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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Is my cycle causing this? =/

    Each day I seem to be getting really tired throughout the day and it's not fun. Last year I ran a very similar cycle to what I'm running now and I seriously felt so 'high on life' I was always walking around with my eyes wide open and feeling confident in all regards. Now it seems I am wanting to sleep all the time and not so much 'high on life' I'm even getting way more sleep than I did last year.... on average last year I got between 4-6 hours of sleep and now a days I'm getting between 5-7 hours of sleep. This is the cycle i'm on:

    test e 500mg / week wk 1-15 (frontloaded the test 1g x 2 first week)
    tren e 400mg / week wk 4-13 (i did frontload the tren first week ran 800mg x 2)
    adrol 50mg / day wk 2-5 ( i frontloaded the adrol too... 400mg ed for the first week)
    adrol 100mg/ day wk 5-8
    dbol 50mg / day wk 5-8

    lol j/k no adrol frontload ;p

    running letro at .25mg / day
    I have nolvadex , clomid and hcg all on stand by.

    Anyone have any thoughts or ideas why I'm feeling so sluggish and not so 'happy to be alive' ? I'm currently on wk 6. Thanks everyone!
    Last edited by tripmachine; 03-26-2009 at 05:29 PM.

  2. #2
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    ^ anyone of you have an idea what could be causing this or what I could do to really increase my energy? I used to inject b12 but honestly i don't notice anything.... maybe i should just start it up again.

  3. #3
    musclehead1983's Avatar
    musclehead1983 is offline New Member
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    Try to up your caloric intake and drink tons of water. Try that and let us know what happens.

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    B12 might help.

    I just cant get over your lack of sleep bro.

    I try to get 8-9 hours a night, and usually an 1hr nap.

  5. #5
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclehead1983 View Post
    Try to up your caloric intake and drink tons of water. Try that and let us know what happens.
    each day i drink 1 1/2 gallons - 2 gallons of water per day.... i would imagine that is enough... ;p i might try the bumping up my calories..... I eat a lot but i'm eating clean so maybe i need to eat a lot more!! :]

  6. #6
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    B12 might help.

    I just cant get over your lack of sleep bro.

    I try to get 8-9 hours a night, and usually an 1hr nap.

    Yeah the lack of sleep is probably one thing that plays a role on my lack of energy..... I got in a habit of getting very minimal sleep last year due to a 6 year relationship ending on her terms.... and also taking 60mg or adderall xr each day.... What i've been doing lately is smoking weed each night around... (this time actually) lol.... It really is starting to help out so I think if I just keep the smoking down to a minimal (night time only to make me sleepy) I'll be all good.... I'll try the calorie bumping and get more sleep and see how that helps... maybe i'll take my b12 again. Thanks for your reply and help!

  7. #7
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    could be elevated estrogen, blood pressure or from the orals. not uncommon tho

  8. #8
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    could be elevated estrogen, blood pressure or from the orals. not uncommon tho
    Do you think the .25 of letro ed is enough to keep estrogen under control and at the right levels?? Also I'm sure my blood pressure is a bit higher than normal as I just checked it a few times in the last few weeks and it's around 140/75. Anything you have in mind to fix the issue? I'd love to feel happy now a days instead of just a sorta 'depressed' douche..... After I take my adderall though life all of a sudden becomes great! it's pretty weird but that's how adderall works.... I just don't want to have to rely on adderall to do it for me. =/

  9. #9
    yesimussing is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not specialist but I believe that weed is a depressant. This could be the reason. Think about it. You r taking it to make u sleepy and you r still not sleeping enough. Your body wants it's rest.

  10. #10
    Dougewesq is offline Junior Member
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    Remember Trip, your probably working out like an animal which will definitly wear your central nervous system down.

  11. #11
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yesimussing View Post
    I'm not specialist but I believe that weed is a depressant. This could be the reason. Think about it. You r taking it to make u sleepy and you r still not sleeping enough. Your body wants it's rest.
    what i'm saying is i get MORE sleep when i smoke weed.... when i don't smoke it i remain awake until 3-4 a.m. make sense?? WEED is helping me get MORE SLEEP

  12. #12
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I noticed you said you are in wk 6 and in wk 5 you added another oral and up your anadrol . Maybe the large amount of estrogen they produce can be the problem? When did the depression start? If it was recentley then I would drop the dbol and maybe the drol back to 50mg.

  13. #13
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    I noticed you said you are in wk 6 and in wk 5 you added another oral and up your anadrol. Maybe the large amount of estrogen they produce can be the problem? When did the depression start? If it was recentley then I would drop the dbol and maybe the drol back to 50mg.
    hmmm... that's a good possibility huh? I'm wondering if i can up the letro a tad and keep the adrol and dbol at it's doses now? Maybe i should run .5mg ed and see if that helps out.... let me know what you think... also if anyone else has thoughts on that i'd appreciate the input! Thanks!

  14. #14
    yesimussing is offline Junior Member
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    Here is the thing trip. Weed is still a CNS depressant. Could be helping you to sleep but it could also be contributing to ur depression. I have been thru the not being able to sleep. I started ussing hgh and I'm now sleeping like a baby. Just something to consider. Good luck man.

  15. #15
    supersteve3686's Avatar
    supersteve3686 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi m8... im the same just now, im taking letro and a multi vit... also i find the orals make me feel sluggish, milk thistle boosts me.. but prob just a mental side for me

    Hope you get fix soon

  16. #16
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    hmmm... that's a good possibility huh? I'm wondering if i can up the letro a tad and keep the adrol and dbol at it's doses now? Maybe i should run .5mg ed and see if that helps out.... let me know what you think... also if anyone else has thoughts on that i'd appreciate the input! Thanks!
    Personally, I would stick to test/tren /adrol, but give it a shot (upping the letro) and let us know how it turns out, best of luck!

  17. #17
    british bulldog 1 is offline Associate Member
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    you need to up your calories aswell as carb intake

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