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  1. #1
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Almost There Freaks!

    Hey bros, I just wanted that you deeply analize my first cycle and see if I should change anything.

    Ok bros, here are my stats:

    20 year old, 5'10, 152 lbs 9%bf

    Been lifting seriously for 5 years. I am ending my keto diet right now (yahooooooo!) because I wanted to lower my bf levels so I can have better benefits from my first cycle. BTW for those interested in trying this diet is VERY GOOD, I went from 15% bf to what I have now. The bad thing is that you are always with a lethargic feeling...well, I get used to it. Time to get MASSIVE.

    This is what my cycle looks like:

    600mg (*changed to 450mg)* Sustanon 1-10 weeks
    400mg EQ 1-10 weeks
    50mg d-bol 1-5 weeks
    50mg winny 5-10 *Dont going to use because of ur advise bros*
    .25mg Arimidex through all the cycle
    Clomid therapy at the end

    So as you see, Im taking Sustanon. Do you recommend lowering the dosage of this or any other recommendations to my cycle? Remember that I have ** Sustanon so its 300mg per cc. Thanks for your help guys.
    Last edited by Tekto; 11-20-2001 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Kullman's Avatar
    Kullman is offline Member
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    Looks pretty good bro, well thought out. Imo I wouldn't use the winny, I would save it for a cutting cycle. If you want to bulk stick w/ bulking steriods . That is just my opinion though. it is also not the healthiest to run orals for 10 weeks. Just some things to think about, goodluck though

    Last edited by Kullman; 11-13-2001 at 05:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Tekto's Avatar
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    I added the winny to try to harden a bit a the end of the cycle. I would think of what you said. I was thinking about the dosage of Susta since theorically 250-300mg a week would make almost the same effects compared if I take more (like 600mg in my case). Well, thanks for your help bro....more comments welcome!

    Ohh, I FORGOT guys...Im taking this other supplements to fight the side effects:

    Vitamin E, C
    Liver Care (called also Liv-52)
    Garlic tabs
    Glucosamine MSM Complex
    Alpha Lipoic Acid

  4. #4
    Kullman's Avatar
    Kullman is offline Member
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    I would keep the sust at 600mg I think you'll be happy with your gains.


  5. #5
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    looks good bro but i would hit the eq @600 and frontload both eq and sus for the first 2 wks

  6. #6
    muscleup's Avatar
    muscleup is offline Associate Member
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    Thats a damn good first cycle....I personally feel you dont have to use that much Test...for your first cycle you can get away and make damn good results at 400 mgs a week...Also I would use Kullmans advice on the Winny.

  7. #7
    Adaptek's Avatar
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    Re: Almost There Freaks!

    Originally posted by Tekto
    Hey bros, I just wanted that you deeply analize my first cycle and see if I should change anything.

    Ok bros, here are my stats:

    20 year old, 5'10, 152 lbs 9%bf

    Been lifting seriously for 5 years. I am ending my keto diet right now (yahooooooo!) because I wanted to lower my bf levels so I can have better benefits from my first cycle. BTW for those interested in trying this diet is VERY GOOD, I went from 15% bf to what I have now. The bad thing is that you are always with a lethargic feeling...well, I get used to it. Time to get MASSIVE.

    This is what my cycle looks like:

    600mg Sustanon 1-10 weeks
    400mg EQ 1-10 weeks
    50mg d-bol 1-5 weeks
    50mg winny 5-10 week (when i finish the d-bols)
    .25mg Arimidex through all the cycle
    Clomid therapy at the end

    So as you see, Im taking Sustanon. Do you recommend lowering the dosage of this or any other recommendations to my cycle? Remember that I have ** Sustanon so its 300mg per cc. Thanks for your help guys.
    Bro how the fuck do you get sustanon at 600mg per week? I thought sus was 250mgs. I guess you are using the sus with an extra 50mg prop in it.
    Well be prepared for some GYNO, Sus really does not give you constant test levels, perfect environment for GYNO. Therefore you may want to have extra Arimidex on hand. I doubt .25mg will be enough. Be prepared to have to use 4 times that amount, so make sure you have enough on hand, just in case.

  8. #8
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Looks good, but the two orals back to back will put some major stress on your liver.

    As for gyno, unless you are prone, you should be okay. If you are taking arimidex or liquidex, you should definitely be covered.

    50 MG Dbol is pretty high for your first cycle. You might consider ramping it up and making sure you body can handle the dose.

  9. #9
    basskiller's Avatar
    basskiller is offline Associate Member
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    finaplix legend
    Nice cycle bro and I'd keep the winny for just the reason you stated.

    Adaptek TTokkyo makes a sust "TESTONON "250" in a 5ml vial
    So a little over a 2 1/4 CC would allow you to get damn close 600mgs, buddy

    keep us posted
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Almost  There  Freaks!-testonon.jpg  

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Bros, if you read the bottom of his post, he says he's using I* sust which is 300mg/ml

  11. #11
    basskiller's Avatar
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    finaplix legend
    MY bad!

  12. #12
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Ok guys, you confused me a bit here. If it is too much test, how about taking 1 cc or 1 1/2 cc a week?

