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Thread: When You Guys Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Sunny State

    Cool When You Guys Cycle

    Those of you who cycle AAS, do you take things like Superpump, SizeOn, NO Xplode, PlasmaJet, nanovapor, anabolic halo, celltech, anabolic pump, etc....

    Might be a noob question, but I was just curious. They always use guys for their marketing who obviously use AAS and I was wondering if people who use AAS actually use those products on cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't waste my money on those things,

    when the real deal is so much better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    dont use em. on or off cycle

    plain ole caffeine and food are my supps. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    That stuff is all junk. All the prework out supps work great for a week and then you could take 5x the reccomended dose and get notihng out of it.

    Caesin/Whey/Food ftw

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Even if you wanted to use those NO products your receptors will be 'clogged' by the AAS and you won't respond to them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Rancid protein only...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Nah, supplements will drain your wallet dry without giving much in return IMO. I use a supplement regime that I use year round Muli vit. Fish oil, glucosamine, protein that's it. I dont wast my money on anything else.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Same here. I have a whey protein supplement, some multi-vitamins and a pre-workout energy drink (black powder) for days that i'm dragging.

    Not to stray off topic but does anyone else hate Muscletech's marketing? EVERY article in EVERY magazine is just a pitch for one of their foolish products.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Karo View Post
    Same here. I have a whey protein supplement, some multi-vitamins and a pre-workout energy drink (black powder) for days that i'm dragging.

    Not to stray off topic but does anyone else hate Muscletech's marketing? EVERY article in EVERY magazine is just a pitch for one of their foolish products.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Wow so in relation to what matt said, no one use's other than pure protiens, like Glutamine, Bcaa's.. and I guess if musletech is out the window then so is creatine since you have the real deal right.....?

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Even if you wanted to use those NO products your receptors will be 'clogged' by the AAS and you won't respond to them.
    different receptor "site" - steroids diffuse to nucleous of receptors - NO supps bind either to ion or s atom of protein receptors in cell - just an fyi .....
    At any rate - waste of money on or off cycle IMO NO supps imo are feel good supps - not gain muscle mass supps ...
    Most supps mention above imo esp useless on cycle if not useless anyway .... JMO

  12. #12
    they are just as effective as Deca200 and Winn-50... same shit, different name.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Sunny State
    Thanks for all of the input everyone!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    i have seen many guys that I have lived with for the past 10 months take Supps like No Xplode, and the newest to everyone collection and workout plan it taking this shit called Greakic, Guyic.. (just how it sounds, no splet) I am to lazy to get up right now and go over to their bottle and see how its spelt. anyways..

    I have seen these guys take Supps for the past 10 months. I dont think they have gotten much bigger or even more toned. For an example.. this guy who has been takin this stuff for awhile can bench just a lil bit more than me. And well he has been spending a shit load of money on these pills, shakes for 10 months now..

    I have found out that if u feed ur body good then ur body will treat u good in return. Its all about what u intake. Eat Good!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Karo View Post
    Same here. I have a whey protein supplement, some multi-vitamins and a pre-workout energy drink (black powder) for days that i'm dragging.

    Not to stray off topic but does anyone else hate Muscletech's marketing? EVERY article in EVERY magazine is just a pitch for one of their foolish products.
    I absolutely hate the Muscletech ads, as well, but we have to realize who they are aimed at....I bet 75% (or more) of the readers of Flex and Muscle & Fitness are teenagers or weightlifting newbies. I remeber the first year that I lifted seriously, I would pick up about three different magazines every single month. Rookies looking for a shortcut (a legal one, that is) are ripe-for-the-pickin' with those ads. They actually believe that Jay Cutler is huge and ripped because of some product he bought at GNC.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Muscletech is ridiculous. Once I placed an order with, and in the box was a Muscletech magazine full of ads and 'articles' about some new product they have. So ridiculous. It had a metal skull on the cover, must be intense.

    Anywho, I've been through almost all of the NO supps. I use them for energy, as I work out early as fk in the morning and am not a morning's the only way I can get going. That being said, after a while each of them stops working and I have to switch to a different product to keep the effect.

    As far as using them to gain size/strength/mass, their worth in that sense is debatable. I do find, that they work well for that kick in the ass I need in the morning.

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