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Thread: Advice

  1. #1
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    whats up guys i have a few ?s for you all. I know your probably going to tell me to re think but i'm kind of limited to what i can get. so here it goes.
    22y/0 6ft 180lbs BF 10% experience lifting would be around 8 years so i figured. been serious for the last 4. my previous threads were all estimated and now these are the hard facts. wanna run my first cycle ever with in the next couple days. As of right now i have 40cc or sus 250 and 30qty-75mg anabol.

    week 1-4 75mg anadbol e/d
    week 1-12 500mg e/w inject every 3rd day
    pct clomid and hopefully nolva on hand. thats what i'm waiting on.

    anyways what do you guys think about this.

  2. #2
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    too early to cycle. at 180 you have a ways to go.

    that being said 75mg anabol/day is too much

    and wait untill you get your Nolva.

    what ancillaries do you have should any problems on cycle arise?

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    well, you are not gonna like what I have to say

    you should work on your diet before you start any steroid cycle because at 6' and ONLY 180 lbs, you could easily put on another 20-25 lbs NATURALLY

    which means your diet is OFF and an off diet is no good with steroids . the gains you may make you will most likely lose after the cycle

    First cycles should be limited to ONE compound, no need for the dbol in this cycle, and you have it dosed way too high for even an experienced user

    Sust is a blend of test with 4 different esters, long and short. you need to inject according to the shortest ester in order to keep your blood levels stable to reduce side effects

    So sust needs to be injected EOD not twice a week

    SO, that is what I think, but I am sure you will be like every other newbie and want to jump on the steroids before you are ready anyway RIGHT???

  4. #4
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    i guess i'm confused with the ancillaries ? what do you mean. what else will i be running?
    As for the 75mg being to much. kinda of limited to what i can get. i tried to get dbol but thats is hit or miss. one day people have it the next they don't.

    should i run nolva at the same time of cycle?

    what about the sus? i know everyone prefers test E or what not but is the sus going ot be just as good. a lot of people i've talked to say it gives your gyno but what doesn't?

    have a lot of ?s for your seniors. thanks ahead guys

  5. #5
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    No. i wanna do it right. i didn't put all this time and money in for nothing. i don't like to half ass anything. just the way i am. so what dose are you saying for the sus then if i inject EOD? any i've already gained 40lbs. i was 140 when i was 19. so i've been at this stage for a few years now. can't seem to get past it.

  6. #6
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    i guess i'm confused with the ancillaries ? what do you mean. what else will i be running?

    what will you have on hand incase of side effects?

    As for the 75mg being to much. kinda of limited to what i can get. i tried to get dbol but thats is hit or miss. my understanding is that anabol is dbol. one day people have it the next they don't.

    should i run nolva at the same time of cycle?
    no but you should have enough to

    what about the sus? i know everyone prefers test E or what not but is the sus going ot be just as good. a lot of people i've talked to say it gives your gyno but what doesn't?

    It is fine but needs to be shot EOD.

    have a lot of ?s for your seniors. thanks ahead guys

    answers in bold.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    i guess i'm confused with the ancillaries ? what do you mean. what else will i be running?
    As for the 75mg being to much. kinda of limited to what i can get. i tried to get dbol but thats is hit or miss. one day people have it the next they don't.

    should i run nolva at the same time of cycle?

    what about the sus? i know everyone prefers test E or what not but is the sus going ot be just as good. a lot of people i've talked to say it gives your gyno but what doesn't?

    have a lot of ?s for your seniors. thanks ahead guys
    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    No. i wanna do it right. i didn't put all this time and money in for nothing. i don't like to half ass anything. just the way i am. so what dose are you saying for the sus then if i inject EOD? any i've already gained 40lbs. i was 140 when i was 19. so i've been at this stage for a few years now. can't seem to get past it.

    Sust is the same as test E.....TEST IS TEST...the difference is the ester attached. the ester is what holds the test in the suspension and determines the delivery time in your body.

    sust has 4 different ester, so you have test being delivered at 4 different times, this can be a pain as the goal is to keep your blood levels stable. to do that with sust, you have to inject EOD

    Test E, is a SINGLE long ester, meaning to keep blood levels stable you only need to inject it Twice a week

    that is why it is prefered for new users, less injecting, better blood levels

    anabol, and dbol are the same thing.....cut your pills in half and in half again, so you have quarters. BUT you dont' need them with sust, since sust has short esters that will kick in quicker and like I said you should only use ONE compound for your first cycle

    if you can't get past a sticking point in your weight, then your diet needs fixed first.

    the steroids will keep until you are ready

  8. #8
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    No. i wanna do it right. i didn't put all this time and money in for nothing. i don't like to half ass anything. just the way i am. so what dose are you saying for the sus then if i inject EOD? any i've already gained 40lbs. i was 140 when i was 19. so i've been at this stage for a few years now. can't seem to get past it.
    Good job on the 40lbs but you now have another 40 to go. Rome wasnt built in a day. you have alot of work ahead of you before jumping into a cycle. if your diet isnt sufficient enough to take you past 180, what are steroids gonna do?

