Hey there new to the site
I have been reading over the forms for weeks now and I can see that
Everyone has there own idea of what works for them from years of trial and error
I am 25 215lbs I am currently sitting at around 18%bf
I have been training for 2 years now and I can’t say my diet is that great
I know that I am months away from starting a cycle of anything
I do know that when I am ready that I will use test e
From your experience what is the best diet for test and what should I use for
Pct considering that I will only be cycling test e at 500mg week broken up into 2
250 mg shots
Is there anything else that I should be taking with this??
I noticed that a few people on here at taking deca at the same time
Like I said I am a way a ways from starting a cycle
I have to clean up my diet and get moving on my cardio
I am just looking for the right direction to head in