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Thread: Can Tbol be used to cut??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali

    Can Tbol be used to cut??

    I got my diet down cool, I'm doing my cardio, and training hard, but definitely need to get a little more strength and definition. My guy has a bunch of Tbol, bunch of Clen, and 17 winnys at 50mg each. That's it. So working with what I have available (I'm only gonna deal domestic, too many scammers out there), obviously 2.5 weeks of winny is not enough. That leaves a possible 6 week cycle of Tbol, with Clen thrown in 1 week on 1 week off. Maybe even kickstart the cycle with the 17 days of winny. My question is, will this work? Can I see some good results keeping my calorie deficit diet? My main goal is to lose bf, and get more defined. Currently i'm at 5'10" 200 lbs with 12-14% bf.

    ANY input appreciated, please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    I got my diet down cool, I'm doing my cardio, and training hard, but definitely need to get a little more strength and definition. My guy has a bunch of Tbol, bunch of Clen, and 17 winnys at 50mg each. That's it. So working with what I have available (I'm only gonna deal domestic, too many scammers out there), obviously 2.5 weeks of winny is not enough. That leaves a possible 6 week cycle of Tbol, with Clen thrown in 1 week on 1 week off. Maybe even kickstart the cycle with the 17 days of winny. My question is, will this work? Can I see some good results keeping my calorie deficit diet? My main goal is to lose bf, and get more defined. Currently i'm at 5'10" 200 lbs with 12-14% bf.

    ANY input appreciated, please help!
    tbol can be used for a cut, but personally i would just use the clen and cut down to what you want, then run a proper cycle and clean bulk

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Killa Kali
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    tbol can be used for a cut, but personally i would just use the clen and cut down to what you want, then run a proper cycle and clean bulk
    Wouldn't it help keep my muscle while cutting, while giving me strength, and hardening without strong sides? I'm just wondering so I can understand why you choose not to do it.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    Wouldn't it help keep my muscle while cutting, while giving me strength, and hardening without strong sides? I'm just wondering so I can understand why you choose not to do it.
    yes it would do all of those things, though i'm cutting right now and have no trouble gaining muscle(not near as well as when i'm bulking obviously) and strength, just depends on diet, like i said, you COULD use the tbol and it would work well, i personally wouldn't though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I did a 6 week Tbol cycle last year to help with cutting and it worked great. I basically kept my normal strength maybe a bit more while in a heavy calorie deficit. Now that I've been pinning, I'd just cut on a Test cycle. It's cheaper and the gains are better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tbol is great for cutting. It all depends on your goals. If you are going to "cut" on AAS, you need to ensure you are maximizing your effectiveness with diet, and that is usually where people "cut" corners when using AAS.

    Good luck bro, Turinabol is the most underrated drug around IMO.

  7. #7
    Any steroid can used be used to cut, the more androgenic or anabolic the steroid is, the more effective it potentially will be.

    Diet is the main aspect that will effect your results when cutting bodyfat though. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the importance of it.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2009
    how's tbol on the sex drive? I hear conflicting claims from both sides. I ask because nobody thus far has mentioned running it with a test base.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Killa Kali
    Quote Originally Posted by dynamitekid View Post
    how's tbol on the sex drive? I hear conflicting claims from both sides. I ask because nobody thus far has mentioned running it with a test base.
    The overwhelming reports are that it does retain, or even increase sex drive. Now I'm no chemist, but the chemical structure of Tbol is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, so does this mean it's got testosterone-like properties since it's a derivative of it, and thus it does help the sex drive? Can't really answer that one.

    In any case, I found out that my source who had 50 Tbols were all at 10mg and not 50mg like I that means it's only enough for 10 days! looks like I won't be doing any of that...

    ...unless....what if I do the 10 days of Tbol and follow it with 17 days of Winny...that's a 4 week "cycle" that really stupid, or might I get some favorable results??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    The overwhelming reports are that it does retain, or even increase sex drive. Now I'm no chemist, but the chemical structure of Tbol is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, so does this mean it's got testosterone-like properties since it's a derivative of it, and thus it does help the sex drive? Can't really answer that one.

    In any case, I found out that my source who had 50 Tbols were all at 10mg and not 50mg like I that means it's only enough for 10 days! looks like I won't be doing any of that...

    ...unless....what if I do the 10 days of Tbol and follow it with 17 days of Winny...that's a 4 week "cycle" that really stupid, or might I get some favorable results??
    You should search for some of swifto's old threads or post I know he believed in t-bol only cylcles and posted some info on them. If worse comes to worse you could pm him I suppose and get the low down on them. But then again you would need to be able so secure enough t-bol to run the cycle. I would say no to the t-bol, winny 4 week cycle myself tho.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeah, Swifto has some great info. I've run into his threads before, but after doing a proper search I'm overloaded with info. Good stuff.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    Bump for more opinions on my proposed 27 day cycle, please. Will it do ANYTHING??

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