what do you all think; Im gonna run nolva with enanthate. im also very recently prescribed to a years worth of finasteride im about to start. as we all heard, this puppy blocks DHT and can convert to estrogen - bad for biz..... good for hair.... here is my proposal.... while im doing it with the enanthate and nolva thats fine.... but after, when my nolva is out, and im done juicin, i plan to stay on finasteride potentially forever to get my hair back (not TOO too much has gone, but enough) --- when the 2 other things are done, i dont want to get more nolva cuz its not something to always stay on,.... and i dont want estrogen effects of finasteride nor do i wanna lose my libido from low test,.... 6OXO has been determined by everyone on here to be too shitty to run with cycle.... but since finasteride alone is so mild and not that likely to give the potential sides, maybe 6OXO would be just strong enough for it to keep estrogen down and libido up.... im kinda gyno prone so im hoping to get some agreements that this would be effective enough. i miss my hair. (and ofcourse if i run a cycle in the future again i would switch to a real deal like nolva again for the duration) any opinions or experience in this? im thinking i may be golden with this idea. thanks everyone for any suggestions. - ps: the reason i dont want to stay on a life time of nolva is its a risk everytime to order it, IMO, opposed to very legal 6OXO