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Thread: Does EVERY GOOD JUICE shut you down?

  1. #1

    Does EVERY GOOD JUICE shut you down?

    It seems everything good shuts you down.

    Dbol, Deca, Winny, EQ, Test etc.

    I want to take a light cycle to use as a catalyst for my already "naturally elevated test levels" but everything I look at shut you down and needs HCG or clomid at the end of the treatment.

    Id love to just do a nice, light EQ or Deca cycle and not have to worry about my test shutting down. You feel me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Deca is the worst choice as far as HPTA shutdown.

  3. #3
    I like this question, wanna find out too...I think eq may be ok, but you need it for 10-12 weeks to have it be effective, and in that time, it will shut you down...Test shuts you down too, and Im not sure if I like it cause of that...I dont want to shut myself down again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Things like insulin, IGF-1, and HGH can be used but of course they have their own risk to reward ratio.

  5. #5
    What kind of dBol dosage are we talking? 30mg in the morning or just 10mg? Also, what can you do to make those gains more solid cuz I know dbol gains are mostly bloat.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by FLEX_NuTz
    What kind of dBol dosage are we talking? 30mg in the morning or just 10mg? Also, what can you do to make those gains more solid cuz I know dbol gains are mostly bloat.
    there would be little or no gains in this way, it is used for bridging. imo bridging with dbol is one of the stupidist things to hit bodybuilding.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Actually, if your gonna use ANY AAS to bridge, it should be 10mg AM dbol.

    Its the one that will suppress HPTA the least. Var and Primo's half lives are too long to be effective.

    The most effective bridge would be a Slin/GH bridge. Neither affect HPTA recovery, and will allow you to continue some gains. Ive read of people gaining some serious strength on this bridge. So its worth a shot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Don't do equipoise, it is a myth that it is okay to do without shutting down. It took me 4 months for my nuts to go back to normal after a cycle of equipoise. I would suggest anavar, Light D-bol, and 1 test prop shot at the beginning of every week. (or test enenthate at 1 shot every 2 weeks) Look this up by yourself and see how it works so well. No one else will suggest this but this physiologically works.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Primobolan Depot, Andriol and Anavar in moderate dosages are less likely to shut you down. And ancillary treament starts to move toward the optional area.

    Even though it is mild, Equipoise DOES cause a shut down of endogenous testosterone. So Clomid would be wise to run with it - especially if ran over 8 weeks as recommended for this AAS.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    True, some AAS will shut you down less than others.

    But the whole point of coming off is recover HPTA function. "Bridging" with AAS makes no sense, since no matter what you use, you will keep yourself from recovering completely. And you still will make very little, if any, gains.

    The whole idea of bridging with AAS just seems ridiculous, though I have been guilty of doing it myself. However, I will never again bridge with AAS, and only plan on using Slin, GH and plenty of Glutamine, Ribose and Creatine. In fact, taking Rib+Creatine+Glutamine+Slin post workout while off should do wonders for keeping mass and strength.

    Again, I must reiterate, alot of homework needs to be done before one can consider the use of Slin on any level.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The very nature of AS are compounds that mimic natural testosterone. Your body senses this and shuts down it's own production. Granted some are harsher than others (deca fcked me up good) but the very chemical nature of the drugs will shut you down. Just do you HCG and Clomid.

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