I am 6'1 200 lbs and very lean, single digit bodyfat. I have done several cycles such as deca/sust, and test enanthate/winni and others but none for about 3 years. At the time I just wanted weight gain and size and didnt care that my 25 lbs was bloated with a lot of water, and my face looked like a balloon.
Now I want to gain ONLY about 10 lbs of lean muscle, with no water bloating. I have done bodybuilding shows so I know how to diet/cardio etc, and I am blessed with a fast metabolism which keeps me lean easily but unfortunately makes it hard to put on size.
I have been considering using Anavar bc of its low risk but I am aware of its tendency to be expensive, so im working on a price check. I also like what I hear about EQ and Tren, but am hesitant to using a test (with it) again because i dont want too much weight gain or a bloated look.
So my question is basically, what is the minimum amount of test (and which would you suggest) that I could use with either EQ, Tren or Winni, or maybe anavar, that would help fight the drop in my natural levels, w/o adding the risk of too much growth or watery bloating?
Also, does anyone have any other cycle ideas/suggestions for a lean ~10 lbs? I DONT want 20/25 lbs.
Sorry for the long post but i thought the background info would help!