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Thread: T3 Dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    T3 Dosage

    i have about 50 pill of T3 25mcg each .. i want to run it for a month or something .. i am on test enanthate, and am cutting .. someone help me with the dosing please? thanks.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Probably View Post
    i have about 50 pill of T3 25mcg each .. i want to run it for a month or something .. i am on test enanthate, and am cutting .. someone help me with the dosing please? thanks.
    I would start out using only 25 mgs per day for the first week and increase the dosage to 37.5 mgs the entire second week to see how you respond. If you are not losing muscle at 37.5 mgs per day during the second week you could try 50 mgs the following week (week 3) but such a high dose may cause muscle loss. I certainly would not exceed 50 mgs per day if all you are running is test to combat muscle loss. It can be a good idea to taper the dosage every 3 days or so as you are coming off T-3.

    The ideal situation is to run 37.5 of t-3 weekly with your test and add clen into the mix to burn body fat and help spare muscle. If tren was added then you would be more inclined to get by with 50 mgs of t-3 and not lose hard earned muscle tissue. Also, some have ran 50 mgs of t-3 with test only and spared most of their muscle but some experience a noticeable amount of muscle loss at such a high dose. Only you will know what dosage works best in the end but using more than 25 mgs of t-3 without clen and/or gh to spare muscle is not a good plan! T3 increases the burning of carbs, fats and protein or lean muscle if over done.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I would start out using only 25 mgs per day for the first week and increase the dosage to 37.5 mgs the entire second week to see how you respond. If you are not losing muscle at 37.5 mgs per day during the second week you could try 50 mgs the following week (week 3) but such a high dose may cause muscle loss. I certainly would not exceed 50 mgs per day if all you are running is test to combat muscle loss. It can be a good idea to taper the dosage every 3 days or so as you are coming off T-3.

    The ideal situation is to run 37.5 of t-3 weekly with your test and add clen into the mix to burn body fat and help spare muscle. If tren was added then you would be more inclined to get by with 50 mgs of t-3 and not lose hard earned muscle tissue. Also, some have ran 50 mgs of t-3 with test only and spared most of their muscle but some experience a noticeable amount of muscle loss at such a high dose. Only you will know what dosage works best in the end but using more than 25 mgs of t-3 without clen and/or gh to spare muscle is not a good plan! T3 increases the burning of carbs, fats and protein or lean muscle if over done.
    i agree with your dosing protocol, but do you really think clen does anything for saving muscle. i dont, nor have i found any good research to suggest it does. i think that may be placebo effect.

  4. #4
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    i agree with your dosing protocol, but do you really think clen does anything for saving muscle. i dont, nor have i found any good research to suggest it does. i think that may be placebo effect.
    I agree, mostly placebo is my thought as well.

    I have been told that a simple dose of 12.5mcg/day is efficient in increasing protein synthesis but will this dose increase metabolic activity as well? If so, seems as though you could start with 12.5mcg the first week, 25mcg the second week, and then increase to 37.5mcg for the duration of the cycle without to much muscle wasting.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2009
    Hmm .. well i am not on test alone .. on winny as well well .. i have clen/albuterol on hand .. but i guess ill save it for a better longer cycle .. cauze say if i go up to 75 or 100 mcg .. lets say am not losing muscle, but then the cycle will end shortly in a week or so .. also running @ 50 mcg would be great .. would last like .. 25 days .. but then how much fat is expected to be lost on a really restricted calories diet, with 2 cardio sessions of 1 hour done daily + workout and clen/albuterol/ephedrine .. is it worth it?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Probably View Post
    Hmm .. well i am not on test alone .. on winny as well well .. i have clen/albuterol on hand .. but i guess ill save it for a better longer cycle .. cauze say if i go up to 75 or 100 mcg .. lets say am not losing muscle, but then the cycle will end shortly in a week or so .. also running @ 50 mcg would be great .. would last like .. 25 days .. but then how much fat is expected to be lost on a really restricted calories diet, with 2 cardio sessions of 1 hour done daily + workout and clen/albuterol/ephedrine .. is it worth it?
    with T3 or without it? with T3 youll be wasting away in no time.

