Okay I have this as an example off of another site for a good first cycle...

Week1: Monday 750mg Test Enanthate . Friday 250mg Test E

Weeks 2-10 Monday 250mg Test E. Friday 250mg Test E.


Weeks 1-10: 500iu Monday and Friday


Weeks 1-12.5: 10mg ED or 20mg EOD

Clomid PCT: Week 12.5(10 days after last shot of testosterone ) day 1: 300mg, 50mg ED thereafter for 6 weeks

Okay what is HCG???
And how much is an iu?

So Novaldex would be taken for 87.5 days (12.5weeks) according to this right and stopped before taking clomid. Now over the 87.5 days I would be taking 10mg a day...so that's 875 mgs of novaldex? right? Or do you really need to take this much like this? Is that a lot? Like how many tablets or vials is that?

I hate all these different measurements....Now I'm assuming that 250mg is 0.25ml? Which would mean as a total there would be 5.5ml of test enth needed. Or have I totally screwed up the conversion? I've googled mg to ml but it is surprisingly confusing...

Is nolvadex and clomid injected or are both tablets?

What size needles do I want?

Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'd rather sound stupid here rather than when I ring up some guy tomorrow asking for this stuff. Also does anyone have any tips for when you talk to the 'guy' for the first time. I don't want to sound like a first timer and get ripped off. And I also don't want to sound suss and have the guy hang up on me...


and stats and stuff:

nearly 23yrs old
80.5kg (177pounds I think)
been lifting on and off for a while, 8 months properly
put on around about 8 kg in the last 8 months, gains slowing down now.
goal is 95kg, only wanting to do one or two cycles.
low body fat, you can see abs so I'm guessing like 10-15% bf