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  1. #1
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Please give comments on my cycle.

    This is my cycle:
    Tren 100mg
    Deca 250mg
    Testaviron 250mg all these every 3rd day

    d/bol 30mg per day for first week then 40mg thereafter
    Proviron 2 off per day
    Keasar 1 at night

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    How long are you running this cycle?
    stats? age, cycle exp, training exp, weight, diet intake, BF%.

    also put yoir cycle out in total weakly values to make it easier.
    Also whats your planned pct?

  3. #3
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    8 weeks

    27 years old
    1st cycle
    Training since school on off.
    more serious over the last 12 months
    Weight 75Kg
    I am around 1.6m tall
    This is my eating plan I am going to start on Monday:
    Eating plan

    7 am – Meal#1 Protein: 6 egg whites, 2 yolk Carb:1 cup of oats (uncooked weight) mixed in skim milk/fat free milk/water. Extras: cinnamon, 1 tbl honey and 1 banana
    Supplements: 1 x V2000 (Multi vit), 1 tbl ***** Sport 3:6:9 10 am – Meal#2
    Protein: Have 6 scoops Ultimate Anabolic mixed in fat free milk/ water...
    Essential fats: 10 raw almonds
    Carb: Have only one of the following: orange, naartjie, green apple, pear, pine apple, paw-paw, melon

    12 pm – Meal#3
    Protein: 2 chicken/turkey breast, 200gr. Fillet/ostrich
    steak, 1 tin of tuna, 200gr of fish
    Carbs: 200-250gr. of potato/ sweet potato/brown or basmati
    rice and you may add a serving of green salad to your meal. Supplementation: 1 x Vit C

    15-20 min before training have: 6 x Bcaa/HMB, 3 x Hardcore Creatine and 1-2 scoops NO Xplode mixed in water...

    2pm - Training:
    While training have 2 teaspoons Glutamine and 1 scoop After Shock mixed in water...
    At end of training session have 3 x Hardcore Creatine...
    15min after session have 6 scoops Ultimate Anabolic mixed in water...

    4:30pm – Meal#4
    Protein: 2 chicken/turkey breast, 200gr. Fillet/ostrich
    steak, 1 tin of tuna, 200gr of fish
    Carbs: 200-250gr. of potato/ sweet potato/brown or basmati
    rice and you may add a serving of green salad to your meal. Supplementation: 1 x Vit C
    7 pm - Meal#5 Protein: 200gr. of chicken/turkey breast, 200gr. Fillet/ostrich steak, 1 tin of tuna, 200gr of fish, 200gr. of raw salmon Carbs: 1-2 cups of mix veggies and 1 x baked potato
    Evening Supplementation After supper: 3x Cal/Mag

    Before bed: Have 2 scoops Whey Tech mixed in fat free milk and add 1 tbl ***** Sport 3:6:9

    My Bf was around 20% when i last had it checked.
    I am getting the details about my PCT on Monday.
    I am having the cycle worked out for me.

  4. #4
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    dude don't do 3 compounds on your first cycle it should b test only... and 20% bf is too high to cycle, recommended is 15 or under

  5. #5
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Hey opucknarf
    I will have my bf checked I think it must be lower now my trainer checked it in December.
    Why is it bad for a first cycle? arent my insides in a better condition than guys that have used? Shouldn't I handle it better?

    I don't want to do another cycle after this one.

  6. #6
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    This is my cycle:
    Tren 100mg
    Deca 250mg
    Testaviron 250mg all these every 3rd day

    d/bol 30mg per day for first week then 40mg thereafter
    Proviron 2 off per day
    Keasar 1 at night

    Thanks guys

    Tren and deca? Together? For a first cycle?

    First you don't cycle 19-nors together
    Second tren is the harshest of all steroids and not for beginners.
    Third your first cycle is supposed to be test only so you see how your body reacts and see if you are prone to having tities
    Fourth your bf% is too high lower it to 15% before you think about cycling

    Back to the drawing board.

  7. #7
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Tren and deca ? Together? For a first cycle?

    First you don't cycle 19-nors together
    Second tren is the harshest of all steroids and not for beginners.
    Third your first cycle is supposed to be test only so you see how your body reacts and see if you are prone to having tities
    Fourth your bf% is too high lower it to 15% before you think about cycling

    Back to the drawing board.
    there u go pretty much says it all... research more bro there's tons of threads here about first cycle info, you'll learn all u need to know

  8. #8
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys.

    How do you check your Bf?
    You guys specifically.

    When I check it with the computer thingy at the gym my Bf was around 13%
    But when My personal trainer checked it it was higher.

