when in the steroid profile section, when it says the dose and then ED afterwards: that means every other day?
when in the steroid profile section, when it says the dose and then ED afterwards: that means every other day?
eod=every other day
eod=every other day
ed=every day
ED= EveryDay
EOD= Every Other Day
so tren acetate needs to be shot every day?
yes 50-75mgs ed for 1st timers-dont forget test with it.
what would the results be if I took 1cc on mondays then again on thurs?
why would you want to do that when it clearly stats that you need to inject it every day?
I really only wanna hit twice a week. I was going to do 1cc cyp, 1cc deca, and 1cc tren on monday. then 1 cc cyp, 1cc tren on thursday. do that for ten weeks then finish the final two weeks with just cyp.
You really wont get the full effect of the compound. If it says ED then do it if it says EOD then do it.. This information is here for a reason and what you read is the right way to do it so i suggest following it unless you want to waste your gear. You will have much better results when using it as directed.. you are also risking more sides if you dont use it correctly . It all depends on the ester and half-life of whatever you are using. Short esters only stay active in your system for a short period of time which is why they require being shot more frequently. As opposed to longer estered compounds which obviously stay active in your system longer which is why you can get away with shooting them less frequently.
what are your stats bud?
if im wasting the tren I rather not do it of course
yeah stats please and what do you plan on doing for PCT?
i'm 26 6'3 205. this would be my fourth cycle.
I have nolvadex and chlomid for my pct's
I have 20cc cyp 250, 20cc tren150, 10cc deca 300. I'm a first time tren user
Bro, You won't be wasting the tren per se, but you def. won't be getting its full potential. It's all in the esters. Tren, prop, winny, they have short esters, which are fast acting. They enter and leave the system quicker. If you were to do prop alone for example, twice a week, you'll be throwing your hormones all over the place, Your goal is to maintain the gear in your system at a steady level. read about half lifes.
it has 50mg enanthate in it, doesnt that help with the half life?
That's what i was getting at, you wont see the full effects of the compound. Sorry for the confusion.
NO, but if you have never used tren before, the enanthate ester could cause you to suffer for a few extra weeks if you can't handle the sides and decide to stop
the purpose of the blend is so that you have the quick ester Kickstarting your gains while the enanthate ester builds up in your system
and if you are only gonna shoot 100mgs of Enanthate a week, then WHY BOTHER????
I know you hate to build cycles on here but please help, I just took my first dose this morning. I took 1cc cyp, 1cc decca, and 1/2cc tren. I thought I had this nailed down but I totally jumped the gun.
cut the tren out
weeks 1-12 500mgs cyp per week
weeks 1-10 40mmgs deca per week
nolva/clomid pct.
sorry, i missed the post that this is your fourth cycle
what were your previous cycles and doses
I have to agree, and just cut the tren out of this cycle for now
Do we have your bodyfat % and the length you want to run this cycle?
Week 1-10 Test Cyp 500mgs/week Two shots of 250 each Monday morning, and thursday night
Week 1-8 Deca 300 mgs/week shot with the test at 1/2 ml each shot
Week 1-8 Tren Blend 525 mgs/week shot EOD @ 150 mgs each shot
shoot on , Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and repeat
thats the best I can come up with Hope it helps
this is my fourth cycle, Ive always just done test and deca. My body reacts well to low doses and a clean diet. I'm 6'3 205, I would like gain lean muscle. I have plenty of nolvadex to run for over twelve weeks and 20 tabs of 50mg clomid. I know I can take the deca once per week, the cyp can be taken once a week but really should be done every five days. I planning on taking the deca (1cc) every monday the cyp 1cc monday 1/2 cc on thursday so I'd get 375 per week of it and 300 a week of the deca. how do I work in the tren? is it stupid to take a half of the cyp on thurs? I'm use to just taking everything once a week.
thats dammm good planing t-moss.^^^
thanks for that, should I get any special pct for the tren?
may be get some hcg if your running 2 19nors togeter.
500ius every 4th day weeks 7-11
I would have an AI on hand during the cycle, maybe some HCG to run during IF you want, and then definetly the Clomid and Nolva for PCT
PCT would start 18 days after last Test Cyp shot.
Hope this works out for your, thats the best I could salvage with what you said you have
Not optimum, but not too terrible either,
Keep us posted on your sides and results
also have adex on hand for gyno probs while on cycle ,people say nolva with 19nors is not a good idea as it can promote gyno-maybe t-moss can tell you more on this matter.
did we lose you there aseller???
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