I like this cycle i'm on now. It's in my signature line down there. I want to plan the next cycle this week and start gathering juice.
I'm thinking I could do essentially the same thing with a few enhancements. I want to make it a teeny bit stronger and add a d-bol jump start and some winnie. How about:
Week 1-10 Eq 250 mg/wk
Week 1-10 Deca 250 mg/wk
Week 1-10 Sus 500 mg/wk
Weeks 1-7 D-bol 20 mg/day
Weeks 12-14 Win 50mg/EOD
Weeks 13-15 HCG 1000iu/EOD
Weeks 15-18 Nolvadex 25mg/day
Weeks 1-15 Arimidex 1mg/EOD
The first 3 are essentially the same thing as my current cycle but a teeny bit stronger since it's 3 juices instead of 2 and deca is a tad stronger than EQ.
The questions are:
(1) is 250mg/wk each of deca and EQ going to be more powerful than 500mg/wk of just EQ alone? Or do I need to bump the doses up a little if I expect it to be a little stronger?
(2) I'm trying to come up with some schedule of d-bol and winnie in the same cycle. I know I need a break in there between the two to let my liver recover some. I'm thinking 7 weeks of d-bol, 4 week break, 3 weeks winnie. I'm leaning towards more d-bol than winnie. Ideas?