  9. #9
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Tren and deca ? Together? For a first cycle?

    Third your first cycle is supposed to be test only so you see how your body reacts and see if you are prone to having tities
    Isn't the Kessar supposed to stop this?

  10. #10
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Tren and deca ? Together? For a first cycle?

    First you don't cycle 19-nors together
    Moderately effective anabolics such Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise would be somewhat of a halfway point, providing extra strength and mass but without the same level of water bloat we see with more readily aromatized steroids .

    I found this here:

    end of the last paragraph.

    That to me seems its ok to use together.
    I am not questioning your knowledge just double checking all advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Second tren is the harshest of all steroids and not for beginners.
    This I believe is an opinion that is different on every site I visit
    Last edited by jkproperties; 04-10-2009 at 10:19 AM.

  11. #11
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Please keep posting guys.
    I am just trying to get an overall idea of what everyone thinks.

    I already have the stuff.
    I am starting on Monday.

  12. #12
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    Please keep posting guys.
    I am just trying to get an overall idea of what everyone thinks.

    I already have the stuff.
    I am starting on Monday.
    dude you'll regret it trust me... just sell the other $hit, and with that money buy more test, it ALL you need nothing more... look at the sticky'd threads on top of this page, there's one called "beginner test info" or something like that, read it...

  13. #13
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by opucknarf View Post
    dude you'll regret it trust me... just sell the other $hit, and with that money buy more test, it ALL you need nothing more... look at the sticky'd threads on top of this page, there's one called "beginner test info" or something like that, read it...
    You seem like a real nice guy.

    Why will I regret it?

    I have been researching tren for a few weeks now and get mixed answers all over the place.

    Many guys that haven't done it as a first cycle say its to harsh for a first cycle but a great steroid they love it.

    The guys that had it as a first cycle say it is the king of all steroids and reccomend it everytime.

  14. #14
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    ok let me explain it as best as possible .. if you start taking test and tren and you have some sort of problem on cycle, you'll have no idea what's causing it b/c you have 2 foreign substances in your body, either one of them can be causing it. there's plenty more to consider also, but it's just a bad idea all around. I've heard great things about tren too, but wouldn't you rather experience those great things after gaining knowledge about how you react to testosterone , and how to properly cycle first? otherwise you might mess it up and waste that great experience you want. test alone is fukkin awsome anyway! I'm on it right now and I love it! u will too if u just learn a little more about it, get your info straight and keep your cycle simple.

  15. #15
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    I do understand the concern.

    What is the worst that could happen?

    Plus the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.

    Here are some guys that reccomend it as a first cycle.
    These are the first couple just shout if you want some more.


    Thanks for the advice.
    I will be posting my results:
    Good or Bad experience.

    then if nescesary you can say told you so.
    i trust my Gut and it says go for it.
    Last edited by jkproperties; 04-10-2009 at 12:06 PM.

  16. #16
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    I cant get this url to paste properly
    ://*************.com/forum/cycle-info/25968-first-cycle-tren .html
    replace the stars with:
    "anabolic minds" one word
    Last edited by jkproperties; 04-10-2009 at 12:11 PM.

  17. #17
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    well then all I can say is good luck... at least keep a log in the cycle results section and post any problems you have, mayb ppl can help you out with them (although i suspect most won't b/c of u ignoring advice given to you)... I'll help out if I can, I guess we'll c what happens

  18. #18
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    Moderately effective anabolics such Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise would be somewhat of a halfway point, providing extra strength and mass but without the same level of water bloat we see with more readily aromatized steroids .

    I found this here:

    end of the last paragraph.

    That to me seems its ok to use together.
    I am not questioning your knowledge just double checking all advice.

    This I believe is an opinion that is different on every site I visit
    I missed the part where they said it is ok for your first cycle. Oh thats right it wasn't even there.

    Let me put this into prespective for you, this is what will happen you will run Deca and Test you will get gyno, you won't know which one gave you it, so you think its the Deca so next time you do Test and dbol and guess what? It was TEST! Now you have titties and you can go bra shopping with your gf.

    On a serious not, you will blow up either way on your first cycle, test only is recommended, no need to put more **** than your body needs.

    Tren is not a beginner steroid. You are getting your facts from a probably fake steroid site trying to get your money. You do not run 19-nors together for the millionith time

    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    Thanks guys.

    How do you check your Bf?
    You guys specifically.

    When I check it with the computer thingy at the gym my Bf was around 13%
    But when My personal trainer checked it it was higher.

