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  1. #1
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    Injury during cycle!

    Two years ago I had severe back problems. I was on the verge of surgery when I got back into the gym and started training ever so slowly. The pain slowly went away and for the last two years has been very good.
    I had a good back workout Sunday afternoon. After coming up from a set of very light deadlifts I felt a small twinge in the my lower back. I was only doing 135lbs. I usually do 4 sets of 12 with this weight just to say that I did them. I wasn't pushing the limit or showing off one bit. I have done these both on and off cycle for years. The twinge was no big deal so I just wrote it off. Later that night my back felt strange.
    When I woke up yesterday morning and got out of bed my legs buckled on me. Then the pain hit me hard. The left side of my back is so ****ed up that I can barely walk up stairs right now. It's a throbbing nerve pain that shoots down my left leg. My left leg feels like it's burning. I can't even tie my shoes or get comfortable in any way shape or form. ****ED!
    There is no way that I can do any type of training like this. I can barely put any weight on my left foot without it sending a sharp pain from my foot all the way to the back of my head.
    I'm just entering week 4 of a Test E/Deca cycle. What the **** do I do now? Keep doses the same even though I won't be able to train? Cut caloric intake so I don't get fat? How long to I wait for it to get better before I throw in the towel and end the cycle and start pct?
    I'm trying to get in for an MRI today. It feels like a ruptured disk. **** I hope not!
    Can anyone make me feel any better about this?



  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    if its as bad as you make it seem to be and you cant lift then come off and start pct. i would wait for the mri though and see what the problem is because if its only a sprain or something not serious then you can just work around the pain
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    I'm hoping that it's not a disk but i've had back problems for years and have never felt pain like this. I hate taking 1 day off during a cycle. Now it looks like i'm going to be out of the gym for multiple days if not a week (s). Hopefully i'll be able to get an appt to be seen today and have the mri done.

    thanks man

  4. #4
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    may have pinched a nerve as well as popped your back out of alignment .it doesnt take much .a good chiropractor can work miracles.hope you feel better

  5. #5
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    I went to the Chiropractor this morning and she wouldn't do anything because of the condition i'm in. She told me to get an mri or at least an x-ray and then go back.
    I'm really concerned about being on Test/Deca and not being able to train. I don't want to lose the gains that i've made and I don't want to get fat while i'm waiting for my back to heal. Any advice on that?


  6. #6
    Nitro29's Avatar
    Nitro29 is offline Member
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    Almost sounds like sciatic nerve pain, I get that from timeto time and it hurts like a mother. Good luck bro.

  7. #7
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    You should Just come off and go into your PCT. No need to get this sorted out and not risk permanent damage if you havent suffered it already.

    Come off and PCT.

    IF muscle wasting is your main concern a TRT dose of test might help, might also look into running and oral compound as some of them are specifically designed to prevent muscle wasting.

    Good luck bro

  8. #8
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    Had the mri done and I'm awaiting the results. From everything the Dr said it sounds like a herniated disk which i've had before but never this bad.
    The pain has got slightly better since Sunday (the day it happened). Dr gave me muscle relaxants and painkillers and they are helping a lot.
    I'm just as thickheaded as anyone here so I did what came natural, I took some meds, cranked down my back brace and lifting belt and limped my way back into the gym. I did chest yesterday using strictly machines and made out ok. I did arms today and it also went as good as can be expected. My problem isn't doing the exercises it's moving the weights around. My friend has been going with me to load weights and spot me etc.
    I can't bend or twist at the waist without serious pain but as long as I keep that area mobilized I'm ok.
    I won't be able to do legs in any way shape or form for at least two weeks and any type of back exercise except maybe for hammer strength machine is definetly out. Other than that I can do most other exercises as long as I'm seated and mobilized.
    I can do a lot more than I thought I could and I feel a lot better about my situation. Cardio is out of the question for quite a while. I think i'm going to stay on my gear for now and hope that I continue to improve. I doubt i'll get 100% out of my cycle now but I think it will be better than stopping prematurely. What do you think?

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