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    Question Firts Time at 45 years of age ?

    K i have been working out like crazy for a while, but the last years i have been working my butt off for gains and cutting.

    The thing is i searched and read and studied every post on this site lol

    Excellent info and source !

    The thing is i see every one in there 20-30 s taking about there cycles.
    Im 45 years old looking 30
    I seem to still gain but its is slow.
    165 lbs
    16% bf
    Im seriously thinking oral only for the first time, i know its not the best for the money and gains but how about my age? whats recommended.
    I thought about var and tbol.
    Will i still gain from oral from my looks ?
    do i have to cut more fat before i try any gear?

    I eat very clean from tuna to protein shakes.
    i tried TestoFX and Purple K but it slow.
    Thanks in advance !
    Last edited by 4fitness; 04-04-2009 at 05:51 AM.

  2. #2
    lovinyomotha12's Avatar
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    Yo be a man and stick yourself with some pins, its faster acting and better on your liver.

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    At your age a low dose test cycle would do you very well. Have you looked into TRT at all or had your levels checked?

  4. #4
    4fitness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovinyomotha12 View Post
    Yo be a man and stick yourself with some pins, its faster acting and better on your liver.
    If i only knew how, i have read and read and read seen pics etc but i need some one to do it a few times for me first and show me the ropes. but dont know who lol

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    At your age a low dose test cycle would do you very well. Have you looked into TRT at all or had your levels checked?
    No i never had my levels checked or thought about TRT, what blood test would i be asking for, I thought about that route also .

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Not gonna hurt anymore than getting a tattoo on your neck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    No i never had my levels checked or thought about TRT, what blood test would i be asking for, I thought about that route also .
    Just get a blood draw and ask to have your testosterone levels checked. Free and Total. The "free" is the one you really want to be sure is in range.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Not gonna hurt anymore than getting a tattoo on your neck.
    Probably true, but are the loses in oral that much?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    Probably true, but are the loses in oral that much?
    Orals are going to suppress your test levels and they are also tough on your liver.

  10. #10
    lovinyomotha12's Avatar
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    Your gonna keep gains better with injectables (But yet again it depends on your PCT, Diet. Exercise etc..), and seriously stickin yourself doesnt hurt at all, as crazy as this sounds i look forward to injection day, i actually like it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Orals are going to suppress your test levels and they are also tough on your liver.
    K thanks, ill make a appointment first to have my blood checked and have the levels of testosterone checked , I have a feeling its ok because i gained 10lbs muscle in one year,

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovinyomotha12 View Post
    Your gonna keep gains better with injectables (But yet again it depends on your PCT, Diet. Exercise etc..), and seriously stickin yourself doesnt hurt at all, as crazy as this sounds i look forward to injection day, i actually like it.
    Thanks for the quick responses, im not afraid of pins just not a pro at it and need some one to show me a couple times to feel comfortable, hate to jab my self in a vain or bone.

    im at the gym 5 days a week with 30 min cardio a day.
    i work out a muscle group once a week.
    PCT dont know yet thought about Nolva , but with 6 weeks oral cycle might not need any.
    Last edited by 4fitness; 04-03-2009 at 08:38 PM.

  13. #13
    lovinyomotha12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    Thanks for the quick responses, im not afraid of pins just not a pro at it and need some one to show me a couple times to feel comfortable, hate to jab my self in a vain or bone.
    Nah bro its not rocket science, just make sure you get the pin in the muscle and pullback, if theres no blood your good to go brotha. If you get blood pull it out and stick it somewhere else in the muscle and repeat.

    23g x 1.5 is good for the ass (Wanna go deep)

    23g x 1 is good for thigh injections.

    Personally i have never pulled back on a syringe (pretty dumb). But its highly reccomended that you do so.