    Damn Adaptek, I thought taking one arimidex dose again should get rid of any signs of gyno...what do u guys think about this?

    Thanks for your replys bros.

  13. #13
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    I agree with XB, cut the D-Bol reduce the test, this is your first cycle and your still young IMO you could wait alittle longer. At 152LBS @ 5.10 you have not yet reached anything like your genetic potential, natural size is very important as its yours for keeps.

    You will do what you will do, I'd look at diet and training before gear and if you MUST do gear I'd do this.

    450mg Sustanon 1-10 weeks 1.5 cc EW

    400mg EQ 1-10 weeks

    30mg d-bol 1-4 weeks

    .25mg Arimidex through all the cycle
    Clomid therapy at the end.

    There's no point wasting good gear when you shouldn't need it.


  14. #14
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Man, I was 180lbs but this cutting cycle just take all my fat and water away after my cycle of those damn prohormones (I know they dont work! lol). Well, I would definitely do the cycle bro. Another question: I am doing a "ALL CHINESE" cycle so you might know that his d-bols are 50mg. I dont know if I can divide that tab to make 30mg exact. What do u think?

    Also u said to take 1.5 cc of Susta a week. That would be 150mg a week right? So why you said its 450mg a week? Remember that each cc of my Susta is 300mg.
    Last edited by Tekto; 11-14-2001 at 09:25 AM.

  15. #15
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    1 cc = 300mg
    .5cc = 150mg
    1.5cc = 450mg

    Thats my thinking on it .** D-Bol are as you said 50mg, and they are slightly underdosed, so maybe go with .5 of a tab for one week, see how you feel and up the dose. I wouldn't normally say taper but its your first cycle and safe before anything else.

    You maye want to start a bulking diet before the cycle to help muscle gain.

    Question for you bro: have you ordered direct from ** and how long did it take to arrive? Thanks

  16. #16
    Tekto's Avatar
    Tekto is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Big Al
    1 cc = 300mg
    .5cc = 150mg
    1.5cc = 450mg

    Thats my thinking on it .** D-Bol are as you said 50mg, and they are slightly underdosed, so maybe go with .5 of a tab for one week, see how you feel and up the dose. I wouldn't normally say taper but its your first cycle and safe before anything else.

    You maye want to start a bulking diet before the cycle to help muscle gain.

    Question for you bro: have you ordered direct from ** and how long did it take to arrive? Thanks
    OOPS! Sorry about that mathematical mistake...Bro how do u think I can divide that in my injections? Should I take 1 cc in one week and .5 the other week or what?...I am confused bro.

    About **, my package arrives 4 weeks later (orals) Oils took 2 weeks. But dont worry about this, I live in Central America so it takes way longer. If you are in the states, it should take 2 or 3 weeks by normal mail. BTW, his packaging is DAmN GREAT! (as you may have heard).

  17. #17
    Big Al's Avatar
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    Thanks for that. Shoot me a PM if you have any problems etc thinking about ordering and getting some feedback from everyone I can

    On the injections, depending on your syringle take .75 of a cc each time, do you have 2ml or 5ml syringes? I can see this may be arkward, you could look at injecting every five days as that would be 600mg in 10 days rather than a week, as you have enhanced prop this may work well, however, ideally sus needs to be injected regularily, so I suggest 3 injections of .5cc.

    Hope thats helps

  18. #18
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Big Al
    Thanks for that. Shoot me a PM if you have any problems etc thinking about ordering and getting some feedback from everyone I can

    On the injections, depending on your syringle take .75 of a cc each time, do you have 2ml or 5ml syringes? I can see this may be arkward, you could look at injecting every five days as that would be 600mg in 10 days rather than a week, as you have enhanced prop this may work well, however, ideally sus needs to be injected regularily, so I suggest 3 injections of .5cc.

    Hope thats helps
    You mean 3 injections a week? I have 3cc syringes and Im planning to mix 1 cc of EQ with my Susta in each injection. That is if I do 2 injections per week as planned.

  19. #19
    Kullman's Avatar
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    I've personally never used his products and never will. Remember though if you are splitting his tabs you won't be getting exact doses, you don't know what you'll get. Say there is a 50mg tab you cut it into two, you could have 40mg in one half and 10 in the other. I don't know how much fillers he puts into the tabs so I feel it would unwise to split them and expect proper doses. Does anyone agree with this, I was just thinking about it, i may be wrong though.


  20. #20
    Big Al's Avatar
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    I assume you've got 200mg/1cc eq. do two injections like this


    1cc eq.
    .5cc Sus

    and one injection like this


    .5cc Sus

    Sun A
    Wed B
    Fri A

    Sun Repeat.

    .5 cc should be fine w/o any pain, make sure you rub the injection site after and get blood ito the area.

  21. #21
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Bros, Ive been thinking about this and I thought that three injections a week its too much. Its not that I can't do it but what if' I inject once 1cc Susta and 1cc of Eq and then (the second injection in the week) inject .5cc Susta and 1cc Eq? That would be the same ammount (referring to the Susta) but in two injections. My concern is if I am doing it correctly usisng only .5 in my second injection, compared to the first one that have more test.


