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  1. #1
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Finishing first (low dose) cycle. Do I need PCT?

    I am just finishing my first cycle. I have been doing 5 mg d-bol pills in following doses:

    Week 1…………….2 a day
    Week 2 + 3………...4 a day
    Week 4 + 5 + 6…….6 a day
    Week 7 + 8…………4 a day
    Week 9 + 10 ………2 a day

    My friend who advised me on this cycle told me that due to small dose, I don’t need to do any PCT. Is this right?

    In addition, he advised me to take 6 week break after the cycle and after the break to use Winsdrol (oral). Is this right?

    Thank you for replies.

  2. #2
    wrathchild212 is offline Associate Member
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    well pct is always not a bad idea to take man..

    u can use a little stronger cycle after this cycle..and y all orals??

  3. #3
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrathchild212 View Post
    well pct is always not a bad idea to take man..

    u can use a little stronger cycle after this cycle..and y all orals??
    Yes, all are orals. I was a little bit scared of doing injections... But I read many articles about oral vs injections. And I plan to do injections in my following cycles in order not to damage my liver.

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Next time you see your friend, punch him square in the face!!!

    He is an idiot. What are your stats? age, height, weight, bf%, cycle history?

    You absolutely need a pct....and you should have only done 4 weeks of dbol . You need to have blood work done also.

    Do not do another cycle until you learn and research alot. time on + pct= time off.

  5. #5
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    You will need a PCT coming off any cycle as you will be shut down.

  6. #6
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Next time you see your friend, punch him square in the face!!!

    He is an idiot. What are your stats? age, height, weight, bf%, cycle history?

    You absolutely need a pct....and you should have only done 4 weeks of dbol . You need to have blood work done also.

    Do not do another cycle until you learn and research alot. time on + pct= time off.
    My friend was a professional bodybuilder who was competing a lot and was quite successful so I assumed that his recommendations are right…however I am not sure if his recommendations are based on in-depth research….

    Age: 26
    Height: 185 cm (6 feet)
    Weight: 90 kg (198 pounds)
    Bf: 20%
    Cycle history: first cycle (started 8 weeks ago)

    What is blood work?

    When should I start pct and what kind of pct do you recommend?

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayJay001 View Post
    My friend was a professional bodybuilder who was competing a lot and was quite successful so I assumed that his recommendations are right…however I am not sure if his recommendations are based on in-depth research….

    Age: 26
    Height: 185 cm (6 feet)
    Weight: 90 kg (198 pounds)
    Bf: 20%
    Cycle history: first cycle (started 8 weeks ago)

    What is blood work?

    When should I start pct and what kind of pct do you recommend?
    You should start PCT NOW !!

    dbol only is a terrible cycle...I find it hard to believe a real "pro" bodybuilder would sugget that. What kind of pro is he? NPC? IFBB?

    how much did you gain off this cycle?
    do you have moon face? look bloated?

    Most of the weight gain from Dbol is just water retention that you will lose as soon as you stop taking it

    Blood work is where you go to the doctor and tell him you need all your levels checked to see if you are back to normal yet

    dbol will shut down your natural test, so you need PCT to get it back up and running, or you may have problems like estrogen build up which could cause man boobies, diminished libido, no erections....sounds like fun huh? did your pro bodybuilder tell you about any of that???

  8. #8
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I am sorry, your friend pointed you in the wrong direction. But you can learn from this experience and you will be okay.

    Did you start with that bf%? If so, it's to high to start a cycle of any kind.

    You can go to you doctor and ask him for a complete physical and as for a blood work up. If he asks, why, you can either be up front(best choice in my opinion) or lie and say it's been a while and for a piece of mind.

    Do nolva/clomid or aromasin for 4 weeks. Nolva 40/30/20/20 clomid 50/50/30/20. Did you take milk thistle on cycle?

  9. #9
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Hey T-Mos!!! I was wondering if you were lerking.

  10. #10
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    I am sorry, your friend pointed you in the wrong direction. But you can learn from this experience and you will be okay.

    Did you start with that bf%? If so, it's to high to start a cycle of any kind.

    You can go to you doctor and ask him for a complete physical and as for a blood work up. If he asks, why, you can either be up front(best choice in my opinion) or lie and say it's been a while and for a piece of mind.

    Do nolva/clomid or aromasin for 4 weeks. Nolva 40/30/20/20 clomid 50/50/30/20. Did you take milk thistle on cycle?

    6 months ago, my bf was much higher because I could not exercise due to my knee injury. After the surgery and rehab I started to exercise quite hardly 5 times a week of weight lifting and 3 -4 times a week of spinning. I lost 15 kg - 33 pounds of fat in 3 months. My bf is still going down (20% was 1 months ago and now it is surely less)

    I am going to doctor tomorrow and will ask him to do the blood work and I will get some pct asap.

    I usually have 1L (2.1 pints) of milk every day.

    What do you recommend me for the second cycle and how long break between cycles should I have?

  11. #11
    10nispro's Avatar
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    consider this as a learning experience and not a cycle. That way, you will have a fresh start.

    time on(8 weeks) + pct(4weeks) = time off(12weeks) before next cycle. Take this time to learn and research on here. There is lots of information and guys on here that know way more than most doctors dream of knowing.

    Next cycle should be test e or c only. 500mg/wk. injection 250mg/2x's/wk Monday/Thursday. Nolva/clomid or aromasin for pct.

  12. #12
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Also, you buddy should have never started you on a cycle with that high of bf%. You were asking for problems.

    Look through the diet forum and find a diet that seems to fit your needs and goals. Get your diet in check, while on pct and that's one process you want have to worry about while on cycle. Need to get your bf% around 15%or16%

  13. #13
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    You should start PCT NOW !!

    dbol only is a terrible cycle...I find it hard to believe a real "pro" bodybuilder would sugget that. What kind of pro is he? NPC? IFBB?

    how much did you gain off this cycle?
    do you have moon face? look bloated?

    Most of the weight gain from Dbol is just water retention that you will lose as soon as you stop taking it

    Blood work is where you go to the doctor and tell him you need all your levels checked to see if you are back to normal yet

    dbol will shut down your natural test, so you need PCT to get it back up and running, or you may have problems like estrogen build up which could cause man boobies, diminished libido, no erections....sounds like fun huh? did your pro bodybuilder tell you about any of that???

    Your email is terrifying. I will probably punch my friend to the face!

    No moon face and don't look bloated.

    With what should I combine d bol?

  14. #14
    JayJay001 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Also, you buddy should have never started you on a cycle with that high of bf%. You were asking for problems.

    Look through the diet forum and find a diet that seems to fit your needs and goals. Get your diet in check, while on pct and that's one process you want have to worry about while on cycle. Need to get your bf% around 15%or16%
    Is the body fat really so important? if so, could you please explain why?

  15. #15
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayJay001 View Post
    Your email is terrifying. I will probably punch my friend to the face!

    No moon face and don't look bloated.

    With what should I combine d bol?
    Quote Originally Posted by JayJay001 View Post
    Is the body fat really so important? if so, could you please explain why?

    Because dbol is suppressive, it will shut down your natural Test so you need to supplement that with Test injections

    Higher bodyfat causes more health risks

    more water retention is harder on the heart
    high blood pressure
    more risks for Gyno (man boobies)

    this it the one and only body you get, don't screw it up just because a friend said it would be ok !!

    you came to the right place if you are willing to listen

    We have no vested interest in you except that we want to keep you healthy and not give steroid use a bad name

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