shredz
    Everything looks good as far as the cycle goes the only thing that I don't find too necessary is waking up to take your dbol in the middle of the night. I would pop the last remaining dbols before you go to bed and get a good night sleep. Just my .02.
    Yeah - unless you get more than 8 hours of sleep at night - probably not such a good idea. You could risk getting quality REM - and while on, you need it when you can get it.

    Also at night your levels will have time to normalize... for better keepable gains according to some roid experts. Shit... there is a theory that if you want keepable gains from Dbol you take on heaping dose AM only. The results are slower to accumulate but you keep them.

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