I was wondering what cycle would be good for someone who has never used AAS but is wanting to add lean mass and cut up. He is dead set on doing a decent size cycle and I can't convince him to not do so because he has yet to find out how his body will react to AAS. My first cycle was a 4 week cycle of Dianabol tabs at 30mg/day and it worked wonders. But like I said, he is set on doing a decent size cycle. This is sort of what I was thinking but feel free to change up anything: (I'm going with Test Enanthate because he is wanting to still be on during the Summer)
1-12 Test Enanthate 500mg/Week
1-4 Dianabol 30mg/day
8-15 Winstrol Tabs 30mg/day
3-15 Nolva 10 mg/day
1-15 Milk Thistle
(Also considered getting rid of orals and going with Tren or Equipose)
What kinda of PCT for that cycle? I just came up that off the top of my head so please feel free to rewrite it entirely if you see fit.