In your opinion what is the best oral to use for bulking? Does it need to be stacked with something else?
In your opinion what is the best oral to use for bulking? Does it need to be stacked with something else?
You should always be stacking with test and never consider orals alone.
X2? what is that? never heard of it.
He's agreeing with me
Whats wrong with an oral only cycle??? Literally thousands have done oral only for a 1st cycle and the educated, dedicated ones made some great gains and kept most of them, including me. Dbol for 6wks is a good intro into the world of aas and always will be, how you can say you should never run orals alone is just narrow mindedness.
Johhny. are the orals too harsh on your system to do alone?
well it will not be my first cycle. I am doing my 5th shot today of a test cyp cycle. So far nothing has happened on this cycle. my problem is my wife does not know so i inject over at a friends house but he is getting transferred to chicago so im screwed on my injections.
Youe test c is gunna take about 5-6 weeks to kick in and really feel the effect.
turinabol or methyltrienolone maybe...
you answered my question.
If you are going to do gear, then you need to learn to inject yourself. Yes, it can be scary, but it really is easy and becomes easier with each injection.
BTW, what is your proposed cycle, now? How much per week and when do you inject and how often. If you are doing 2 times per week. Then it hasn't been long enough for the gear to kick in. Sounds like you need to do some research.
If hes already injecting I see no reason to not.
I see your point too mate, but stranegly enough i remember an increase in libido. But i'm def in agreement that it will supress your HPTA.
Sounds contradictory but i'm not the only one who's experienced this.
Maybe it's the exception rather than the rule, be interesting to hear if anyone else has experienced this.
I am injecting 2 times per week. All im saying is it will be hard to find the time to do it at my own house with my wife and kids there. Thats why i was wondering about orals. A hell of a lot easier to pop a pill then to be in the bathroom injecting.
wow, really?? and you don't know that this boards SOP and advice is to never run an oral only cycle..
1000's have logged on here looking and asking if they can drink winny too, we get sooooooo many...
The accepted, and best advised coarse to use is a test only for a 1st cycle.. there are many boards out there that also give advice to teenage children that want to take steroids.. we don't allow that either..
get the idea??
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
Is this one of Ross's accounts.???
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A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
I just wanted to know about an oral only cycle for a second or third or so on and so on. Not a first cycle.
Here we go, i get bloods done on all my blasts which include orals and my LFT's have always been within normal range and iv'e been doing this for more years than i care to remember.
I can post study upon study that uses drol at 50mg ED for 26-39wks with no clinical adverse effects on the liver.
I just pointed out that thousands of ppl have ran oral only cycle with no problems and have made good gains that were keepable.
That's a little off topic bud.
Secondly, I agree with LATS. lots of people run oral only cycles. I know people that only run PH with orals. Yes it is tough on the liver, but if you do not drink alcohol, and you use milk-thistle / evening primrose oil, I see no issues. Sometimes injects are just not an option, and thus there are alternative routes.
This argument just makes me think about people who believe that sustanon does not work if it's injected twice a week.
It seems to me that somewhere here and in other threads we need to reach some common ground. We get 20 year olds who ask for cycle advice, some will give them a cycle a some will tell them their to young. We have people asking about oral only cycles, some will say its ok and some will say its not. We have first timers wanting first cycle advice, some will tell them to run test only and some will tell them to add this or that..
Whats happening guys? Because if its hurting my fuvking head reading all this then god only knows how the newbies feel. I know we all have different views but do you realise how damn confusing it is? Maybe i should just stay in the lounge..
That's because this poster is NOT on his first cycle. He HAS done injections before. And he clearly wants to take another route.
Everyone on this forum portrays oral only cycles as suicide, when realistically they are not. Do you guys actually think that taking test while taking an oral like d-bol is healthier for you? NO, IT'S NOT. D-bol is still harming your liver in any case.
Many, many AAS users do not even use test. And they're still running proper cycles.
I give up...
Thanks, love the common sense approach, mix it up with what we have learn't through experience, throw in a little knowledge of how hormones and the body react and you end with sensible posts.
It's good to see opinions where ppl have actually thought about what they are saying rather than regurgitating rubbish they read or heard someone else say.
PS, appologies OP, back on topic. Yes it's fine if thats what you want to try.
I will try not repeat what others have already said here and in the past on this subject.. My reasons for agreeing come from real life experience, ive stacked orals only and suffered for it. I have a friend who stacked orals for years ( ok in large doses) and has had serious liver problems.
So now your saying you know the op on a personal leavel??? You think it is ok then to tell some that its ok and others that its not??
Besides this you are missing my point altogether. As i said before ive read three different threads and in all three the advice given is conflicting, WHY??
If there isnt common ground here then hell i shall tell the next sixteen year old to use as much tren as he can, we can tell all those people that winny will get rid of that 40% body fat and no, theres no need to even go to the gym..
wow. i didnt think this post was going to get this heated.
i dont reccomend it but if ur gonna be thick headed make sure to take "liv-52"
is that remark to me?
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