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Thread: sides,,,,,,

  1. #1
    in2shape's Avatar
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    my grandfather passed away wednesday arvo and whilst at his funeral i heard of certain things in life he had over come ......

    prostate cancer
    3 strokes
    eventually having a pacemaker installed and passing away recently

    This got me thinking as steroids all compound these above listed also my father having high blood pressure most of his adult life from 40 onwards i'm pretty sure its through stress financially divorce etc also he is a daily drinker 3-4 beers bad diet and so on and both grandfather and father are bald .....

    having said this and me being physically fit bla bla bla and soon to be doing 1st cycle (court/jail pending so possibly 6 months time )

    is taking steroids a good decision 4 me 2 make ?????

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    it depends on a few different factors.
    how long have you been lifting?
    whats your age?
    height and weight?
    estimated body fat %?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    in2shape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    it depends on a few different factors.
    how long have you been lifting?
    whats your age?
    height and weight?
    estimated body fat %?
    lifting 5 years

    i know i gotta drop my bf% b4 i cycle the question is about those sides later on in life as my gfather and father had them as 1st posted ,,,,not sure if u got my question right ?


  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    if you can drop your bf a little then by all means go for it if you want to and you think you will benifit. everyone here will tell you not to use until your 25, 200lbs and 10% but most of us that have been around for a long time like myself didnt do that. the one importand factor that i cant stress enough is bodyfat. if your bf% is to high then your more prone to high blood pressure and everything that goes along with that so try and get that down a little. good luck bro
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    in2shape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    if you can drop your bf a little then by all means go for it if you want to and you think you will benifit. everyone here will tell you not to use until your 25, 200lbs and 10% but most of us that have been around for a long time like myself didnt do that. the one importand factor that i cant stress enough is bodyfat. if your bf% is to high then your more prone to high blood pressure and everything that goes along with that so try and get that down a little. good luck bro
    understand all that bro but i am concerned about the other sides i listed as my father and grand father have and do have them now and never cycled .....thanks all the same tho

  6. #6
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    understand all that bro but i am concerned about the other sides i listed as my father and grand father have and do have them now and never cycled .....thanks all the same tho
    You wont know until you actually try them and find out.

    easy as that. and nobody can answer that but yourself and your doctor if you wish to be safe and get checked before and after cycle.

    Yes genetics to play a role but that doesnt nessecarily mean your going to have the same issues. Diet and lifestyle have a LOT to do with your father and grandfathers unfortunate health issues.

  7. #7
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    if your bf% is to high then your more prone to high blood pressure and everything that goes along with that so try and get that down a little. good luck bro
    What if they are on a BP Med just to stop such thing from happening like sort of a preventive measure... like you know stock up on BP meds from your Doc like stocking up on things like A-dex before a cycle... I only say this because well I am currently on TRT and on a BP med (naturally high strung) and I am choosing to cycle again soon... like now and my BF is 20% well maybe 19% but its high considering what I have been in the past but low as of recently.. I mean I was up in the 36% bf range... effin gross I know... but i have cycled appropriately many many many times before and well I am just really really anxious to be on so I am going on regardless of my BF ..... but I am on a BP med and a major cutting diet..... so I dont see a problem in it.. I am sure someone will say ... You should have waited.. well we all know how hard that is when the gear is just sitting there... patiently... uncracked and ready to go... lol

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