  14. #14
    hellapimpin's Avatar
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    i couldn't jab my first time either, had someone else do it..but after that i did it myself..and barely even felt it.
    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m
    here is where alot of us started learning

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellapimpin View Post
    i couldn't jab my first time either, had someone else do it..but after that i did it myself..and barely even felt it.
    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m
    here is where alot of us started learning

    yeh i have seen that link as well, just i rather have some one else do the first couple one due to experience lol just to make sure. And cant find any one at this moment , im dying to give the Oral a change since i do see people getting gains, but if the results are that bad and the affects are that bad ill probably gone run some test e 400mg for 10 weeks and dbol the first 4 weeks at 40mg.
    i guess nolva is a must on hand.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post

    yeh i have seen that link as well, just i rather have some one else do the first couple one due to experience lol just to make sure. And cant find any one at this moment , im dying to give the Oral a change since i do see people getting gains, but if the results are that bad and the affects are that bad ill probably gone run some test e 400mg for 10 weeks and dbol the first 4 weeks at 40mg.
    i guess nolva is a must on hand.
    Jabbing yourself is the way to gain experience, it's simple, once you have done you're first jab you will wonder what on earth you were worried about.
    Always have some nolva on hand.
    You don't need to go as high as 40mg, 30mg is plenty for you're 1st cycle.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    Thanks for the quick responses, im not afraid of pins just not a pro at it and need some one to show me a couple times to feel comfortable, hate to jab my self in a vain or bone.

    im at the gym 5 days a week with 30 min cardio a day.
    i work out a muscle group once a week.
    PCT dont know yet thought about Nolva , but with 6 weeks oral cycle might not need any.
    Its the easiest thing in the world im tellin ya, make a muscle with your leg, put your finger on the muscle and keep your finger there and STOP FLEXING. then take your finger off quick (You will see the capillary refill, you know the white spot) then stick the needle straight down in there.

    Please clean the area and your finger .

    Grab some test bro, enth, cyp, or sustanon . Injections once a week, its not bad at all man youll be ight.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovinyomotha12 View Post
    Its the easiest thing in the world im tellin ya, make a muscle with your leg, put your finger on the muscle and keep your finger there and STOP FLEXING. then take your finger off quick (You will see the capillary refill, you know the white spot) then stick the needle straight down in there.

    Please clean the area and your finger .

    Grab some test bro, enth, cyp, or sustanon. Injections once a week, its not bad at all man youll be ight.
    Yup I read about infections , ill be wipping with alcohol . Ok so just 10 week cycle would work ? I was thinking from all the research to go with 250 every 5 days ? Nothing stacking it ? And just nolva for pct after last injection . Thanks

  19. #19
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    For a beginner idk if i would stack anything. MY first cycle was Test Prop 100m/g eod. Did that for 8 weeks. Sucked due to the painful ass injections. Id reccomend Test cyp 500mg a week. just by itself.

  20. #20
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    I am on my first cycle as well and I inject in my glutes. No pain at all, it was a lot easier then I thought.

  21. #21
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    Hate the glutes, ass ****in kills to sit. lol

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    Yup I read about infections , ill be wipping with alcohol . Ok so just 10 week cycle would work ? I was thinking from all the research to go with 250 every 5 days ? Nothing stacking it ? And just nolva for pct after last injection . Thanks
    There's a bit more to correct injection protocol than wiping with alcohol.
    250mg mon/thur is good for stable test levels (less sides).
    Nolva alone is not a PCT i'd recommend, you also need some clomid and don't forget to wait 2wks after you're last jab to start PCT if you are going to run cyp or e.

  23. #23
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    At 45 years of age I see no need for him to jump to 500 mgs per week. Especialy since he is looking for 10lbs of lean. Do yourself a favor, if you decide to go that route stick to around 250-300 and you will be just fine.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    At 45 years of age I see no need for him to jump to 500 mgs per week. Especialy since he is looking for 10lbs of lean. Do yourself a favor, if you decide to go that route stick to around 250-300 and you will be just fine.
    Ok then 150mg mon/thur.
    But i don't see whats wrong with 500mg test wk.
    250mg will give you 180mg of active ingredient once you take the ester weight, thats around 100mg above normal wkly base levels, not a lot is it?

  25. #25
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    Yes I was more thinking of 200 twice a week of E or Cyp. Using a 23g 1" pin . Is 6 weeks to short of a cycle?

    Sorry for so many questions , I just wanne do it right the first time and get the opinions from this great forum. At the gym they recomanded me oral only so obviously that's not great advice

  26. #26
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    At 45 years of age his levels are more than likely on the low end of the scale already. So even 180mgs of active test is going to be a big jump for him. If you look at some of the guys who have posted TRT threads they are making great gains from 200mgs a week. Look at Fallens thread and pics in that section if you want to see some great results. Also, I do frequent "other" boards now and then I can tell you the 500mg a week protocol for beginners is not nearly as popular in other circles. Tons of testimonials of guys making great gains in the 300mgs a week range.

