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  1. #1
    CockedDiesel36's Avatar
    CockedDiesel36 is offline Junior Member
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    Question with my Prop/Masteron Cycle...

    hey, so im doing 100mgs of test prop and 75mgs of masteron every other that sufficient enough? Someone told me to do injections everyday, but lower the confused. What do some of you think about this? thanks for any info...

  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Goals??? That is what is most important to decide if that is "enough" but why we are at it.....

    training experience
    previous cycles

  3. #3
    CockedDiesel36's Avatar
    CockedDiesel36 is offline Junior Member
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    23y/o 225 lbs, 5-10, bodyfat under 9%. Done probably 5 cycles, wouldn't say im a pro, but amateur i goals are to be the best bodybuilder i can be. I just ran test e for a while, so now i switched to prop and masteron to help shred a little, but i want to still grow too.

  4. #4
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    well those doses seem to be more towards a cutting cycle (usually people run lower doses while cutting and reserve the higher doses for bulking) and depending on other drugs, your diet, genetics, it will all correlate what will happen. Its real real hard to be cutting and gaining muscle at the same time, not saying its not possible just you have to dial everything in.....

    I'd set your kcals about 200-300 kcals above maintenance, try to carb cycle, cardio on empty stomach in the morning etc. throw in some low dose t3 and another fat burner maybe clen or albuterol.... I chose the latter fat burner personally, may not be as strong but its safer

  5. #5
    CockedDiesel36's Avatar
    CockedDiesel36 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response Reed,

    I have more Test E and EQ here too. Do you think i should run that when im out of the prop and masteron ? or maybe now? I do want to shred a little, but i definitely don't want to lose any size. i want to still grow alot. what do you think??

  6. #6
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    if you want to grow "alot" i'd bulk. Just make sure your diet is clean and on point.

    everyone in the whole freaking work out world would love to get huge and lose fat at the same time, very few have that ability if at all.

    IF you're TRULY at or below 9% why are you so worried about losing fat while trying to get huge. You should have a full set of visible abs, striations showing etc.......

    pick a route and stay with it. Though w/ masteron it is best used with a cutting phase when at your bf %

  7. #7
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    if you want to grow "alot" i'd bulk. Just make sure your diet is clean and on point.

    everyone in the whole freaking work out world would love to get huge and lose fat at the same time, very few have that ability if at all.

    IF you're TRULY at or below 9% why are you so worried about losing fat while trying to get huge. You should have a full set of visible abs, striations showing etc.......

    pick a route and stay with it. Though w/ masteron it is best used with a cutting phase when at your bf %
    I agree 100%. 9% bf is low, and the only reason I can see someone still trying to cut is for a show. Growing is much easier when you accept the fact that a little fat will come with the size. If you still want to grow, and I was in your shoes, I would get some tren ace and drop the masteron . Tren and prop is great for a lean bulk, ecspecially if your diet and training is on point.

  8. #8
    CockedDiesel36's Avatar
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    awesome guys, thanks...ya I wont be getting on stage for months, so i guess some tren is a good idea. I'll just use the rest of this Masteron too no need to waste it.

  9. #9
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Quote Originally Posted by CockedDiesel36 View Post
    awesome guys, thanks...ya I wont be getting on stage for months, so i guess some tren is a good idea. I'll just use the rest of this Masteron too no need to waste it.
    Or if you still have plenty save it for constant prep, come off now, stay on the test and get whatever, tren is good, drol whatever.

    I would NOT chose or use masteron in any bulking cycle, a waste, much better choices...

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