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Thread: Tren-A & Tren-E blend - some questions and cycle queries..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Johannesburg, South Afric

    Tren-A & Tren-E blend - some questions and cycle queries..

    As mentioned in my previous post about a week ago, I've got a blend with 50mg Tren-A & 50mg Tren-E per ml...

    Some have called this a bad blend, but I don't get why it's referred to as such?? I get that the Enanthate would make for longer side effects if I had to hit bad ones and that most don't like the idea of a long and short ester together on cycle... but why is this?

    I'd have figured the longer half-life of the Enanthate and the resulting lesser injection frequency would be a positive attribute? So what gives?

    Any recommended cycles for this blend? 2 x 50mg injections per week? Should Nolvadex be kept on hand during cycle just for in case? HCG and Clomid post-cycle?

    Furthermore, what would be a good supporting stack for this blend? Test-E?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The Man With A Plan to sc
    the acetate needs to be injected ed/eod..
    with the enanthate and 2 injections a week you would be getting 100mg enanthate..

    2 injections a week with that blend... worthless

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Some of these blends I have been seeing lately are just plain retarded imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    one injection eod

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Johannesburg, South Afric
    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    the acetate needs to be injected ed/eod..
    with the enanthate and 2 injections a week you would be getting 100mg enanthate..

    2 injections a week with that blend... worthless
    ED on Acetate is 50-150 mg, so what am I missing here?

    What WOULD work on that blend? 200 mg (100 mg enth / 100 mg ace) per week taken in two doses?

    I've had someone suggest stacking it with Clenbuterol and Winstrol to make into a good cutting cycle.. Any input on this?

    *** Edited to add:

    Oh, wait... ed isn't short for "effective dose" - it's short for every day... MY BAD! That would make eod short for every other day, or every 2nd day... sorry guys - I'm a noob around here, not too clued up on the gear-speak. Please be gentle!

    Sooooo, would 50 mg (25 mg ace / 25mg enth) every 2nd day work?
    Last edited by BillyBawb; 03-02-2009 at 11:55 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    ya wow. what a blend.

    as for clen and winny,

    The tren will do the work man.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Johannesburg, South Afric
    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    ya wow. what a blend.

    as for clen and winny,

    The tren will do the work man.
    Okay.. ta for that.. so no additional cutting agents needed!

    Stacking with Test-E - I know it compliments the Tren well for extra strength and weight gains - but aromatization and gyno concern me, as well as the crash when coming off cycle and possibly compounding the aggression factor... BUT, it'd take care of the on-cycle test supplementation that one would usually have to resort to moderate levels of HCG for, right?

    Looking to keep the cycle relatively short - about 6-7 weeks.


    PCT implications?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    stupid blend but it'll work
    age, stats, cycle history
    what else are you taking with it
    100mg eod would be fine for first time user
    50 is pretty darn low and the e will take awhile to build up
    you need need need test to go with that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBawb View Post
    Okay.. ta for that.. so no additional cutting agents needed!

    Stacking with Test-E - I know it compliments the Tren well for extra strength and weight gains - but aromatization and gyno concern me, as well as the crash when coming off cycle and possibly compounding the aggression factor... BUT, it'd take care of the on-cycle test supplementation that one would usually have to resort to moderate levels of HCG for, right?

    Looking to keep the cycle relatively short - about 6-7 weeks.


    PCT implications?
    don't use hcg in place of'll be more likely to get gyno then if you inject test

    6-7 weeks isn't a reasonable time frame

    you should be thinking 8-10 weeks on tren and running test e for 12-14 weeks
    something like that cause of the E

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Johannesburg, South Afric
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    stupid blend but it'll work
    age, stats, cycle history
    what else are you taking with it
    100mg eod would be fine for first time user
    50 is pretty darn low and the e will take awhile to build up
    you need need need test to go with that

    don't use hcg in place of'll be more likely to get gyno then if you inject test

    6-7 weeks isn't a reasonable time frame

    you should be thinking 8-10 weeks on tren and running test e for 12-14 weeks
    something like that cause of the E
    Aaahhh, finally - that's making more sense... thanks..

    25 - 5'11 - 225 lbs. No blood pressure issues.

    It's my first cycle... I've been using Reverzine and ECA stacks to cut fat, and been training solidly for nearly 5 months since resuming training.. experiencing very good size and strength increases, while having dropped a lot of body fat (had a huge gut when I started). I'm on about 18% bf at the moment, cutting down to 13/14% in the next 4 weeks before starting cycle.

    I've heard arguments from both sides of the fence - some advocating that Tren should under no circumstances be used on a first cycle, others saying that it has less side effects and negative implications than Test-E and would thus be a better compound to kick off with and also be great for burning fat while piling on a bit of size.. I'm figuring that seeing as I already have it, and being willing to give it a proper go, I might as well do it?

    Your cycle suggestion makes a lot of sense - especially considering that Test-E would work better than HCG during-cycle..

    Are there any supporting compounds like Nolvadex that should be taken on-cycle? And how would the PCT be best-structured? Is it affected at all by the fact that one's using both Test-E & Tren-E/A??

    Thanks for the input so far!
    Last edited by BillyBawb; 03-02-2009 at 12:38 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    if anything test only would be the way to go.. find a friend who wants that ummm, blend.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Are you guys referring to Tren Hex when you say a blended Tren?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Johannesburg, South Afric
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan121 View Post
    Are you guys referring to Tren Hex when you say a blended Tren?
    Nope - a 50/50 blend of Tren-Acetate and Tren-Enanthate.

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