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Thread: T3/clen + Caffeine?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    T3/clen + Caffeine?

    Hej, first post! is there any problem to include caffeine in a t3/clen cycle ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    eh, I wouldn't recommend it, especially the first time around using clen. Definitely wait and see how the clen effects you, and the results you get. When I'm on clen (which I am now) even a cup of green tea really gets me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    I read a post similar to this one regarding clen + caffeine and Phate set me straight on the matter. I believe he stated that the two don't target the same receptors and have different mechanisms. Not sure the addition of t3 in the equation would change anything. I don't think the occational cup of coffee or green tea is going to effect things but I wouldn't suggest injesting 200mg of caffeine at one given time. IMO, I would start the t3 and clen without any caffeine at 1st then once you get use to how these compounds effect you then you can add in some caffeine.

  4. #4
    T3 or Clen each by themselves can be pretty taxing on the cardiovascular system (depending on dosage), adding another stimulant would not be wise.

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^^ id have to agree ..incidental caffeine is one thing but to intentionally add it in - i fact id prob watch my intake - then again i wouldnt do the clen/t3 combo - thats just me......

  6. #6
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    T3 or Clen each by themselves can be pretty taxing on the cardiovascular system (depending on dosage), adding another stimulant would not be wise.
    shit pre contest right now and i am on t3 at 120 per day, clen 120 eod, eca stack 4 times per day eod, and i drink coffee like its going out of style

    no wonder i am so fuking tired all the time

  7. #7
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    Jimmy can u hit me up on aol bufftrack23

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazor View Post
    Hej, first post! is there any problem to include caffeine in a t3/clen cycle ?

    For an advise, you'd rather not. I've been on my clen/t3 cycle before and boy i'd tell you the heat coupled with the shakiness from clen dose is already enough to take you on a high-intensity-fat-burnin level. Not to mention the fast rate of your cardiovascular system..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    shit pre contest right now and i am on t3 at 120 per day, clen 120 eod, eca stack 4 times per day eod, and i drink coffee like its going out of style

    no wonder i am so fuking tired all the time
    1) Never mix an eca stack with clen! You are asking for heart trouble and the eca/caffeine combo is causing your blood sugar to crash and it's increasing cortisol levels (muscle eating hormone)!

    2) Do not exceed 75 mgs of t-3 or muscle loss will occur.

    3) A little caffeine (2 cups of coffee daily) with a clen/t-3 stack is fine.

    4) You need to put more emphasis on diet/cardio and less on drugs!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    1) Never mix an eca stack with clen! You are asking for heart trouble and the eca/caffeine combo is causing your blood sugar to crash and it's increasing cortisol levels (muscle eating hormone)!

    2) Do not exceed 75 mgs of t-3 or muscle loss will occur.

    3) A little caffeine (2 cups of coffee daily) with a clen/t-3 stack is fine.

    4) You need to put more emphasis on diet/cardio and less on drugs!
    Agree with all of these!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    1) Never mix an eca stack with clen! You are asking for heart trouble and the eca/caffeine combo is causing your blood sugar to crash and it's increasing cortisol levels (muscle eating hormone)!

    2) Do not exceed 75 mgs of t-3 or muscle loss will occur.

    3) A little caffeine (2 cups of coffee daily) with a clen/t-3 stack is fine.

    4) You need to put more emphasis on diet/cardio and less on drugs!
    75mcg/day with cardio will destroy your muscle.

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