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Thread: Questions on Deca

  1. #1

    Questions on Deca

    Hey all, new user here. Been liftin for about 4 years heavy. Pretty lean guy, 170lbs, prolly 8-10%bf. Im looking to gain about 20-30 lbs, of lean muscle. I keep a clean diet. I was looking into taking deca. I am curious about taking the pills vs inj? I saw the win-50 stuff and am kinda hesitant, wanting to know if anyone has and advice on what deca I should buy. I dont know whats legit and worth the cash, and whats for slow gain/cut. Im not really interested in taking test, just some sorta cutter. And as for the pill type deca, if it works, what is the basic loads? take a pill or 2 every week or what?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Do some research on the effects of running deca alone. And what deca pill are you talking about? Are you talking about the fake vitamin online? Sounds like you have a lot more reading to do on why not to run deca alone, and what deca really is because its definetly not a pill.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Go to the steroid profiles section and look up Deca. Within 2 paragraphs you will know why deca alone is an aweful idea. Its really not an option, even if you have been told it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    when you said winn-50 do you mean the suppliment in the banner at the top of the page? And when you say deca are you referring to the deca above also?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Buddy those are just suppliments. Not real steroids. They won't do much of anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    no one here will advise you to take ANYTHING besides test e or c for your first cycle, with maybe dbol for a kickstart... 500mg a week for 12 weeks... if your diet is in check and training, youll be happy with the results. research more, deca only is a horrible idea, youll soon find out why.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    OP- I removed your second post in this thread, please review our rules before you post again.

  8. #8
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    what is your height and age?

    Why do you want to shut down the one hormone that makes men, men without adding some supplemental test in to make up for what you shut off?

    Do you know what PCT is?

  9. #9
    Sorry bout that big. I thought about it after I posted it, and figured asmuch. Anyways the winn-50 I was refering to is just a product i saw listed under the "buy deca". Its a capsule form. Anyways, Im just looking for something to help me put on some lean shred. Ive hit a plateau, lifting for 4-5 years now, and my diet is great. I cant figure out where to even buy the stuff, and know whats not a rip off. If been reading on here over the diff types of test, just dont know what one is best for my goals. Id really like something that kicks my metabolism into overdrive, while puttin on the 10-30 pounds. I did read the first timer article, but it really doesnt say what the goals are for, just says what to take and when.

    Never heard of PCT. im 6'1 170lbs. 23yrs. I work at the Fire dept full time. pretty lean, but cant get past the lean stage im at (8-10% bf??)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by boris20 View Post
    Sorry bout that big. I thought about it after I posted it, and figured asmuch. Anyways the winn-50 I was refering to is just a product i saw listed under the "buy deca". Its a capsule form. Anyways, Im just looking for something to help me put on some lean shred. Ive hit a plateau, lifting for 4-5 years now, and my diet is great. I cant figure out where to even buy the stuff, and know whats not a rip off. If been reading on here over the diff types of test, just dont know what one is best for my goals. Id really like something that kicks my metabolism into overdrive, while puttin on the 10-30 pounds. I did read the first timer article, but it really doesnt say what the goals are for, just says what to take and when.

    Never heard of PCT. im 6'1 170lbs. 23yrs. I work at the Fire dept full time. pretty lean, but cant get past the lean stage im at (8-10% bf??)
    Those "steroids" you are talking about our fake, take a multi-vitamin and save some money.

    Diet is the key to everything, so post it up meal by meal and break down the macro's i.e protien/carb/fat for each meal.

    This is a closed source board. No one here will tell you where to find a source or give you one. If anyone contacts you they are a scammer since no source is going to find you.

    Reaching your goals on cycle is mostly diet dependent, shit diet no results simple as that.

    Pct=post cycle therapy. It is the use of certain drugs to jump start your hpta to start creating testerone again. Since using steroids will cause your body to stop producing testerone.

    At 6'1 170 you have alot of room to improve without the use of steroids. I would recommend you post up your diet and workout routine on the board and let some of the guys look over it. We have some real smart guys here that have forgotten more about dieting and work out routines then I know.

    Finally thank you for your service as a fire fighter its appreciated.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    West coast of Canada
    dont run deca alone, if this is your first cycle, dont even start with deca... start with some reading. id recomend a test only cycle for your first time. I did year ago and loved it. 500mg a week was enough to see nice gains. deca alone will shut ya down.

    pills alone arent effective, your gains go away as quickly as they come. if anything use your pills to jumpstart your cycle. i dont even bother with dianabol anymore personally... dont like the harsh back pumps, despite how much water i drink.

  12. #12
    i would try their ultimate cutter stack and steroid cleanse for pct.

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