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  1. #1
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Oct 2006

    Need some help guys, experienced guys

    Hey fellas, I got some BW done and it seems my estro levels were highr than i want them to be, but still within the normal range. I am very gyno sensitive/paranoid so I have started taking armidex ED just to get the estro levels a good bit lower fast. My concern is, after starting taking the armidex, my chest/nipple area "seems" a lil more sensitive. From time to time I get a lil pain, nothing major but it worries me as im super scarde of gyno.

    I have heard that taking anything that effects your hormone levels can cause your nipples/chest to hurt or become more sensitive, is this true???? Im obviously hoping that the armidex just crushes my estro levels but can taking something like armidex even when it is suppose to be lowring ur estro cause nipple sensitivity b/c of the changing of hormone levels??

    Really need to ssome help fast as im paranoid. thanks guys.

  2. #2
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Are you running a cycle, and if so what? What were ur progesterone/prolactin levels like? Are you sure ur adex is real?

  3. #3
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Im actually not on cycle, but I have high estrogen levels period so from time to time i get bw done to check estro levels and if they are not on the lower end I will get on some AI. I know I will ctach alot of junk b/c of this but, I do use AI when not on cycle just to be safe from rebound or anything.

    I was recently on aromasin but switched to adex b/c according to BW aromasin was not working to well for me. So I have been on adex for a few days and will get BW done in a week to see and hope levels have dropped a good bit. I have no discharge or anything coming from the nips.

    So, can simply the flucuating, and hopefully lower of estrgen cause some nipple or chest sensitivity??

  4. #4
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    What has your doc said about this? Personally id hit a serm rather than an ai for this purpose, ais can cause rebounds if not tapered properly and have a negative impact on cholesterol/lipid. I wouldn't advocate long term use of ais. Definately consult a doc though.
    Last edited by MASTER; 04-09-2009 at 11:19 AM.

  5. #5
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Oct 2006
    aromasin has little if any rebound effect from what im told. And adex I have heard that is debatable.

    How do you taper aromasin if running 25mg ED?

    How do you taper adex if running 1mg ED?

  6. #6
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    To be honest I ignored the aromasin because you said your on adex, aromasin shouldn't need tapering.

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