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Thread: Testosterone and hair loss

  1. #1

    Testosterone and hair loss

    Alright so I'm 21 years old and I've started to notice that my hair is thinning a little bit on the corners of my hair. The typical male pattern baldness from the forehead back. It really isn't bad at all, just a little light, but I'm a little worried about it. I just got my hair cut short so this is why I've noticed it.

    My friend who is a hardcore user thinks I'm blowing this all out of proportion and he thinks I have nothing to really worry about. I've taken test twice in my life. I took test e about a year and a half ago and test cyp last summer. I haven't been on anything since and I'm about to take test e again. Both cycles I ran only about 2ml a week, so that is why my friend thinks I'm blowing this out of proportion. I've only stacked prohormones with the test, nothing to serious. I have read about DHT and know that excessive levels of testosterone can cause male pattern baldness. I know that you should look at your mother's side of family when it comes to hair loss and everything. My mother's father (my grandfather) is almost 80 and he pretty much has a full head of hair. I've researched nizoral and was thinking about using that.

    I mean I could be blowing this out of proportion because it really isn't bad at all, but I'm just a little worried about it. Any input or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    It all depends on your family tree. Does your mother have any brothers? if so how are their hair?

    Try to get a good shampoo. I use Nioxin shampoo and scalp treatment.

    Fact: You lose about 100 hairs a day.

  3. #3
    My mother has one brother and he is going bald. I'd say he's around 50 years old.

    My father's side of the family has a history of hair loss. He is going bald and my father is 50. My grandfather has a receding hairline as well and my cousin who is 23 has a receding hairline.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    If your mothers, brother is losing hair then im pretty sure you will too.

    Sorry bro. Im lucky enough that all 3 of my uncles from my moms side all have a fulls et of hair. All of them are over 50.

  5. #5
    My friend says that because I'm only going to run 500mg/week it really shouldn't bother me. He did suggest using nizoral while on it. He also said that I've always ran a prohormone with it and I have taken prohormones in the past a lot so he seems to think that it is the prohormones and not the test that would be doing it. I also mentioned a DHT blocker but he said that for 500mg it really won't do anything and that I really dont need it if im just taking test.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Time to get out the bic, I too was thinning on top when I was your age. Now my head looks like a giant cue ball! LOL test does make you lose it if it's in your genes. Now your going to have to score chicks on your personality alone. LOL just messing with you... I think hair is overated anyway. You have to be comfortable with who you are. There is no stopping what can't be stopped. Take care of yourself, you young juicer!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I am a hairy bastard but all of my mothers brothers have lost their hair and so did my grandpa. My hair seems too thick to just not fall out but I bet you it will. I am starting to notice it slowly deteriorate on the sides..

  8. #8
    I appreciate all the help and info. I think I'm just gonna skip the test and hope I keep what I have. I'm still gonna look into nizoral and maybe even use that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    use test and a DHT blocker like finasteride and you will be fine mate. Like you said - Nizorol is also great protection. which prohormones are you using??

  10. #10
    I have used superdrol and methyl masterdrol before and havoc. The last thing I used was havoc to jumpstart my last cycle over the summer because I didn't want to take dbol or deca because I didn't want any of the side effects. I haven't been on anything since the end of the summer.

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