i've been thinking about ordering a cycle online..bad idea?
i've been thinking about ordering a cycle online..bad idea?
There is a bad rap for ordering online.
It basically goes as this:
There are alot of scammers out there that goes without saying, but if you have a legit online source than your g2g and in most cases are better off than the guys ordering from "friends" or "dealers" in gyms.
i;ve found one i think is legit, but how to know 4sure..
you need to wait until you can PM a mod or vet, and ask them about the source
most sources that you just come across online are scammers
that means that this is the OPEN forum
PM is private messege
you need 25 post before you can send private messages to someone here
you can PM a VET or MOD if you read their signatures at the bottom of their posts that says they do "source checks"
that means they keep tabs on most of the legit and non legit places and you can ask them if your source is legit or not
this takes time and months of being a member as we dont' know you or if you are law enforcement or not, so be patient
i can understand that. probably a bad idea anyway
i appreciate the advice. i'm new at this, still learnin
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