  27. #27
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    4 Months 200mgs CYP/week results.
    Low Dose Test E Results

    Here are two examples of what low dose test can do for a guy his age.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    At 45 years of age his levels are more than likely on the low end of the scale already. So even 180mgs of active test is going to be a big jump for him. If you look at some of the guys who have posted TRT threads they are making great gains from 200mgs a week. Look at Fallens thread and pics in that section if you want to see some great results. Also, I do frequent "other" boards now and then I can tell you the 500mg a week protocol for beginners is not nearly as popular in other circles. Tons of testimonials of guys making great gains in the 300mgs a week range.
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    4 Months 200mgs CYP/week results.
    Low Dose Test E Results

    Here are two examples of what low dose test can do for a guy his age.
    Thanks but i'm 48yrs old with 20+ years of steroid experience so i'll stick with my opinion. But i do respect yours.

  29. #29
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    Good for you to wait that long. I did my first about a year ago, I was also 45. I thought about doing oral only also due to HATTING needles but after reading and reading I knew it was NOT the way to go.
    As said, do a Test E only for the first and maybe 2nd. Read up on it more, where to pin, what size and for Gods sake dont do like so many other are doing and get an infrction. CLEAN the injection site before and after. PLEASE read some of the recent threads.

    Also for me, I cant do the glutes. The thighs are EASY Really, I still hate needles but it never hurts, I just hate them LOL

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    ok pct question, is the pct only for when you get side affects? or is it for recovery of some thing else. Buddy of mine says i dont need unless you have side affects, but i trust the forum better for answers lol

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    ok pct question, is the pct only for when you get side affects? or is it for recovery of some thing else. Buddy of mine says i dont need unless you have side affects, but i trust the forum better for answers lol
    NO, time to do MORE reading. There is a whole section on that. Go read it, get confused then ask but read first.

    Also since you think your diet is good then go read the diet section OMG you will see how wrong you are. LOL

  32. #32
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    NO, time to do MORE reading. There is a whole section on that. Go read it, get confused then ask but read first.

    Also since you think your diet is good then go read the diet section OMG you will see how wrong you are. LOL
    ok ill educate my self some more on the PCT , i thought it was just for side affects. no problem.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    ok ill educate my self some more on the PCT , i thought it was just for side affects. no problem.
    PCT ( POST Cycle Therapy ).
    This starts when you have finished you're cycle.
    Start times for PCT will depend on what you were using, in what dosages and for how long. A standard PCT for a test c cycle of 10-12 wks would be
    Clomid 100/50/50/25
    Nolva 40/20/20/20.
    The above protocol is a starting point, other meds can be added depending on the person and cycle.

    NB, the above is obviously invalid if you decide to run TRT between cycles.

  34. #34
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    there are side effect you notice right away hopefully like gyno, extreme acne, but there are sides that you don't, note really sides but natural occurrences such as you body not producing your own testosterone after cycle due to being shut down and you may not even know it until one day you realize you have lizes 100%+ of the muscle mass, you are more tires, your libido is gone.
    PCT is to help you body get back to normal and produce it's own Test and other levels back to normal.

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    Just confused , i see that adding some var will help you as a cutting cycle. I was wondering if just using cyp will cut as well to bring my bf down, guess its all in the diet. but will the results be the same with var or without ?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    At your age a low dose test cycle would do you very well. Have you looked into TRT at all or had your levels checked?
    Great advice^^^^^X1 Peace


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    Quote Originally Posted by satnic33 View Post
    Great advice^^^^^X1 Peace

    Yeh I have a dr app and gone give him the bogus symptens to get a test done.
    Will see what happens , but ill go for the cyp only for 10 weeks at 150 2x week .
    I just gone have to figure out how much 1cc is now Thanks

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4fitness View Post
    Yeh I have a dr app and gone give him the bogus symptens to get a test done.
    Will see what happens , but ill go for the cyp only for 10 weeks at 150 2x week .
    I just gone have to figure out how much 1cc is now Thanks
    Depends what the dosage is to figure out how much to take. If its dosed at 200mgs which cyp often is you would use .75ml per injection to arrive at the 150mgs.

  39. #39
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    300-400mgs ew will be fine, 1st time your just working feeling out the process. Find out if its for you, how your body aromatizes, then the next time you can go up to 500.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

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    Thanks for all the info.

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