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Thread: looking for advice on a lean 10 lbs cycle

  1. #1

    looking for advice on a lean 10 lbs cycle

    I am 6'1 200 lbs and very lean, single digit bodyfat. I have done several cycles such as deca/sust, and test enanthate/winni and others but none for about 3 years. At the time I just wanted weight gain and size and didnt care that my 25 lbs was bloated with a lot of water, and my face looked like a balloon.

    Now I want to gain ONLY about 10 lbs of lean muscle, with no water bloating. I have done bodybuilding shows so I know how to diet/cardio etc, and I am blessed with a fast metabolism which keeps me lean easily but unfortunately makes it hard to put on size.

    I have been considering using Anavar bc of its low risk but I am aware of its tendency to be expensive, so im working on a price check. I also like what I hear about EQ and Tren, but am hesitant to using a test (with it) again because i dont want too much weight gain or a bloated look.

    So my question is basically, what is the minimum amount of test (and which would you suggest) that I could use with either EQ, Tren or Winni, or maybe anavar, that would help fight the drop in my natural levels, w/o adding the risk of too much growth or watery bloating?

    Also, does anyone have any other cycle ideas/suggestions for a lean ~10 lbs? I DONT want 20/25 lbs.

    Sorry for the long post but i thought the background info would help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The Man With A Plan to sc
    run an AI to help with the water retention. diet also plays a factor.
    maybe run prop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    lean ten pounds can be put on naturally at your stats....

    test bloat can be controled with a good ai.....

    tren will turn you into an animal and has harsh sides, you need to use alota anc. drugs to deal with that... im on it right now, iv slept 2 hours in the last 40....

    eq works, but you'll have to run it for a long time....

    anavar seems to be the best solution for your situation, 40mg ed at 10 weeks my bro put on about 15lbs, (mind you he's 6'6 273 12%), so im sure you can pull off 10lbs and theres a chance it wont effect your sex drive, it doesn't effect mine...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    lean ten pounds can be put on naturally at your stats....

    test bloat can be controled with a good ai.....

    tren will turn you into an animal and has harsh sides, you need to use alota anc. drugs to deal with that... im on it right now, iv slept 2 hours in the last 40....

    eq works, but you'll have to run it for a long time....

    anavar seems to be the best solution for your situation, 40mg ed at 10 weeks my bro put on about 15lbs, (mind you he's 6'6 273 12%), so im sure you can pull off 10lbs and theres a chance it wont effect your sex drive, it doesn't effect mine...

    Thanks for the advice guys.

    Yea a couple of my boys used Tren with great results but lots of acne and tren cough. If i was gonna do it id go with the tren enanthate since its slower released to help decrease potential cough. But i really dont want the acne risk...And do you think your lack of sleep is bc of the Tren?

    In regard to EQ, by a long time you mean like 12 wks right? And do u think i need a test w/it to deal with my natural production drop? Whats the lowest you think i need just to deal with that? 250mg/wk?


    and Im open to more opinions!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The Man With A Plan to sc
    yeah no need for tren yet..first run with tren id go with the acetate so if you need to bail its out of your system quick.
    tren effects my sleep here and there.. night sweats ect...
    eq, 12 weeks would be a minimum imo..
    yes test..
    would atleadt run 250.. i prefer to keep the test higher but not a necessity.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Masteron seems to be very apparently synergizes well with test and has porperties like an AI....Do some reading on it. Its my choice with test for my needs which are similar to yours.
    I have 3000 mg of anavar that I may include or may use with just test in a later cycle to make a controlled comparison possible.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    i started tren at 50mg ed yesterday.. took it in the morning, couldn't sleep at night.. sat up in my bed for 3hrs, finally fell asleep, only to wake up 2 1/2hrs later from freaky ass, reality twisting, temporary psychosis borderlining nightmares.... and im loving every second that im awake.. especially when im in the gym......

    ill sleep when im dead.... i love tren

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sonysucks View Post
    Masteron seems to be very apparently synergizes well with test and has porperties like an AI....Do some reading on it. Its my choice with test for my needs which are similar to yours.
    I have 3000 mg of anavar that I may include or may use with just test in a later cycle to make a controlled comparison possible.
    ok cool thanks i will look into Masteron research. I keep seeing the name pop up in peoples' posts.

    and Jam - you are hardcore! i love it haha

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