  22. #22
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    Bro, you could do it that way too. You would get slightly steadier blood test levels if you did what Big Al said. Personally, I am an injection whore, I love to inject. I take things like Prop just so I can inject on a daily basis, but I guess that's me.

  23. #23
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Hey guys, I have alot of arimidex for this cycle so dont problem with that. Its that ok using one pill (.25mg) each day or I need more?

  24. #24
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    I think the norm is to take .5mg a day but if you are not prone to side effects, you could probably get away with .25. If you start to show signs of gyno, up it to 1mg a day until the symptoms go away, then back it down to .5mg a day.

    Someone correct me if that is not accurate. I always use nolv or liquidex, so I don't know about arimidex 100%, just what I heard.

  25. #25
    CYCLEON Guest
    with those doses you will need a minimum of .5mg and if you want to keep your water down, more like .75-1mg - .25 wont do any good IMO

  26. #26
    Tekto's Avatar
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    I have ** Ari. So that dosages you said refer to 2 1/2 pills then?

  27. #27
    FB! is offline New Member
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    Call me stupid or fat but why are you using so much gear? This is your first cycle man, you are going to grow off anything. No need to stack that much.


  28. #28
    Adaptek's Avatar
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    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    with those doses you will need a minimum of .5mg and if you want to keep your water down, more like .75-1mg - .25 wont do any good IMO
    Thank you very much for this post.

    Exactly what I was saying earlier. If you see any signs of GYNO developing e.g. itchy nips etc.. let us know pronto.

    I have a number of cycles under my belt.

    I think this cycle is a little heavy for a newbie also. You better stay close to the boards. You need to start with lower doses before you can understand your body. I know when to up the Arimidex dose and when to leave out certain drugs because I know how I should feel using them.
    You need some supervision on this cycle. Are you prone to acne? Are you prone to gyno? Do you have a strong heart? High blood pressure? Liver and kidneys ok?
    Dbol can fuck up people with weak hearts.

  29. #29
    spanky is offline New Member
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    i would put money that you diet and/or recovery is insufficient. i didnt do a cycle until i got up to 210lb @ 16% @ 5' 10". why on earth would you go on a keto diet when you where only around 160lb?? i took pics of me when i dieted down from 180 to 165 @ 7% and i had like no muscle. you keep dieting with an ecto body you wont reach you goals until you 40.

  30. #30
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice guys but I think Im ready. Been researching damn too long. My gear have been waiting along time in the kitchen and Im almost done... I dont think the dosages are high, remember that I want to hit the receptors very well because they are fresh. Alot of experienced bbers had told me the doses are ok. Also I tweak the winny and Im going to used it later so I dont have too much stress in the liver

    I dieted down afterof those fucking prohormones (in my bulk cycle). I went from 150 to 185 dieting good as always and then when I decide to do a cutting phase...all of the gains of the prohormones was pure water...Now I know why you guys hate them alot. Well, I would always keep you guys posted. Ive learned alot here (aven more now with XBikers injection pics! lol!)

  31. #31
    Tekto's Avatar
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    Unhappy Confused now

    Guys, you had really keep me thinking about the high dosages that my cycle have, Today I went to see a friend (personal trainer) and I just tell him how my cycle was going to be like. He was just impressed about the high dosages. He said that I have to take in mind that this is my first cycle and that I have plenty of time to grow. He was in a hurry and we make an appointment so that he can advice me better about this. Bros, Ive been researching along time the drugs Im going to use and when I think I was prepared, this problem came (WTF are the correct dosages for me?). I dont want to fuck my body guys, but Im prepared to start the cycle. Been training for long time and know alot about how to diet and supplement and each day I learn more thanks to YOU, THIS BOARD, and friends like the one I talked before, that REALLY care about my body and don't want to fuck it so early. Remember that steroids are great, BUT we have to use them correctly. Its better to gain 15lbs of a cycle and keep 8 than gain 25 or 30, keep 8 and leaving irreversible damage to my body.

    Bros, I would like that some of you that haven't posted your opinions that please give me your advice in tweaking (if I need so) my cycle. Remember that I have ALL CHINESE gear. The Susta is 300mg/ml, EQ 200mg/ml, D-bol 50mg. So you have to play with those dosages. I would greately appreciate your comments guys. The gear is there waiting, but I want to do everything correctly.

  32. #32
    Tekto's Avatar
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    come on guys! BUMP

  33. #33
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    IMO personally I think the dosages are fine. My first cycle was dbol @ 40day ed, 500omna per week & 400 deca ...last 5 weeks I used winny to harden up. Went from 210 to 230 and after I stopped only lost 5lbs. My second was 60mg dbol ed 500mg sust week, 400mg deca & ran winny the last 5 weeks (I love winny!!!) The one thing I watch is my diet, I try not to put on too much water weight, I don't really care if I don't look hugely bloated or not as long as there is quality muscle being gained. I usually cut carbs down for 3 days and then load up on the 4th & very well for me. I think you'll be fine...just be aware of your body, I like it though IMO go for it!

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