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I got my diet down cool, I'm doing my cardio, and training hard, but definitely need to get a little more strength and definition. My guy has a bunch of Tbol, bunch of Clen, and 17 winnys at 50mg each. That's it. So working with what I have available (I'm only gonna deal domestic, too many scammers out there), obviously 2.5 weeks of winny is not enough. That leaves a possible 6 week cycle of Tbol, with Clen thrown in 1 week on 1 week off. Maybe even kickstart the cycle with the 17 days of winny. My question is, will this work? Can I see some good results keeping my calorie deficit diet? My main goal is to lose bf, and get more defined. Currently i'm at 5'10" 200 lbs with 12-14% bf.
ANY input appreciated, please help!