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  1. #1
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2008

    Planning second cycle - test prop + ___

    Just finishing up my PCT for my 1st 10 wk cylce of test prop at 500 mg/wk and was pleased with the results and thus far have maintained my strength gains and about 70% of the weight.

    I wanted to make sure I got lean gains and kept a clean diet and shed some BF on this cycle.

    Now I am planning a cycle for the end of summer/ early fall (probably fall) and do more of a lean bulk.

    I am considering test prop 500mg/wk shot ed and tren ace probably 350mg/wk (open to suggestions) since I can get both of those or possibly test and deca if I can find some legit deca.

    Just wanting to toss the idea out there and get some feedback on what would be best for mass plus increased strength.

    I would do tren for sure, but love playing basketball and am not crazy about the idea of tren cough, but I am willing to make the sacrifice of not playing for a month or so in order to maximize the gains during the next cycle if it comes to that.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    boxer1's Avatar
    boxer1 is offline Associate Member
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    if you are going for a bulker you could run npp with the prop keeping with the short esters.

  3. #3
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Prop/Tren /Mast 75mg ED each. Bam! But yes, if concerned with cardio, you could do the NPP instead of tren. Or, and most people would not like this, add some EQ to offset the cardio draw that tren has....

  4. #4
    Mad HaTTer's Avatar
    Mad HaTTer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffefrijoles View Post
    Prop/Tren/Mast 75mg ED each. Bam!
    That sounds like a good time, may steal that idea for myself

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    not sure you should be using Tren for a second cycle. You should work your body up to the stronger more aggressive steroids

    NPP would be a better choice for a second cycle

  6. #6
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    ^^^ agreed with T-Mos

  7. #7
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2008
    Thanks guys, the NPP (Durabolin ) looks like a great choice for me as it would work well with the short ester test prop. Aside from feeling like a pin cushion for a couple months, I would like to stick with the shorter esters to minimize sides and water retention etc. and I've heard ND (Deca ) will put on a lot of water.

    I haven't heard of any of the people I trust getting NPP, but I'll ask around and see what I can come up with. It looks like I may be making it at home (which I wouldn't mind either)

    And does about 400 mg/wk sound about right for the NPP? I'm a little over 210 11-12% bf and saw in the profile section about 2mg/# of body weight or should I dose it in another manner? And should I stick with the 500 mg of test prop or should that change as well?

    Thanks for all the help guys.

  8. #8
    kifenehma3ak is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2009
    how much weight did u gain? is the prop good? overall if u had to rate ur change what would the percentage look like???

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