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Thread: once or twice?

  1. #1
    BBronco is offline Junior Member
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    once or twice?

    I play at a semi proffesional level. In my opinion i have 2 years before i make it professional. this years season and off season, and next years season and off season. I have never done AAS and have been diggin around this website for the past few weeks/month. I am only 20 so in most board members opinions too young to start. I have been told to wait until 25 bla bla i cant really see that the moment I am not getting drug tested during the off season so am free to cycle then, but as soon as i make the move to proffesional i will be tested regularly so am only free to make natural gains.


    my question is 1 cycle or 2? On one hand i could build up and try to get as close to my natural limit as possible during this season, off season and next season, then do my first (and last) cycle during next years off season. OR juice this off season aswell as next off season and possibly get more gains from 2 cycles then just the 1 cycle as mentioned earlier. Will my gains from the 2nd cycle be significantly worse compaired to my 1st cycle? or will I be able to make a more significant gains opposed to doing just 1 cycle. or will having a better base compensate for only doing one cycle at a slightly later age meaning i could gain as much or almost as much as doing 2 cycles?. My main objective is to get as strong/powerful and fast as possible.

    any feedback or thoughts on this welcome and appreciated
    Last edited by BBronco; 03-25-2009 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    welcome to ar...
    first of all we need some stats

    training history

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Need stats.

    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

    ^ Also include what sport youre playing. Certain AASs arent good for some particular athletes.

    my question is 1 cycle or 2? On one hand i could build up and try to get as close to my natural limit as possible during this season, off season and next season, then do my first (and last) cycle during next years off season. (Always try to make as many natural gains before cycling. Not to mention, there is no gurentee that you will go bro in two years time.)

    OR juice this off season aswell as next off season and possibly get more gains from 2 cycles then just the 1 cycle as mentioned earlier.

    Will my gains from the 2nd cycle be significantly worse compaired to my 1st cycle? or will I be able to make a more significant gains opposed to doing just 1 cycle. (Your gains wont be as good if you run identical cycles. Generally speaking. But thats why we stack these compounds after extended use.)

    or will having a better base compensate for only doing one cycle at a slightly later age meaning i could gain as much or almost as much as doing 2 cycles?.
    (Like i said before, youre better off gaining as much as you can naturally. The more you gain now, the less you will have to gain with the help of AAS.)

    My main objective is to get as strong/powerful and fast as possible.

  4. #4
    BBronco is offline Junior Member
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    Ok here are my stats
    Sport: rugby


    height:6 foot 5.5


    bf: 14%

    max bench: 286
    max squat: 440

    diet summary/# meals per day : 5 meals a day usually kinda like this
    1st meal low fat muesli low fat milk with 35g whey protein powder
    2nd meal 2 peices of fruit 200g tuna
    3rd meal peanut butter on brown toast 2 peices of fruit
    4th meal baked beans 300g with edam cheese
    5th meal genrally chicken of silverside beef with either brown rice or pasta and any of; brocolli corn carrots green beans leaks spinach silver beat

    and i always carry a big bad of pumpkin and sunflower seeds to snack on when i get hungry. will usuall be drinkin cranberry juice and milk throughout the day aswell.

    lifting exp: almost 2 years serious lifting with about 8 years of light plyo and anarobic fitness conditioning that comes with basketball/rugby

    during season right now so messing around with workout days trying to get to the gym 3 days a week for upper lower and prehab.

    0 cycle experience. have used creatine in past.

    pct/estrogen control knowledge: yea ive been diggin around been reading about pct and enti estrogens etc but have absolutely no intentions of sticking myself with a needle before aquiring 100percent of the proper precautions and post cycle equip.

    goals : stronger and more powerful (bettter bench, squat, power clean, deadlift,row,bicep curl(might sound like a joke to football players but is a vital part of rugby), faster over 40m, higher vertical leap.not really wanting any mass gain but wouldnt mind 10-20 pound if there was no option. loose 5% body fat but i can shed the fat during the start of the pre season because aerobic condition steps up so not a major goal.

    thanks again
    Last edited by BBronco; 03-25-2009 at 04:35 PM.

  5. #5
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBronco View Post
    Ok here are my stats
    Sport: rugby

    your too young to use gear

    height:6 foot 5.5
    you have the genetic potential to hit 260 easy w/o gear. i would know, i come from a family of big guys.. im 6'4 280, my bro's 6'6 265
    bf: 14%
    your bf is okay
    max bench: 286
    max squat: 440

    diet summary/# meals per day : 5 meals a day usually kinda like this
    1st meal low fat muesli low fat milk with 35g whey protein powder
    2nd meal 2 peices of fruit 200g tuna
    3rd meal peanut butter on brown toast 2 peices of fruit
    4th meal baked beans 300g with edam cheese
    5th meal genrally chicken of silverside beef with either brown rice or pasta and any of; brocolli corn carrots green beans leaks spinach silver beat

    and i always carry a big bad of pumpkin and sunflower seeds to snack on when i get hungry. will usuall be drinkin cranberry juice and milk throughout the day aswell.
    your diet, to say the least, needs overhauling big time... dont know how you got to 235 on a diet like that in the first place
    lifting exp: almost 2 years serious lifting with about 8 years of light plyo and anarobic fitness conditioning that comes with basketball/rugby

    during season right now so messing around with workout days trying to get to the gym 3 days a week for upper lower and prehab.

    0 cycle experience. have used creatine in past.

    pct/estrogen control knowledge: yea ive been diggin around been reading about pct and enti estrogens etc but have absolutely no intentions of sticking myself with a needle before aquiring 100percent of the proper precautions and post cycle equip.

    goals : stronger and more powerful (bettter bench, squat, power clean, deadlift,row,bicep curl(might sound like a joke to football players but is a vital part of rugby), faster over 40m, higher vertical leap.not really wanting any mass gain but wouldnt mind 10-20 pound if there was no option. loose 5% body fat but i can shed the fat during the start of the pre season because aerobic condition steps up so not a major goal.

    thanks again
    watch these videos

    then post up your NEW diet for tweaking....
    stay away from gear for at least another 3 1/2 years.. your too young and will harm your natty test production, causing a whole messa trouble and stunning your growth

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Semi-pro what? I'm surprised at how low your bench press is at that size. Also, your diet needs some work.

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