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  1. #1
    Blue_Dodger_Hat's Avatar
    Blue_Dodger_Hat is offline New Member
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    To add DBol or not

    Will begin 2nd cycle shortly, and am in a constant debate with myself..

    6'5", 235lbs, 28y/o, 12% bf.

    Wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
    Wk 14-18 Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Wk 14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50
    *Aromasin on hand.

    Supplements: Multivitamin, Fish oil caps, Whey.
    Medications: Finasteride (Been on for 3.5 years)

    First cycle was also Test E 12 weeks with PCT..decent results, felt as though gear was underdosed.

    I have a bottle of DBol that I was intended to use with my 2nd cycle, at a dose of 20mg/day for 4 weeks, but I as I said I can not make up my mind whether or not it is a good idea.

    It all comes down to whether or not the benefits outweight the side effects.

    My test only cycle gave me almost no acne, no gyno, and no hairloss at all.
    As for DBol, the only side that truly holds me back is possibility of hairloss. I know the old adage 'if you are scared of hairloss, don't use steroids . period.' I was fine on Test, but perhaps it was due to my long term proscar use.

    More or less, I want to hear from people who may be prone to hairloss or MPB and have used DBol without the negative sides always preached about.

    And lastly...Do I add the Dbol @ 20mg / day for Wk 1-4 or Not?

    Suggestions or stories?

  2. #2
    anon03191970 is offline Associate Member
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    By the power of Greyskull. Dont include the DBOl . It's truly horrible

    Maybe it will be good for you. But for me it just made me feel like crap,
    especially headaches and a general sense of un-wellness.

    Other will chime in and say it's great go for it.

    This is just my own felling while using DBOL.

    Using it almost made me give up using AAS all together.

  3. #3
    RoidBoid's Avatar
    RoidBoid is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Dodger_Hat View Post
    Will begin 2nd cycle shortly, and am in a constant debate with myself..

    6'5", 235lbs, 28y/o, 12% bf.

    Wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
    Wk 14-18 Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Wk 14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50
    *Aromasin on hand.

    Supplements: Multivitamin, Fish oil caps, Whey.
    Medications: Finasteride (Been on for 3.5 years) If your on fina, prostate or hair related? if hair dont touch d-bol if ur life depends on it

    First cycle was also Test E 12 weeks with PCT..decent results, felt as though gear was underdosed. How do uno if it was underdpsed if this was ur first cycle???

    I have a bottle of DBol that I was intended to use with my 2nd cycle, at a dose of 20mg/day for 4 weeks, but I as I said I can not make up my mind whether or not it is a good idea.

    It all comes down to whether or not the benefits outweight the side effects.

    My test only cycle gave me almost no acne, no gyno, and no hairloss at all.
    As for DBol, the only side that truly holds me back is possibility of hairloss. I know the old adage 'if you are scared of hairloss, don't use steroids . period.' I was fine on Test, but perhaps it was due to my long term proscar use.

    More or less, I want to hear from people who may be prone to hairloss or MPB and have used DBol without the negative sides always preached about.

    And lastly...Do I add the Dbol @ 20mg / day for Wk 1-4 or Not?

    Suggestions or stories?

    read the above

  4. #4
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    blue trunks
    I would add the dbol . 20 mg is a low dose and the sides will be minimal. I took dbol once and I expected a lot more than what I got.

  5. #5
    Blue_Dodger_Hat's Avatar
    Blue_Dodger_Hat is offline New Member
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    RoidBoid: Feel it was underdosed because of the results from my bloodwork in week 8... if you search my previous threat you will see them But since every one reacts differently, it could've just been me and not the gear! I will find out in the next few weeks here once I start gear from a different lab..

    And yes, the finasteride IS for hairloss. I caught it before it got too bad, and I've just receded at the hairline about a half inch or so, otherwise hair is thick all over. I was worried that adding DBol would start the hair loss again and I would have no way to prevent it.

    Hankdiesel: You believe the benefits of DBol @ 20mg/day would outweigh the chances of hairloss or gyno, if they did happen (which I'll never know unless I try..)?

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