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Thread: Winstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    Wuzzup all...I am thinking about picking up some Winstrol...I have underestimated it for a while because I didn't know about the benefits until now. My friend said that winstrol will really help me cut up yet gain mass/strength/speed at the same time. He said I should use it because I do throwing events (shotput, discus, hammer, javelin) in college and winstrol will increase my explosive power. What do you all think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Some test probably would'nt hurt. Winny alone isn't enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    So is it good for explosive power...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    anyone know if the stanazol from ttokkyo is cheaper than stanazolol? I am planning to do site injections with it...this is my cycle:

    EQ 400mg/week
    Test400 800mg/week
    Anadrol 100mg/day
    Winstrol 50mg/EOD
    Cytomel 2 pills/day
    Clen 4 pills/day
    Kyno 2cc's/EOD

    and I use 4 halo's before I do a heavy "Max" workout. What ya'll think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV

    Re: ttokyo

    Originally posted by SWOLL UP
    anyone know if the stanazol from ttokkyo is cheaper than stanazolol? I am planning to do site injections with it...this is my cycle:

    EQ 400mg/week
    Test400 800mg/week
    Anadrol 100mg/day
    Winstrol 50mg/EOD
    Cytomel 2 pills/day
    Clen 4 pills/day
    Kyno 2cc's/EOD

    and I use 4 halo's before I do a heavy "Max" workout. What ya'll think?
    Thats hardcore bro, that is going to throw on some serious weight. How many weeks of each are you runnin? and how much are you trying to gain?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Thats a serious cycle and coming from me who likes to hit AS hard I would think twice about that maybe you should lower the anadrol. But I would go for it your going to get fucking huge remeber the diet is the key

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    You did not say whether this was your first cycle, or if you think drug testing is possible (as well as the consequences). You can end up with some serious side effects as well as serious crashing post cycle. Damn bro I'd think real hard before starting any cycle but expecially one like this. You have potential liver damage from the anadrol to screwing up your thyroid if you don't taper the cytomel. Plus the gyno etc. I'm sure you know this but I just want you to think about this...if you're competeing at the college level then how much farther do you think the gear will take you in your sport and what will it do for you later? Just a few additional thoughts for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    You can drink Winny??????? hehe

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    Good luck with site injecting the winny it is thick thick thick and will have problems going through even a 23 gauge. Also winny will not increase strength or explosive power anymore than any other steroid. In fact other steroids will do this job better

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Jersey

    winny & explosive power

    I think the best you can say for winy is that it will give you endurance and works while dropping weight. In my expreience it DOES NOT increase power anywhere like Test/Anadrol/Dbol, etc... The Ttokkio Stanol V is OK. Got to boot it prety much every day though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    any photos of real RWR Stanazol?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I would also like to know how long you intend on running each AS

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Miami, USA
    remember Ben Johnson , who beat Carl Lewis in the 88olimpics and shattered the world record. well remember then when they suspended him band took away the gold meddal and gave it to Carls Lewis. well . the subtance they found was Stanazolol.!!!!!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    But that doesn't mean that Winny contributed 100% to Ben Johnson's record. It just means he was detected to have used Winny. I have read where he was using GH as well. There has been some famous sprinters such as Gail Devers who have used it in their prime time (keep in mind GH can't be detected in tests).

    Originally posted by Dan32
    remember Ben Johnson , who beat Carl Lewis in the 88olimpics and shattered the world record. well remember then when they suspended him band took away the gold meddal and gave it to Carls Lewis. well . the subtance they found was Stanazolol.!!!!!


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Unhappy Yikes....

    Ouch...just looking at that makes my liver swollen. That is a serious stack bro, especially with the A-bombs and T-3.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hope that isn't your first cycle bro, looks serious. You can fuck yourself up pretty easy with all this shit. If you don't have some serious cycles behind you, I would reconsider!

  18. #18
    that is a good cycle...
    bump the test up to the anadrol for first 4 weeks and winstrol last 4 weeks everyday with 75mg of tren added ed for last 4 weeks ...taper the cytomel up to 125mcg then down...and you have the summer cycle i like to do....pass on the halo...
    be careful with this much gear and get some lab work done before during and after the cycle.....

  19. #19
    i do 12 week cycles , forgot to mention how long i run big cycles....

  20. #20

    Winny = bad cramps & no flexibility

    I find that Winny causes some bad cramping. I have to think about how I move before I do otherwise I end up in some major pain.

    I also find that it really cuts down on my flexbility. Makes your joints hurt too. The test and EQ should prevent the joint pain though.

    What I find bizare about Winny is that I always get strong with it, but I always feel "fragile". It doesn't really cut you up either ... well it doesn't burn fat, you just hold less water so you look harder and tighter. It's my fav though. I find that it makes anything other "supplement" work better

    Be very careful with the cytomel. I can't remember what the optimal levels of T3 are, but you have to make sure you taper up and taper back down. Even then you're natural T3 can be suppressed for something like 8 weeks. I think the longer you taper down the better. Plus it can eat away your muscle if you end up taking too much.

    Unless you find some way to measure you T3 levels you're flying blind and I don't recommend doing it.

    .... with that in mind I'm currently doing a cycle of T3. I'm taking 75 mcg / day at the moment and plan on starting to taper down next week. I charted my body temp prior to starting (first thing in the morning). From what I've read an optimal temperature reading should be between 97.8 to 98.2. Below that and you most likely have low levels of T3 (no way to know for sure unless you get a blood test).

    My average temp was about 96.5 and dropped to 95.5 when I got into my diet. With the T3 I hit 97.5, sometimes 98. I've also dropped 10 pounds and kept my strength so far.

    What dosage are you cytomel tabs?

  21. #21
    alevok Guest
    winny is perfect for cutting not for adding strenght and mass.

  22. #22
    Not adding strength? Whaaat? I got strong as FUK on a winny only cycle. 50 mg ED

  23. #23
    Originally posted by quartermiler
    Not adding strength? Whaaat? I got strong as FUK on a winny only cycle. 50 mg ED
    Me too, but I don't think it works that way for everyone. What I like about V is that I get strong without getting puffy.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Halo's are the bomb, but they are hard to find and expensive. I took Halo's for 4 weeks at 25mg/day and my strentgh increased alot and got really vasculiar and hard. I love that shit....gotta watch the liver though.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Who is resurrecting these old posts? This one was from November of 2001. I am pretty sure he did his cycle already... It’s one thing to go to the archives to do some research, but leave it there… !

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    i got so much stronger when i just ran 50mg zambons eod

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