Need input on this cycle
1-12 tren a 100mg ed
1-6 dbol 50mg ed
8-14 50-100 mg Win ed (have to see how I do on 50 and maybe bump to 100)
PCT on hand nolva, clomid, and HCG in the closet at all times. Oh and arimidex. I plan on just doing the nolva. I am not prone to sides at all(except acne) I have no experience with tren so I am not sure what to expect, I understand it can be harsh so i am ready for anything.
I also have brocoptimine on hand the I can throw in, but don't want to unless there is good reason.
39 yrs old
5+yrs lifting
4 cylces
13-14bf right now 11-12 by start of cycle.
I see that either of these go well together, the tren and the dbol or the tren and the winny, but I am not sure if I can run the winny after the dbol like that or not.
Any input is welcome. Also a flame or two will make me feel welcome.