wouldn't go over 40 mg dbols/d since then you would probably need anti_e:s and then mutch of the effect eould dissapear, but all 50 mg dbols tas I know about is underdosed, so one tad/d should be just fine.
I think it's looks fine, perhaps I would have increased the deca too 400/week.
Yeah def increase the deca. Looks like you really planned it out. Good luck!
300mgs of Deca a week is fine for a first time user.
The 50 mg D-bols are great. By my question is how the hell are u spliting those small pill up into 4 parts?
with a sharp sharp knife..
I just place on hard surface and layed the edge against and aplly slight pressure. pop..
took me about an hour..
How long tell I should feel these Dbol kickin in and what will that feeling be?
Last edited by caladin; 12-02-2002 at 04:14 PM.
Only an hr? lol I don't have the patience for that but god bless u if you do lol.
You should start to feel tighter at the end of week 1 on them. week 2 your strenght should really start to go up along w/ noticable weight gain.
Just keep eating...
most people don't take the time to write all those details down. i wish every one did as much homework as you before they juice. every thing looks good. i added my work out if you were interested...maybe give you some more ideas..i have a back disease so i can't train legs as hard as i want.. so it's very limited..chest is monday and so on..i switch between 2 workout every other week...both are there..S.S. means super set. goodluck...Madmax...
Chest sets
decline 5
flat press d.b 5
flat flys 3
incline press 4
incline flys 3
wide chins 8
close grip pulldowns 5
machine angle rows 4
t-bar rows 4
dumbell rows 5
squats 5
press outs 4
thigh extensions 4
reverse leg curls 4
calf raises 4
shoulder press 5
side lateral raises 3
side jug raises 3
straight raises 3
close grip upright raises 4
shrugs 4
back lats 5
straight bar curl S.S 4
reverse curls hammer curls S.S 4
concentrated curls 4
21 curls S.S 4
wrist curls 4
dips 5
skull crushers S.S 4
tricep pressouts 4
tricep pressdowns S.S 3
tricep kickbacks 3
Chest sets
incline d.b 5
incline flys 3
flat press 5
flat flys 4
decline 4
close pull ups 5
wide chin pull downs 5
machine angle rows 4
machine lower rows 4
machine pulldowns 4
dumbell rows 4
squats 5
leg press 4
thigh extension 4
reverse leg curls 4
calf raises 5
d.b shoulder press 5
cable side laterals 3
seated machine laterals 3
plate front raises 3
d.b side lateral raise 4
wide grip upright raises 4
shrugs 5
d.b back lateral raises 5
dumbell curls SS 4
reverse wrist curls 4 hammer curls SS 4
wrist curls 4
preacher curls SS 4
concentrative curls 4
pull over and press 4
incline skull crushers 4
dip machine 4
tricep extensions 3
tricep pressdowns 3
MBaraso <-thanks for the info on Dbol
Madmax <-thanks for the info on your workout to give me some added Ideas
When I aspirated there was no blod that I saw but after I removed it I saw a small amount.. very miniscule but some in pin? shoudl i be concerned?
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