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Thread: noob at injections/ neep help and advice

  1. #1

    noob at injections/ neep help and advice

    i kinda got a problem from earlier today....i went to do my first shot and i researched how to do it but obviously i didnt do it good enough...i think i ran into the problem when i was injecting my deca and my omnadren in the same syringe....long story short...i injected the deca and then i was doing the omnadren the same way but the omnadren is in a vile and the other bottle has a rubber i kept getting air into the syringe and i didnt know that i needed to turn the syringe up to get the air out and then try to get the rest of the omnadren into the syringe instead my idiot self actually got a lil clean plastic cup i have and got all the deca and the lil bit of omnadren i had in the syringe and put it all in the cup and then reinjected it back into the syringe along with the rest of the test i had left over thast i couldnt get in the first place....and then i find out thats not a good idea.....too late for that do i need to really worry and if so what side effects do i ned to watch out ass hurts a lil but not a lot but i did the shot like 3 hours ago....any info would be really helpful for next time..... btw thats the only part i messed up on

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    so wait you put it all in a plastic cup? Then drawed your needle out from the cup? then injected it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    wow you are asking for an infection. you will get air when drawing that is ok. Just dont hve tons of air when injecting tap it out right before injection

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    you have to be kidding me.. man some of the things i read boggles the mind..

  5. #5
    yeah if i would have known i would have got the air out like that...this is the thing my girl says she knew how to do all of that stuff so i trusted her and when it came down to it she its still my ass is sore when i sit on it but not too bad i dont think..... yes that is the way i did it.......also i did the deca right all the way but it was when i started to do the vile..........exactly the way i done it was iput the deca in the syringe and then tried to do the test the same way and thats when i messed up so i squirted ot all out and then reinjected it into the i going to be in trouble?
    Last edited by stablo4life82; 04-02-2009 at 10:30 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Whatever your girl does she should clearly steer away from it. Air is fine in the syringe, just make sure its all out before you inject. You might consider visiting your doctor and ask for some medical advice ASAP.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    If your ass is hot and is swelling then theres an issue. Dont do it this way again.

  8. #8
    there is no swelling or hottness...but it hurts a lil bit...not too bad though... but i did it like 5 hours ago too so i dont know if thats enough time for the swelling to take in effect is it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Virgin muscles can be sore as hell for a week without having a serious problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by stablo4life82 View Post
    there is no swelling or hottness...but it hurts a lil bit...not too bad though... but i did it like 5 hours ago too so i dont know if thats enough time for the swelling to take in effect is it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You will probably be fine. Just watch out for signs of infection but next time PLEASE know what you are doing. Google it, watch it on youtube, there are TONs of sources out there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Listen i have a friend who came overseas. not too bright on health. He did a whole cycle and only sometimes swabbed the injection site. He also NEVER swabbed the vial before drawing. He was fine with nothing wrong, so you might be lucky.

  12. #12
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    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s .c o m
    put that in with no spaces

  13. #13
    thanks guys i really appreciate ill keep an eye out for any infections that i might have....

  14. #14
    u think i can keepinjecting the same side of the glute i did every week since i only do one shot a week which for me is 2 ccs a week?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Orange county, CA
    rotate injection sites as much as you can.... you can inject your right glute, then next do your left glute... try to do your delts too if you can.... quads are also another easy one..... those are the 6 sites i inject and that's all i really think is needed.... i used to only do glutes and i'd just switch from left to right but scar tissue begins to build and it gets harder to inject...

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    why are you only injecting once a week?

  17. #17
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I am very anal about injecting. I use a sterile disposable pad to lay everything on before I even open a syringe. This is your health we are talking we about, you have to be careful.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    You should be injecting twice a week and rotate the sites as mentioned. As for the infection you'll probably be ok, but i wouldn't do that again. Too much risk. Maybe a very small particle falls in there and you inject it. That wouldn't be good.

  19. #19
    yeah i think im ok other than my ass hurting like swelling and redness though u cant even tell where i injected it at.....but it hurt when i got out of bed this a lil went away after i moved around a about to go work 7 12s on my job for a lil while thats y i asked bout the injection site cause i really dont want my ass to hurt really bad while im trying to yes i will def be more careful...i know now exactly how to do it with no problems.....when i bought my cycle i only bought 10 ampules of the omnadren...i guess i could order more and take two a week and then hope my stuff gets here in time which is usually like 2 weeks or less....but i dont know

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