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Thread: Entering The Steroid World
03-24-2009, 11:00 PM #1New Member
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Entering The Steroid World
Okay to start off..I am 18 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and weighing 140Lb's. Currently I am 8.0 percent body fat. I work out everyday and always do cardio, i eat 1300-1600 calories per day with 125-150 grams of protein everyday. My ultimate goal is to be lean and cut, with minimal side effects. I want to be between 4-6 percent body fat. I wouldn't mind gaining some muscle (5-10lbs) However, I don't want to hardcore bulk up. Ive been doing research and found a few different types of roids that struck my interest, i was thinking of taking:
-Trenbolene Hexa 100mg/ml : 250mg/week,
Winstrol 20mg/day,
also with Proviron 25mg/day.
The other cycle i was looking into was:
Anavar ,
Masteron 100 and
Deca 200.
If anyone has ANY suggestions or comments please let me know I am new to steroids and looking for a lean cutting cycle, minor bulking with minimal side effects.
03-24-2009, 11:05 PM #2
This has to be a f$%&ing joke...
03-24-2009, 11:07 PM #3
not to mention, those are HORRIBLE cycles
EAT and WORKOUT, thats all you need
03-24-2009, 11:10 PM #4
03-24-2009, 11:13 PM #5New Member
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03-24-2009, 11:15 PM #6
Terrible diet most likely. You need to get that in check if you are only 140 pounds. Keep training for a couple of years and get your diet in check. Naturally you could gain a goo amount of lean muscle with hardly any increase in fat. Also not to mention you definitely do not need to cut at your size
03-24-2009, 11:16 PM #7
1) You're too young
2) You're too young
3) You're too young
Do you honestly want to have any of these happen to from using steroids too young?
- erectile dysfunction
- low testosterone
- stunted growth (being 5'7 for the rest of your life?)
I mean you want to do the HARSHEST of all steroids Tren with Winstrol with no test as a base?
I mean honestly, some kids just don't get anything...
03-24-2009, 11:17 PM #8New Member
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Dude i understand im young i just wanted that extra boost in my workouts to get leaner. Im having a bit of trouble getting below 8% bf. Its hard doing it naturally.
03-24-2009, 11:17 PM #9
the matter of the cycles here is not the point
the point is, you are too young to be doing steroids , yo have enough testosterone pumping in your system that you can gain naturally and workout like a beast with out steroids
03-24-2009, 11:19 PM #10
03-24-2009, 11:21 PM #11New Member
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03-24-2009, 11:21 PM #12
What are you anorexic? 140lbs?
Obiviously you aren't losing weight you are eating 1,200 calories a day your body retains anything you feed it. Try eat 2,000 calories lean, low in carbs high in protein. With exercise/cardio that should be enough.
No, steroids outside the realm of a few harsh ones will make you get "leaner" that is all diet.
Turning to steroids for this is stupid, risk your hormonal production to lose a bf% or two? Absolutely stupid
03-24-2009, 11:22 PM #13
03-24-2009, 11:22 PM #14
03-24-2009, 11:24 PM #15
03-24-2009, 11:25 PM #16Associate Member
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are u kidding me? its hard to do it naturally... i bet u get anything u want as soon as u ask for it... cmon man ur 18, u weigh 140 pounds lol. i was 204 at that age its all about the food, the way u workout and u can cardio to that but the bottom line is ur getting get massive with steroids and thats if u do them right... 1600 calories a day... cmon man wake up...
03-24-2009, 11:25 PM #17
hell if we can't convince the kids with facts maybe we should try propaganda.
03-24-2009, 11:27 PM #18
i just love the bad breath, thats a new one
03-24-2009, 11:27 PM #19New Member
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Well Basically the whole thing with my diet is i used to weigh 210lb's i was a heavy kid. I lost 70lbs from lean dieting and heavy cardio. Now that i am thin and somewhat lean at 8 percent BF, i have been starting to hit the weights for the past few months to build my strength back up and muscle size. I guess it is time to up the calorie increase in my diet, i just fear of gaining my weight back again its hard to put weight back on after i worked so hard to lose it. I want to do this right, and i understand steroids arnt magic pills, and yes i agree with me being too young for roids, and i will reconsider.
03-24-2009, 11:28 PM #20
"wait a minute.. you mean this gear is gonna give me bad breath? screw this shit, im out"
03-24-2009, 11:28 PM #21
03-24-2009, 11:28 PM #22
Holly crap, that's why my breath smells. lol
03-24-2009, 11:28 PM #23Associate Member
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u must reconsider.
03-24-2009, 11:30 PM #24
My friend is just like you, he was fat till beginning of high school, he lost weight worked out and was lean and muscular yet he only ways like 150. I tell him to bulk up and he says he's afraid he will get fat again. That is all mental bro, steroids aren't going to make the fat disappear or make you not gain any, hell some bloat you like a whale. He was just like you focused on getting leaner and barely at substantial meals. Like one of his meals was 3 banans and 2 slices of bread...I was like "WTF BRO"
03-24-2009, 11:31 PM #25
go check out the diet forum for some pointers on diet
you can eat "clean" and put on good muscle weight, not fat
Good luck
03-24-2009, 11:31 PM #26New Member
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No i am not annorexic i used to be fat and i lost all that weight, i am just skepticle about uping my diet in fear of gaining weight again. I just figured steroids would get me to where i want to be. I didnt wake up one day and decide to order em, i did research and im here on this forum asking you guys about em before i do anything.
03-24-2009, 11:34 PM #27
Take it from someone who has talked to steroid users who started when they were 18 and others who are now in there late 20's they all talk about why they shouldn't have done it, some of them need viagra just to bone a chick.
