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Thread: EQ/Winny and the sex drive

  1. #1

    EQ/Winny and the sex drive

    Can anyone tell me what EQ and Winny in a cycle would do to your sex drive? and is Clomid good for returing things back to normal afterwards?
    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Anyone want to answer me here? I see many have read the post but none seem to want to help, Someone please give me some insight here if possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I doubt they would do much to boost your sexdrive....

    I always run some form of Test as a base for every cycle... I suggest you do the same....


    Test 400mg weeks 1-10
    EQ 400mg weeks 1-10
    Winny 50mg ED weeks 7-12

    Clomid 3 weeks after last shot of EQ/Test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    As buff suggested, Test is always a good base for any cycle and that will definately help with your libido. Clomid is a must post-cycle. Next time bro, let us know what you what to do. Like what your goals are, how long you want to cycle, cycle expirence, your age, lifting expirence, bf%, things like that. That'll help with replies and more specific advice. Definately throw a anti-e in there, especially if your gonna use Test. 1000mg Milk Thistle ED for your liver. Also have Nolva on hand.

  5. #5
    So what kind of Test would I take and when do you start the 1000mg Milk Thistle ED?
    Also my question was for if EQ and winny would decrease the sexdrive?
    I know Test helps but doesnt it have more sides?
    I am just trying to get more points of view here to see where I go with this, thanks for any help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Test Ethanate is always a good choice, but thats my opinion. Run it at 400-500mg/wk for 10wks. Make sure your takin' an anti-estrogen along with it, i.e. armidex, femara, etc. Sides vary from person to person. Mine are minimal. Also make sure you have some nolva. I would start the milk thistle no later than 1 week before you cycle the winny. I always take mine throughout the whole cycle. Its relatively cheap. As for the EQ/Winny supressing your sex drive, I don't believe that will happen. Again, it varies from persons. I had no probs. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice

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