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  1. #1
    ChewNails is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    plateaus, mma and gear

    Hey all,

    I've been doing a lot of reading. I really like the forum, it seems like the majority of members know what they're talking about.

    Anyways, I feel like i've hit a plateau when it comes to strength gains. Also, My bf% is around 12-13 and I'd like to get it below 10.

    Here's the catch, I need to be able to maintain my current weight (or only gain a couple lbs).

    I've read some good things about anavar . Also, I've read that test prop might not be bad as long as I keep the dosage low enough/week and stack it with eq. There was also a thread on this forum that spoke highly of masteron .

    Most of the reviews on the net about each type of steroid is geared towards the avg person who can afford to (or wants to) gain mass. I need to make weight, and therefore, I'd like to try something that would keep weight gains minimal. A few years ago, I took some old skool superdrol stuff and I gained approx 25lbs. So, my body is prone/capable of packing on tons of muscle and that can't happen with this new cycle.

    I don't want/need anything too crazy. I'd just like some help sifting through all of the info out there. What would a basic, simple cycle consist of that would fit my criteria?

  2. #2
    ChewNails is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009
    Some additional info:

    I walk around at approx 165-170. Before a fight I'll diet down to a steady 163 and then cut water weight to make 145lbs.

    Like I said, my bf% isn't as low as I'd like it to be. At approx. 13%bf, I could definitely stand to get down to 10%.

    This is one of those plateaus that I've hit. I train hard, twice a day. I eat clean. I think that the combination of my genetics and carb intake may be limiting my fat loss. I hate to cut my carb intake by too much because after a few sessions, I feel like garbage.

    Ummm... I think that's it.

  3. #3
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Try reading the compound profiles on steroid .com, also i would check out turinabol if i were you. Might give you the results your looking for. Its often taken by speed athletes. Something that would be good for an mma fighter. The east german woman who set the record for the 400m was using this stuff. As was the entire east german team. That record has stood for over 20 years. Most people on this board are gonna rip on you for doing a oral only, but if you really want the results you stated there isn't too many steroids that are going to do it. Another good thing about tbol is that your natural test levels will return to normal very quickly. In about a week they will be back and even have a rebound effect that will increase your levels past normal. This doesn't mean that you don't need to do pct, but you won't require as much.

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