    That's because the computer is a wrong, it's not accurate, caliper testing is much more accurate.

    Post a picture and I will give you a pretty good estimate

  19. #19
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    it's doing that because ur not allowed to post links to other bb sites

  20. #20
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    front, side or back view?

  21. #21
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    I do understand the concern.

    What is the worst that could happen?

    Plus the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.

    You're a troll, I am done. Have fun when you have tits and your HPTA is completely shut down, hope you have a great PCT lined up.

  22. #22
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    You're a troll, I am done. Have fun when you have tits and your HPTA is completely shut down, hope you have a great PCT lined up.
    I am not being sarcastic.
    I am serious what view do you want?
    I have taken all three.

  23. #23
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    I am not being sarcastic.
    I am serious what view do you want?
    I have taken all three.
    post all of them and include a leg shot

  24. #24
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    You have to use calipers... I've used the handheld computer when I was caliper tested at 11% and it said that I was 6% ...

  25. #25
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    I am not being sarcastic.
    I am serious what view do you want?
    I have taken all three.
    You're an idiot thats what. You are putting a hormone made for cows, another hormone from the same line (deca ), and test for your first cycle and you are "WELL WHATS THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN?"

    You do realize you are messing with hormones and not candy? Seriously it's guys like you who give us a bad name.

    "The greater the risk the greater the reward"

    That is the dumbest **** i have ever heard, you are the reason why steroids are banned. Because guys like you mess themselves up when they have no cycle experience and then go to the hospital and it gets all over the news.

    Do us a favor if you are not going to take our advice, go back to those forums where they probably recommend Dbol only cycles and taking shots of tequila with each popping.

  26. #26
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    I just read the link u put up about tren for first cycles, it's written by some1 who JUST DID TREN W/OUT TEST???!!! and this is a good source of info? he did tren winny and proviron for 6 weeks thats retarded... and he can't get it up. this is who your listening to? come on man, wise up. I'm trying to help you out here. test only is awsome there's nothing wrong with it!!

  27. #27
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    How do I upload the pictures from my computer?

    Immortal Soldier
    I don't mean to upset you.

  28. #28
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    How do I upload the pictures from my computer?

    Immortal Soldier
    I don't mean to upset you.
    when your writing a post scroll down at the bottom you'll see "manage attachments" click on that

  29. #29
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by opucknarf View Post
    I just read the link u put up about tren for first cycles, it's written by some1 who JUST DID TREN W/OUT TEST???!!! and this is a good source of info? he did tren winny and proviron for 6 weeks thats retarded... and he can't get it up. this is who your listening to? come on man, wise up. I'm trying to help you out here. test only is awsome there's nothing wrong with it!!
    This is only one of the links out there.
    This is why my guy reccomended the testaviron and proviron .

    I just don't want to do more than 1 cycle. thats why I want to do it on the first cycle.

  30. #30
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Ill post the leg shot tomorrow.
    I am completely relaxed here.
    If I flex you can see my abs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Please give comments on my cycle.-p1050128.jpg   Please give comments on my cycle.-p1050127.jpg   Please give comments on my cycle.-p1050129.jpg  

  31. #31
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    I can't maximize the pics I'm on a phone so I can't see them well so wait 4 other responses for bf%... but listen, you WONT do only 1 cycle, every1 says they will. no one does

  32. #32
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    I definatly wont do more than 1.
    I have been considering the juice since the age of 16.
    I just want to add a little bit of muscle not get massive.

  33. #33
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    are you on your first cycle?

  34. #34
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    are you on your first cycle?
    yes I'm 5 weeks into my first cycle

  35. #35
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    getting good gains?

  36. #36
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkproperties View Post
    getting good gains?
    yup, i have a cycle log up in the "members cycle results" section check it out it's long but detailed about exactly what I'm doin, and so far I'm seeing awsome results

  37. #37
    JACKEDnTan's Avatar
    JACKEDnTan is offline Associate Member
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    here is a good starter. This is what im doing.
    600mgs Test Cyp weeks 1-10 (can bump it to 12)

    clomid 100/100/50/50/50
    Tamox 40/40/20/20
    A-dex .5/.5/.25/.25

    if you want to add another compound I would add winstrol 50mgs for 4-6 weeks thats it
    its your first cycle you don't want to eff it up. the winny will help cut along with the test. "Keep it simple stupid". n u r gonna do another cycle...once you cross over you stay over.

  38. #38
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Jack.

    anyone want to estimate my BF?

  39. #39
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  40. #40
    jkproperties is offline Junior Member
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    thanks jack.
    anyone else?

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