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  1. #1
    tomcat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001

    what exactly is T3?

    is T3 also called sythyroid? how safe is it and what exactly does it do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    No. Synthroid is T-4 which is similar to T-3, but not nearly as effective. T-3 causes you to produce more thyroid hormone which will in effect raise your metabolism significantly, causing you to lean out. It is a very effective, yet dangerous if you are not careful, way of shedding off body fat. I have not used it yet myself, but I am incorporating it into my next cycle.

    BTW, for more info check out the drug profiles section of the main web page. T-3 is most commonly labeled as cytomel .

  3. #3
    tomcat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001

    what is the best way to use it?

    i heard that you should on use synthyroid when your on test.... is that true? basically, what is the best way to use T-3?

  4. #4
    tomcat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001

    my bad

    my bad......i didn't mean to write synthyroid and T-3 as the same thing....but, what is the best way to use either of those two is what i'm trying to figure out....

  5. #5
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    click on this link TC. excellant post by CYCLEON, it should answer your questions.

  6. #6
    wulvereen is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001
    T-3 is a turbo made by garrett airresearch. i got one on my 'stang.


  7. #7
    nautica's Avatar
    nautica is offline Associate Member
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    Cytomel is a Thyroid hormone drug; it is not a steroid but athletes use it in their pre-contest regimens for cutting. Legitimately used for the treatment of hypothyroidism; a condition where a deficiency of the hormone exists. Bodybuilders have used it in an attempt to increase their metabolic rate. Technically, Cytomel will increase the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Most athletes use dais product in an attempt to accelerate lipolysis. Athletes claim they can use this drug during a pre-competition program and get ripped on a much higher calorie diet. Cytomel is a synthetic preparation which mimics T3 Thyroid hormone -- produced by the Thyroid gland.

    Effective Dose:
    1 to 2 tablets daily

    Cycles and Stacks
    One month on; at least one month off.

    Side Effects:
    Many athletes use excessive dosages which caused side effects such as: nervousness, tremors, headaches, and insomnia. If excessive dosages are used for a long period of time, the body can become hyperthyroid. In this instance, the user would have to take thyroid medication forever to make up for the deficiency

    Ref: elitefitness database

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