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  1. #1
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    Fellas! Help Me Peak In 6 Weeks

    Glad I found this place. Knowledge is king. Im not looking for monstrous gains and have had taken deca , equipoise , winny and tren in the past very moderately and get the exact gains I want. I keep the dose low, about 300mg a week. Right now Ive been on Equipoise for 3 weeks and an trying to peak out for a vacation in mid april. I am way sensitive to gyno and this is my major concern. So being 6 weeks out how do I plan for the peak? I have tren and winny on hand too. I also have an over the counter PCT HMG by American Cell Labs. This is all thats available to me. In the past I would quit the cycle 2 weeks before I wanted to peak and be good. Well with a small time window Im wondering should I keep going through my vacation, stop 2 weeks before and take the HMG or keep going with the cycle and take the HMG 2 weeks before the vacation. Thanks for any help guys.

  2. #2
    HuntMan's Avatar
    HuntMan is offline Associate Member
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    Never any test? not really recommended to run a cylce without test as a base.
    And OTC stuff is not dosed or even close to what you should have. There is tons wrong with what your doin?
    Hows your diet?

  3. #3
    HuntMan's Avatar
    HuntMan is offline Associate Member
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    and EQ is usually recommended at doses around 500mg/wk for at least 12 weeks. Sometimes people recommend longer up to 16 weeks. If you go on vaccation in six weeks, thats only nine weeks of an EQ only cylce?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    To be honest, dont take anything to peak, do it via diet and cardio and not something what is going to cause you to shutdown and go through a PCT while on holiday, also if the goal is just for peaking for hols i wouldnt waste your time or money.

  5. #5
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    Diet is on. Ive been doing for maybe 10 years. Never done test as I dont want to blow up. Im 35 years old. Ive never done pct but actually had to have gyno removed from both sides. 5'7 180. I can say Im blessed with descent genetics. People think Im on even while taking prohormones. Thanks for the time to help bro.

  6. #6
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    So are you saying I should continue on taking the eq. Also should I mix the Winny in there towards the end?

  7. #7
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Doing what for 10yrs?

    You should always use test, when you cycle. And you will have better results when you know what a pct is and how to use it.

  8. #8
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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  9. #9
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    To be honest, dont take anything to peak, do it via diet and cardio and not something what is going to cause you to shutdown and go through a PCT while on holiday, also if the goal is just for peaking for hols i wouldnt waste your time or money.
    agreed :-)
    PCT is very important...otherwise u will loose most of your gains...and risk of gyno....
    Read in PCT thread why PCT is VERY important.

  10. #10
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    EQ without pct.....yikes. Dunno why ppl do this to themselves.

    Keep reading budy. Hopefully you'll scare yourself into getting some anti-e and AI.

    Yea, you'll probably look good for your vacation.....I hope your not planning on anything after that......playing with fire here.

  11. #11
    honda450's Avatar
    honda450 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah this is pretty stupid. going on vacation with a limp pen15... :P

    Run Test always with something like that, even a low dose around 250-300/week.

  12. #12
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    Would I be better off switching to tren and not take the eq? Taking test is not an option for me.

  13. #13
    Ayz's Avatar
    Ayz is offline Junior Member
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    hows your diet? if its not spot on and deadly, dont bother

  14. #14
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    My diet is spot on. I eat clean pretty much year round. Is there anything I can takeover the counter that would help stimulate mynatural test? I have Novedex XT. Would this help.

  15. #15
    Ayz's Avatar
    Ayz is offline Junior Member
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    Revive by BodyFuel is the best natural test booster ive ever used. They also have a product called Showdown which is the same exact thing but it has formastain (sp?) in it.

  16. #16
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Why is test not an option? And hows it coming finding those anti-e and ai?

    I wouldn't stop the eq now that you've started it. My suggestion would be to finish out your cycle. Eat right and workout hard, but most importantly do your PCT. next time do some more research and try to secure some test so you can increase your results and decrease your sides.

  17. #17
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    I dont want to do test because Ive never done it and afraid it might interfear with what I do for a living. Ive also been very happy with the minimal gains Ive made in the past with Eq, deca and Tren . Ive got pretty good shape so i just want a minimal boost but a very lean look. I just talked to a guy who can probably get Nov. Truley guys I appreciate the input and will take it all constructively. So I should stick the equipoise out? Should I add the winny before my trip to dry out? Should I take that over the counter PCT before my trip? Also Ihave the Novadex XT by Gaspari. Should I take that to boost my natural levels?

  18. #18
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    its a very rare occasion to hear someone whos done tren but wont do test.

  19. #19
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Well for those types of results you might as well look into Tbol. Most of the guys here will tell you your wasting your time if your not doing test. I agree to an extent, but i also understand people are always going to use juice for cosmetic purposes. So finish up this cycle. Next time reconsider the test, and if not check out Turinabol . One of the few compounds I would every consider running by itself.....besides test.

  20. #20
    Nizz is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys.

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