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Thread: First Timer

  1. #1
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    First Timer

    OK first off BIG i am sorry i have no sources and dont understand how i get in trouble on here but ill probably get in trouble for this so here i go.....Im 22 6'1 155 pounds. ive been dieting and training now for about 22 months now.... I was always told that steroids will not help a skinny guy without diet and a good base... well i got a pretty nice base and a healthy diet and have so for a while now...put on 30 pounds and plateud. startet at about 120-125. now that i have that much progress i wanna give it the final push before summer an hit 170 or more by the middle of summer.. i have modest expectations for i am not a true beleaver in anabolic medicine lol.... I have done alot of research about what is good for a first time bulk... i am not asking for you to give me the Hus... i just want to know the name of a good anabolic medicine for a first timer so i can research it and bring back my questions and sources???????????????i have been already researching dianbol

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    so what's your question?

  3. #3
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    OK first off BIG i am sorry i have no sources and dont understand how i get in trouble on here but ill probably get in trouble for this so here i go.....Im 22 6'1 155 pounds. ive been dieting and training now for about 22 months now.... I was always told that steroids will not help a skinny guy without diet and a good base... well i got a pretty nice base and a healthy diet and have so for a while now...put on 30 pounds and plateud. startet at about 120-125. now that i have that much progress i wanna give it the final push before summer an hit 170 or more by the middle of summer.. i have modest expectations for i am not a true beleaver in anabolic medicine lol.... I have done alot of research about what is good for a first time bulk... i am not asking for you to give me the Hus... i just want to know the name of a good anabolic medicine for a first timer so i can research it and bring back my questions and sources???????????????i have been already researching dianbol

    Sounds like your fishing for a source

  4. #4
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    OK first off BIG i am sorry i have no sources and dont understand how i get in trouble on here but ill probably get in trouble for this so here i go.....Im 22 6'1 155 pounds. ive been dieting and training now for about 22 months now.... I was always told that steroids will not help a skinny guy without diet and a good base... well i got a pretty nice base and a healthy diet and have so for a while now...put on 30 pounds and plateud. startet at about 120-125. now that i have that much progress i wanna give it the final push before summer an hit 170 or more by the middle of summer.. i have modest expectations for i am not a true beleaver in anabolic medicine lol.... I have done alot of research about what is good for a first time bulk... i am not asking for you to give me the Hus... i just want to know the name of a good anabolic medicine for a first timer so i can research it and bring back my questions and sources???????????????i have been already researching dianbol
    dude, u must look like snoop dog on crack.. haha, im flaming.. my bad

    seems like we can better that diet of yours... if you dont mind putting it up, we'd love to tweak it for you.. im 6'4 282lbs, so understand that you could easily be 210-220 without gear..

    take the time to post up your diet with macros (pro/fat/carb/cal) and we'll tweak it for you

  5. #5
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    careful, some ppl don't like that.

  6. #6
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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  7. #7
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakbones View Post
    Sounds like your fishing for a source
    What he said.

  8. #8
    personaltrainermark is offline Associate Member
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    You need to eat more. 6'1 155 is pretty small. You can easily gain more weight eating a better diet. Sorry if you didn't want to hear this but aas isn't for you yet my friend.

  9. #9
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    ill say it again... POST UP YOUR DIET BRO

    trust me, i'll change alot in just a few min and you'll see great results

  10. #10
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    i wake up at 9 i need at least an hour before i can eat. i cant give macros right away till i got more time but i pretty much memorized meal times vary because some days i wake up later than others..

    10 am
    16 oz 2% milk 260
    whole wheat english muffin w/ 1 serving of natural peanut butter 300

    1 pm
    6 ounces of steak in a home made corn flour tortilla 400
    8 oz 2% milk 130

    I know this is 4 hours inbetween but i gotta chalk up to work before i can eat on break
    5 am
    this meal varies from chicken,pot roast, lean pork.. always a good protein source.. 350
    1 serv brown rice 240
    8 oz milk 130

    8 pm
    2 servings mini wheats 400
    w/ the milk 130

    12 am
    16 oz 260
    orange and apple 150
    fiberone bar 150

    2 am
    4 eggs 280 with some cheese
    8 oz milk 130

    3310 calories
    Last edited by tjpatrick1987; 04-03-2009 at 07:40 PM.

  11. #11
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    i have you at about 130 g of protien... you diet needs major overhauling..

    let me get you started...

    watch these videos, thery're gold for those who wanna get an idea of how their diet should look..
    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

    then do some math for me...

    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    once you have that number, you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    after your done with the videos, make a new diet based upon your new knwledge and we'll tweak it

  12. #12
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    I went from 134 (8%) to 178 (12-13% bf) in one year by eating and I too am 6'1. (it was when I first started working out)

    So you want to jump on steroids because you have plateaued?

    If I had nickle for everytime I plateaued I be a man with a shit load of nickles.

    30lbs is a good start, but no where near a solid base on a 6'1 frame, you can get to 190-210 easy without steroids.

    Plus you are still young, so I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but with your diet + your time training you are no where near ready for steroids.

  13. #13
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    i hear what your saying but i never planned on stop dieting. i have been for almost 2 years and for 6 months now i plateud and even got sick an lost ten pounds but i plateued out again. im not looking into anything serious but i am dedicated and im looking for a quick push of 15 pounds just 1 cycle

  14. #14
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    i hear what your saying but i never planned on stop dieting. i have been for almost 2 years and for 6 months now i plateud and even got sick an lost ten pounds but i plateued out again. im not looking into anything serious but i am dedicated and im looking for a quick push of 15 pounds just 1 cycle
    we will ALL advise against that...

  15. #15
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    and with the protein i easily just did a round up of macros in my head and i counted 200ish about 1.25 ppforgot to put in my pwo shake 30g but ill get the macros up .. im pretty sure im right though.... plus my diet has alot of complex carbs i never ever eat white bread....only whole wheat everything....but matabolism kills the carbs..but at the same time they help me gain all my size when the protein cuts me up

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