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Thread: Need Help!

  1. #1
    NR2.0's Avatar
    NR2.0 is offline Junior Member
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    Need Help!

    I am 34 5'10 195# with about 12-13# BF.

    Preparing to do my 3rd cycle and more than likely my last. Due to problems i lost my physique I worked hard to achieve which was about 181# and 8%bf. Back in the gym now and feeling ready to do a cycle.

    My previous cycle histories were

    (Cycle1) Test E cycled with only Winstrol for 10 weeks and PCT of Clomid/Nolva.

    (Cycle2) Test E for 12 weeks stacked with Deca for 10 weeks and the same PCT. That cycle got me down to the afformentioned weight and BF and pretty much a nice amount of size.

    For this cycle I have available to me again Test-E and Tren Acetate as well as can get my hands on BD Mastabol.

    I have read and read and read about the tren sides but with my limited experience have not had as much as a zit. No gyno. The only side I would say is during sex the amount of sperm shot during ejac. I can live with that lol.

    The one thing that concerns me about the stuff I have is the esters. Is doing Test E (Which I have good experience with) good to stack with Tren-Acetate (Which I read is better on the sides)

    I dont have to take the Masteron since I have read that it would be both good and bad and have for the most part heard its really best used as a pre contest cutter and I am not entering any contests, but could it be useful in weeks 8-12?

    If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. I try to do my research and eat pretty clean, especially the last 3 weeks now I am eating very clean..And use the basic BSN stack (Nitrix, Cellmas and NoXplode) as a supplement.

    Hope I dont sound to naive and would love all the feedback about DOSING, TIMEFRAME, PCT I can get my hands on.

    In advance thank you!

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    What are your goals for this cycle?

    Its ok to do Test E with Tren A, but you need to shoot tren A ED or minimum EOD

  3. #3
    NR2.0's Avatar
    NR2.0 is offline Junior Member
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    My goal is to get really really lean, and have that hard look. I want to avoid the bloat I got with Deca although it was not that bad.

    I have no problems shooting the thing I am finding difficult is how to dose and what PCT to use.

    ED or EOD shots are not a problem, and when the Test falls can I shoot in the same syringe like I did with the Deca?

    Anything you could do to help me along would be great.

    Thanks for the reply its greatly appreciated!!!

    Also do you think the Mastabol 100 I have is even worth using? Have Winny on hand too but the injections in the past were painful as hell. Winny is murder when I inject it. Dont get it...
    Last edited by NR2.0; 03-24-2009 at 10:24 AM.

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by NR2.0 View Post
    My goal is to get really really lean, and have that hard look. I want to avoid the bloat I got with Deca although it was not that bad.
    bloat could have been diet related, post diet for critique
    I have no problems shooting the thing I am finding difficult is how to dose and what PCT to use.
    i've posted some threads at the bottom for you to read regarding PCT
    ED or EOD shots are not a problem, and when the Test falls can I shoot in the same syringe like I did with the Deca?
    if you're asking if you can shoot test and tren in the same syringe then yes, why not get prop though, or is it not available to you?
    Anything you could do to help me along would be great.

    Thanks for the reply its greatly appreciated!!!

    Also do you think the Mastabol 100 I have is even worth using? Have Winny on hand too but the injections in the past were painful as hell. Winny is murder when I inject it. Dont get it...
    Pheendo's PCT

    Anthony Roberts PCT

  5. #5
    NR2.0's Avatar
    NR2.0 is offline Junior Member
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    I can probably get test-prop. Can you or anyone outline a 12 week cycle with PCT?

    As fas as diet goes it mostly consists of Steamed chicken, broccoli grilled chix, lots of low fat cottage cheese, 8 egg in the morn, with 1 being whole.

    Then protein shakes thru out the day.

    Again any help would be appreciated...

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