Supp bros, got a couple questions for ya. Im about to start my 5th week of my cycle of TTDeca300mg/TTtestenanth400mg/RefB37.5mg and Im up to 216 from 190. My first question, is it posssible that all of that weight is from the dbol, or is it more likely my test enanth or deca has kicked in some? Reason I ask is before I started I had some reasons to believe my liquids were fake but I knew the dbol was real, so Im trying to find reasons to believe my liquids are real. Also my sex drive is way up so maybe thats from the test e or could that also be from the dbol? Gained about 50lbs on the bench and 75lbs on my squats. My deca 300mg bottle of deca is much thicker than my 200mg bottles of test, makes sense and also leads me to believe its real. No adverse affects from injections besides soreness and stinging from the test (no sting from deca) so thats good to I think. Im about ready to come off the dbol but not until I know the liquids are working. Oh ya, one more question, I did thighs and calves tonight and its time for my 1st shot of the week. Is it ok to inject into sore muscles? It seems like everytime I inject into my thighs it takes forever for the muscles to recover from workouts.