I mean take advantage of the opportunity now where your young your growing and your test levels are high, because when you are older you are going to miss them.
You will pay for those sacrifices down the road, in life there are no shortcuts. Guys on here will one day pay for their use as well in one form or another.
03-24-2009, 11:37 PM #28New Member
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LOL sounds like your friend thinks alot like me. My Average diet consists of
-GNC Mega Man Sport Vitapak
-Eggs, Toast, Cereal
-Bannana, blue berrys
-Pasta, shrimp, Veggies
-Wheybolic Extreme (Post Workout Shake)
-Nitro Tech Protein Bar
-Nitro Core 24 (Slow Release Protein Shake Before Bedtime)
Its pretty easy to get access to any type of food considering i am a chef at a supermarket
03-24-2009, 11:38 PM #29
he needs to read more about what it will do to his growth plates and the problems he will have later. Maybe he want to be a unic and doesn't care about sex because he is going to loose his balls.
Really, at this point in your life it's not you are to young because your only 18, a kid it's because biologically you body is NOT ready and it will do more harm than good, really. No not all the propaganda is true but a lot is. First it will screw up you natural testosterone functions and at your age you are more likely to end up with erectile dysfunction very soon. Also it is most likely to screw up your liver and then when you are 30 do you want to be on a dialysis machine? yes it happens. you can have all kinds of heath problems not necessarily because steroids are bad but because your body is still changing until you are in your mid 20s and you will screw up it's natural functions.
Acne, OHHH yeah at your age you will break out BAD, all over. I'm 46 and even with all the precautions I still broke out
Honestly if you up your clean calorie intake you will see very good results and it wont be water weight but real lean muscle.
03-24-2009, 11:38 PM #30New Member
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Yea thanks man i appreciate the advice, i will keep working out and i guess up the calorie diet somehow LOL, along with a routine workout everyday of course
03-24-2009, 11:46 PM #31
I tell him everyday you have to get over your fear its all pyschological, you can't let something like that disable you or else it will get worse.
That's what happend to me orginially i got into lifting as a hobby and just to make myself fit because I was a pathetic skinny kid. The problem was as I get bigger and people noticed my self-esteem rose as well than the real problem occured....I couldn't get away from lifting. I became obbsessed.
I thought i could handle it then it manifested itself into deeper forms. I was afarid to go on vacation because I thought I would shrink, I couldn't miss a meal without getting agitated and thinking I lost muscle, every mirror I would walk infront of I would tell myself how pathetic I was for not being bigger.
At night i couldn't sleep because I kept thinking why I was so small, long story short I suffer from Muscle dysmorphia and it racks my brain everyday. I have limited social life because all I focus on is lifting, I could get as big as a house and I would still think I am small.
I don't know what to do...I mean a part of me loves working out, but it is controlled by this obsession that makes me OCD about it. A part of me wants to seek treatment the other part of me is afraid of what might happen.
People tell me "well just take it easy, workout, but don't take it so seriously"
I hate when people say that because they don't understand how trapped I am, if I could do that I would, but I can''s almost impossible.
So you need to get over your fear or else it will get worse and worse and then it will control you and seeking treatment will be next to impossible.
03-24-2009, 11:49 PM #32
OK one trick that has been working GREAT for me the last year. I worked out for many years and only saw minimal results. The last year has been GREAT and it mostly due to cleaning up the diet and new routine.
#1 make sure you get good sleep
#2 make sure you give your muscles time to recover or they wont grow
#3 my routing, I only work one (1) muscle group a day. OK I might throw shoulders in the mix somewhere and legs anytime but other than that everything is separate and only once a week.
03-24-2009, 11:59 PM #33New Member
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Yea sleep is very important and it is hard to get my sleeping pattern on track because i am always going out places late. However the routine of oneuscle group idea seems good. Current i am doing biceps, triceps and forearms on one day and the other day i do my chest, shoulders, back. I workout my core everyday. But im thinking of changing my routine up like yours. How long do you let your muscles rest between workouts?
03-25-2009, 12:10 AM #34New Member
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Yea i get the same way and to be honest im more self contious about being fat now more than when i was actually fat. My friends always tell me i need to start eating more and bulking up but sometimes i feel like im getting fatter and losing muscle definition, i just have set goals in my head of what i want my body to look like and until its there i will just never be satisfyed.
03-25-2009, 12:15 AM #35
HAHA bad breath wtf
03-25-2009, 01:08 AM #36Junior Member
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I have bad breath and i havent even juiced yet does that mean it gets better or worse? lol
03-25-2009, 01:10 AM #37
I go almost a week to let them rest. Really I only do one muscle group a day and only once a week. I work out 5 day a week, some times only 4 and sometimes 6 but I still try to keep it at once a week and I have seen more growth in a short time than I have ever seen before. I just got back into working out about a year ago after being off for 17+ years. I have a friend who I use to work out with that has been steady for the last 20 years hitting the gym 5x a week but he does the split routines and I'm already bigger than him and better shape. He is a lot stronger than me but my goal is not strength.
03-25-2009, 06:48 AM #38Associate Member
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You got a lot of great advice in this thread. Seems to me that you should eat twice as much as you do. I'd drop some of the supplements/shakes you're taking and switch them out for real food with lots of good carbs and protein.
Good luck!
03-25-2009, 07:44 AM #39
Enough cardio and proper diet would do the job , you dont need AAS yet.
ur just 18 you still can grow naturally
03-25-2009, 09:42 AM #40
you dropped all the fat once i think you will be able to drop a few lbs of fat if it comes on. if you really want something bad you will work your @@@ off at it. keep eating and lifting you'll get where you want to be.
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