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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    half life of Dutast.

    Alright i just found out i cannot split these gel caps into halfs , so i can take 0.5 mgs a day , instead i have to take 1mg eod ...i just wanted to know if dutasteride works right away , or will only affect me half way through my test prop cycle .

  2. #2
    **Middleweight** is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    puerto rico
    U can't split it?? Put it in the freezer then slice it in half with a razor blade..Try that??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    are u serious that would work ? . it seems plausable...never thought of it , still pissed that someone told me it took 5 weeks to kick in after i started my prop cycle . so its only going to kick in half way through my cycle . is this true

  4. #4
    RoidBoid's Avatar
    RoidBoid is offline Member
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    Feb 2008
    ive answered this question before, it will take time to have effect ... some people notice hairloss in first couple of weeks with duta and fina then the compound kicks in... why all the threads? just ask the question in the old one and its go back to the top for people to answer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    sorry about that bro . just wanted to know when it going to kick in , and if it kicks in at all in the beginning . im using alot of niz right now .

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