  7. #7
    t3 will make a big difference!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    i meant with the T3 ..

    so u think running @ 50mcg/day would be a good add to the cycle?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Probably View Post
    i meant with the T3 ..

    so u think running @ 50mcg/day would be a good add to the cycle?
    if you arent dropping 2lbs a day on that theres something wrong.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    wow , now am excited lulz

  11. #11
    I just bought a combo of Clen/t3/Keto. I have been reading the forum to get ideas of what the perfect dose would be. Could you aid in this? I have planned to stack with Tren.

    Your advice is appreciated.


  12. #12
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post
    I just bought a combo of Clen/t3/Keto. I have been reading the forum to get ideas of what the perfect dose would be. Could you aid in this? I have planned to stack with Tren.

    Your advice is appreciated.

    send him a PM

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post
    I just bought a combo of Clen/t3/Keto. I have been reading the forum to get ideas of what the perfect dose would be. Could you aid in this? I have planned to stack with Tren.

    Your advice is appreciated.

    i recommend starting another thread. youll get better answers that way.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    i agree with your dosing protocol, but do you really think clen does anything for saving muscle. i dont, nor have i found any good research to suggest it does. i think that may be placebo effect.
    Clen is both catabolic and anabolic in nature but it's anabolic tendencies slightly out weigh it's catabolic (protein degradation) tendencies-hence tipping the scales in favor of anabolism (protein retention). Not by a large degree, but enough to make a difference over time. To prove my point-I have put females on clen and they began experiencing additional muscle growth after 6-9 months of use without the assistance of anabolic steroids.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Clen is both catabolic and anabolic in nature but it's anabolic tendencies slightly out weigh it's catabolic (protein degradation) tendencies-hence tipping the scales in favor of anabolism (protein retention). Not by a large degree, but enough to make a difference over time. To prove my point-I have put females on clen and they began experiencing additional muscle growth after 6-9 months of use without the assistance of anabolic steroids.
    its possible, but there just isnt enough scientific research to show that it does in fact work. i will say that you dont have much to lose by running it, however, running it with T3 in my opinion, can be very dangerous.

  16. #16
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Clen is both catabolic and anabolic in nature but it's anabolic tendencies slightly out weigh it's catabolic (protein degradation) tendencies-hence tipping the scales in favor of anabolism (protein retention). Not by a large degree, but enough to make a difference over time. To prove my point-I have put females on clen and they began experiencing additional muscle growth after 6-9 months of use without the assistance of anabolic steroids.
    6-9 months of clen? Using the 2 on 2 off method? Seems like a really long time to run clen under any protocol. In a 6-9 month time span, I would think your clients would gain muscle regardless of what they are taking.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2009
    maybe with ketotifen on in the 6~9 months?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    6-9 months of clen? Using the 2 on 2 off method? Seems like a really long time to run clen under any protocol. In a 6-9 month time span, I would think your clients would gain muscle regardless of what they are taking.
    I'm talking daily use for females for 6-9 months. Some stay on much longer before coming off! I have them cycle their dosages by ramping it up, back down, then back up again and so forth. Most women fear androgenic side effects from anabolics so they opt for clen to get that hard look. While they make gains regardless of what they are taking under my guidance, the clen makes a noticeable difference in their fat/muscles ratio over a period of time. I have not noticed this same effect in males since they are never using it for that long before coming off or they are taking anabolics which would make it impossible for me to gauge. Women love to stay lean and they have a more difficult time losing body fat than us males. It's easy to see why women like clen.

  19. #19
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Probably View Post
    maybe with ketotifen on in the 6~9 months?
    A couple females have used ketotifen but most have not. T-3 does make a difference in fat burning when using clen. Not using t-3 or ketotifen with clen will not keep clen from combating cortisol levels-hence the reason women experience muscle growth with this product. My theory is that women as a whole produce more cortisol than men which would be one factor out of many as to why they gain body fat easier and gain muscle slower

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