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  1. #1
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    Trouble with Erection and Sex drive post cycle

    I am having serious troubles past my second cycle.

    My first was 625mg of Sustanon for 12 weeks. I waited four months to start my next.

    My second cycle was 500mg Test E for 12 weeks. \
    PCT: 30 days of Clomid 100mg
    30 days of Novaldex 20mg

    I did my HCG during my cycle. I did 200iu EOD. I ended it though when my cycle was over. My thoughts are that you must continue it until all the administered test has left the body and then stop. So 3 weeks. I read on this board that it will help with rebound. I felt better during my cycle. My balls did not shrink but now there is a serious problem.

    My doc gave me blood work yesterday and he said he will test my Testastarone to see if that is the culprit.

    Should I shoot 500iu EOD of HCG for 20 days to push my production up?

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    How long after your cycle did you start the Clomid and Nolva?

  3. #3
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    I started 10 days after the cycle.

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    CORRECTING THIS. Test Cyp is 18 Days. Test E they call for 14.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno View Post
    Below you'll find starting times for your PCT based on the active life of each compound. The active life is the duration of time it takes for the exogenous hormone to be absorbed, utilized, and expelled; no longer being bioavailable. Keep in mind that active life is an approximation which is dependant on dose, ester, as well as the individuals metabolization of the compound ; but for the moderate user, these are as close to precise as you'll find.

    Anadrol /Anapolan: 24 hours after last administration
    Deca : 21 days after last injection
    Dianabol : 24 hours after last administration
    Equipoise : 21 days after last injection
    Fina: 3 days after last injection
    Primobolan depot: 14 days after last injection
    Sustanon : 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Cypionate : 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Enanthate : 14 days after last injection
    Testosterone Propionate : 3 days after last injection
    Testosterone Suspension : 24 hours after last administration
    Winstrol: 24 hours after last administration
    Last edited by c-Z; 04-11-2009 at 08:43 AM. Reason: Correction

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I think you will find during and even after a proper PCT many guys still suffer from a lowered libido for time. I was doing some research the other day that showed Clomid can restore LH levels in just a couple weeks but test levels still took 10 weeks to return to normal even after LH levels were restored.

  6. #6
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I think you will find during and even after a proper PCT many guys still suffer from a lowered libido for time. I was doing some research the other day that showed Clomid can restore LH levels in just a couple weeks but test levels still took 10 weeks to return to normal even after LH levels were restored.
    I hope I don't become apart of the many... if the libido goes... Man IDK wtf I would doo.....

  7. #7
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    is there anyway to speed this 10 week lag time up. I am goi g crazy.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Its a side effect and it seems to effect some more than others, it looks like you haven't fully recovered yet, get your BW back and see were your at, you may need a more aggressive PCT to spring board your HPTA back into full swing.

  9. #9
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    What else should I do. How should my pct be so that it will return my levels.

  10. #10
    RipitFuel's Avatar
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    question... will a-dex help? i still get confused from time to time.. and this 10week restore thing.. will he have to be on clomid or nov for that 10 weeks? or are u sayin.. just wait 10wks

    Viagri will always help ya?!

  11. #11
    c-Z's Avatar
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    errr... a-dex... Most run it during the cycle... I believe I have read though that some run it to pct.. as well as threw pct.... Perhaps someone with more knowledge can confirm this.

  12. #12
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RipitFuel View Post
    question... will a-dex help? i still get confused from time to time.. and this 10week restore thing.. will he have to be on clomid or nov for that 10 weeks? or are u sayin.. just wait 10wks

    Viagri will always help ya?!
    The Clomid will only help with restoring LH levels, its getting the test levels to follow suit which takes time. Staying on Clomid once LH levels are raised isnt going to speed things up any faster.

  13. #13
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    I am assumming that an Ai would also not help. I started the HCG . I did 500iu the first three days and then EOD. What do you think?

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    So on the 9th 10th and 11th I did 200iu. By the 12th I woke up erect after a nap and in the morning. I also was able to have sex without any issues. The sex drive is not 100%. I am sure as I continue the hcg things will improve. I will be doing it EOD going toward. I will keep it updated.

  16. #16
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    I have continued the HCG now its the 22nd. I feel just about normal now. My sex drive is back up there. I have the urge to even jerk off. My advice to everyone is make sure you do HCG, and dont skimp on it because the result is not good.

  17. #17
    clomid222 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LizzardSecond View Post
    I have continued the HCG now its the 22nd. I feel just about normal now. My sex drive is back up there. I have the urge to even jerk off. My advice to everyone is make sure you do HCG, and dont skimp on it because the result is not good.
    It takes time for this to come back sometimes. Low test or LH could be the culperate, but I have even heard of guys having this issue because their estrogen was too low during their PCT due to high doses of AIs like (letro or aromasin ).

    I had the same problem after a Test Cyp and Deca cycle a few years ago. I will never do Deca again because it's just way too suppressive. I was worse off than you and wasn't 100% for 2-3 months.

    I did PCT using Nolva, Clomid, and HCG . The HCG didn't seem to do shit... even after all 10000 IU were taken at 500 IU per day. I still wasn't up to par, however I continued with the nolva/clomid combo and it eventually brought me back.
    Last edited by clomid222; 04-22-2009 at 07:45 PM.

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