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Thread: Planning 4th cycle today

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic

    Planning 4th cycle today

    I like this cycle i'm on now. It's in my signature line down there. I want to plan the next cycle this week and start gathering juice.

    I'm thinking I could do essentially the same thing with a few enhancements. I want to make it a teeny bit stronger and add a d-bol jump start and some winnie. How about:

    Week 1-10 Eq 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Deca 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Sus 500 mg/wk
    Weeks 1-7 D-bol 20 mg/day
    Weeks 12-14 Win 50mg/EOD
    Weeks 13-15 HCG 1000iu/EOD
    Weeks 15-18 Nolvadex 25mg/day
    Weeks 1-15 Arimidex 1mg/EOD

    The first 3 are essentially the same thing as my current cycle but a teeny bit stronger since it's 3 juices instead of 2 and deca is a tad stronger than EQ.

    The questions are:

    (1) is 250mg/wk each of deca and EQ going to be more powerful than 500mg/wk of just EQ alone? Or do I need to bump the doses up a little if I expect it to be a little stronger?

    (2) I'm trying to come up with some schedule of d-bol and winnie in the same cycle. I know I need a break in there between the two to let my liver recover some. I'm thinking 7 weeks of d-bol, 4 week break, 3 weeks winnie. I'm leaning towards more d-bol than winnie. Ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Personally I don't like it at all. Your using Deca and Eq in the same cycle which has been debated many times but I still don't see the point of doing it.
    I would pick either deca or Eq and run it @ 400mgs for 12 weeks.
    7 weeks on d-bol is too long. Run it at 40mgs e/d for 4 weeks
    Frontload the Sus for the first 2 weeks to get your levels up. Then keep it at 500 mgs for the remainder.
    3 weeks on winny isn't enough and eod is pointless cuz of the short half life. Run it for minimum 4 weeks @ 50mgs e/d
    The rest w/ the hcg, clomid and armidex looks good...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i agree ewith M on this one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    Personally I don't like it at all. Your using Deca and Eq in the same cycle which has been debated many times but I still don't see the point of doing it.
    I would pick either deca or Eq and run it @ 400mgs for 12 weeks.
    7 weeks on d-bol is too long. Run it at 40mgs e/d for 4 weeks
    Frontload the Sus for the first 2 weeks to get your levels up. Then keep it at 500 mgs for the remainder.
    3 weeks on winny isn't enough and eod is pointless cuz of the short half life. Run it for minimum 4 weeks @ 50mgs e/d
    The rest w/ the hcg, clomid and armidex looks good...
    you beat me too it..bastard

    the only thing I have to add is it is find to switch from arimidex to nolvadex. No problem there at all. However I don't feel you will need to run arimidex at 1mg a day. Your dosages aren't high enough. I would run it at .5mg/ED and then you will be able to run it longer. You can also run the nolvadex at 10mg a day thoughout the entire cycle. Then you will be able to reap the benefits of both, not allowing for the production of estrogen and the blocking of the receptors incase a bit does get by.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    you beat me too it..bastard

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    Okay. I was wanting to get deca in there because for starters - i'm going for size - and second - it's so good to my joints - and being the old man I am that's important. I miss the oily deca joints. So since I already have the EQ - 2500mgs of it - I figured WTF let's get 2500mgs of deca and combine them - it would be the same as 500mg/day of any one of them. MBaraso - you don't think the 2 together is a good idea?

    How about:

    Week 1-10 Eq 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Deca 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-2, 3-10 Sus 1000, 500 mg/wk
    Weeks 1-4 D-bol 35 mg/day
    Weeks 9-14 Win 50mg/EOD
    Weeks 13-15 HCG 1000iu/EOD
    Weeks 15-18 Nolvadex 25mg/day
    Weeks 1-15 Arimidex 1mg/EOD or 0.5mg/ED

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    IMO .. I don't think it's necessary to frontload the Sust, if you are already going to kickstart the cycle with Dbol. But others may disagree!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by hammerhead

    How about:

    Week 1-10 Eq 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Deca 250 mg/wk
    Week 1-2, 3-10 Sus 1000, 500 mg/wk
    Weeks 1-4 D-bol 35 mg/day
    Weeks 9-14 Win 50mg/EOD
    Weeks 13-15 HCG 1000iu/EOD
    Weeks 15-18 Nolvadex 25mg/day
    Weeks 1-15 Arimidex 1mg/EOD or 0.5mg/ED
    Save either the deca or eq for later. If you are looking for size you will be more then happy running the deca. I don't think there is anything wrong with the dbol as a kick starter even if you are front loading your sust. And I still say run the rims at .5mg ED

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    Okay. Thanks for the input. I'm going to run EQ at 500mg/wk and drop the deca/winnie. I'll add a d-bol jumpstart at 40mg/day for 4 weeks. This is going to be a good cycle.

    Arimidex 0.5mg/day. I also run milk thistle 350mg/day and saw palmetto 550mg/day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    If you have the winny I would keep it in there, but I recommend that you start taking it at week 6 min. just to give your body a rest from the 17aa for a bit. And if you are going to run the winny run it ED. 50mg EOD will only yeild minimal gains. It has a 12 hours half life and will be out of you system in no time. Run it 25mg twice a day, for optimal results. I like running winny and eq together they work great with each other. Like I said before, you can even drop the dosage of the nolvadex to 10mg/ED and run it throughout the entire cycle and run the rims at .5mg/ED throughout as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    The most popular cycle on this site from what i've been reading is this: test/eq for 10 to 12 weeks with a d-bol (or prop) jump start and the beloved fina/winnie at the end.

    This is my milder version of it. I might put the winnie back in there at the end but i'll have to run a little deca with it because it makes my joints sore - the deca prevents that from hapenning. With or without the deca/winnie at the end this will be a good cycle. I'll wait and see how the gains are going - I might toss in the deca/winnie - we'll see.

    Thanks for all the input!

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