  9. #9
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    typo sorry. anadrol . NOT anabol. anyways well what would i need for side effects. and what side effects are you refering to? what dose are you saying for the sus EOD. 250 mg?

  10. #10
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    typo sorry. anadrol . NOT anabol. anyways well what would i need for side effects. and what side effects are you refering to? what dose are you saying for the sus EOD. 250 mg?
    this is where research comes in my friend.

  11. #11
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    true story about rome and the work i have ahead of me. i was aware of the sus being 4 compounds. i guess i was just unsure after asking the same type of ? a while ago and getting the answer that sus was pretty much no good because it was advanced and test E was better. even though sus has test E as 1 of the 4. as for the anadrol . should i not even try to jump start the sus? just run the sus and then let nature take its course

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    typo sorry. anadrol. NOT anabol. anyways well what would i need for side effects. and what side effects are you refering to? what dose are you saying for the sus EOD. 250 mg?
    so, no matter what we say, you are going to go ahead with this cycle right?

    Nolva or Arimidex for on hand during the cycle in case of gyno

    side effects include

    high blood pressure
    elevated estrogen
    man boobies

    It will convert to the female hormone estrogen (via a mechanism known as aromatization) by the (you guessed it) aromatize enzyme. Excessive estrogen can lead to unwanted side effects, such as acne, the growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia ), fat gain and reduced fat breakdown, loss of sex drive, testicular shrinkage and water retention. Water retention can increase blood pressure weakening blood vessels over time. Unfortunately, this isn’t all it does…it can also interact with the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. This interaction converts the testosterone to Dihydro-testosterone (DHT), a more androgenic form of the parent hormone. DHT has a high binding affinity to the tissues of the scalp resulting in hair loss in loss in users who suffer from male pattern baldness. DHT can affect the prostate as well, making it larger. This swelling can cause the gland to press against the bladder causing urinary problems. Drugs called 5alpha-reductase inhibitors can prevent these symptoms without blocking testosterone’s anabolic effects.(8) Higher dosages of test can also negatively impact cholesterol, lowering HDL(9)

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    no, you don't want to use 250 EOD, if you have amps, you will need to preload 2 syringes and recap and save one so you can do 125 mgs EOD and that will roughly be 430 mgs/week

  14. #14
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    copy. i understand what exactly you were talking about now. the gynocomastia is why people were telling me to stay away from the sus. don't most AAS have these sides?

    to answer your ? about me still going ahead and doing the cycle. that is a no. i wanna read a lil more and do what i can and be ready for the ride. plus might be getting a drug test here soon. its for a gov. job so they will test for it. already been told.

  15. #15
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    copy. i understand what exactly you were talking about now. the gynocomastia is why people were telling me to stay away from the sus. don't most AAS have these sides?

    to answer your ? about me still going ahead and doing the cycle. that is a no. i wanna read a lil more and do what i can and be ready for the ride. plus might be getting a drug test here soon. its for a gov. job so they will test for it. already been told.
    yes, most steroids can cause gyno !! that is why you need to take proper precautions before, during , adn most importantly after the cycle

    What you need to keep in mind is that when you add large amounts of artificial hormones in your body, your body signals for its own hormones to shut down , so you are messing with your entire HPTA and you have to be ready to be the doctor of your body and know what to do to get your levels back where they are supposed to be

    the body does this normally on its own, but taking steroids shuts it down and you have to know how to start it back up or that is when the life long problems begin
    Last edited by T-MOS; 03-05-2009 at 02:30 AM.

  16. #16
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    ok. and as for the acne i already have a lil so i'm assuming i'm gonna become a pimple myself. lol. IF and When i do run. i'm not sure if anyone answered my ? about taking the anadrol along with it. No or yeah. maybe for only a 2 weeks instead of the 4?

  17. #17
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    ok. and as for the acne i already have a lil so i'm assuming i'm gonna become a pimple myself. lol. IF and When i do run. i'm not sure if anyone answered my ? about taking the anadrol along with it. No or yeah. maybe for only a 2 weeks instead of the 4?
    yes your question was answered when I stated first cycles should be ONE compound only !! adding anadrol would be another compound

    I would say NO, but you want to use it, so you need to read up on the drug profiles and see how best to use it , two weeks would be a waste, 4 weeks would be the minimum

  18. #18
    EZmoney is offline New Member
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    ok. thanks T-Mos. much appreciated. i just wanted to make sure i was somewhere in the ball park. and i was but in the outfield.

  19. #19
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZmoney View Post
    ok. thanks T-Mos. much appreciated. i just wanted to make sure i was somewhere in the ball park. and i was but in the outfield.
    LOLOL good least you are mature enough to admit it. there is hope for you little grasshopper.....

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