04-10-2009, 06:29 AM #1
My first cycle! What do you think?
Hi, this is my first cycle let me know what you guy's think!
age 23
hieght 6'1
ilbs 225
Cycle: consists of deca durabolin ,dianabol ,sustanon 250.
PCT: nolvadex , clomid, inhibit-e
Week1- 200mg/week deca , 30mg/day dbol , 250mg/week sus250
Week2- 300mg/week deca, 35mg/day dbol, 250mg/week sus250
Week3- 300mg/week deca, 35mg/day dbol, 250mg/week sus250
Week4- 400mg/week deca, 35mg/day dbol, 500mg/week sus250
Week5- 400mg/week deca, 40mg/day dbol, 500mg/week sus250
Week6- 300mg/week deca, 40mg/day dbol, 250mg/week sus250
Week7- 300mg/week deca, 250mg/week sus250
Week8- 200mg/week deca, 250mg/week sus250
Week9- PCT
Week10- PCT
My Diet i don't have it down to exact math but it consists of Tons of fish,chicken,rice,eggs,oatmeal lots of vegtables fruits i take whey protein shakes 4 times a day with bananna,oatmeal,skim milk,peanut butter, i take creatin right after my work out's month on month off i work out 5-6day's a week about 2-3 hours before work, i work nights so the best time for me to go to the gym is before work, after work no way in hell im going to work out lol ummm lets see...ive wieght trained all through high school football base ball wrestling etc..but only for the past year i have never been so committed i went from 180ish to 225ilbs in a year all NATURAL!!! besides the creatin ofcourse but that is a must for me do to the fact of the gym and work creatin helps my body not be as sore. I've been reserching about steroids for about 4-5 months now since they were offerd to me by a friend at the gym, i never ever thought about taking steroids intell a couple months ago i burn out on every exercise, switch my workout routines up about every 6 weeks or so, im benching 205ilbs 8-10x 1set 225ilbs 2-3x 1set i am ready to step up to the next lvl from all the researching ive done this is the cyclye ive decided to go with, i am going for strength and mass. FYI this is my first cycle and yes i am a noobie, please feel free to give me any advice of my diet,stats,cycle,pct etc as my eyes and ears are open, thanks for all your help ahead of time.
ok bro - so dont take this wrong...but there isnt much i like about that for a first cycle (or most of it for any cycle). Dont like the multiple compounds - dont like the pyrmiding , dont like the 2 week pct(at the wrong time to boot) .....
04-10-2009, 06:38 AM #3
sorry i am a noobie, what do you mean exactly by multiple compounds and pyrmding???
and starting with week3 -week9 i take 20mg/day of nolvadex , and 9-10 weel 50mg/day of clomid and i got inhibit-e witch i was probable gonna start taking at week 6.
04-10-2009, 06:45 AM #4
Got to agree with jimmy, thats a very poorly thought out 1st cycle and PCT.
You obviously haven't got a clue, maybe a little research on at least the basics before you take the plunge.
All the info you need is here, just take a look at whats recommended for a 1st cycle, then you will see where we are coming from.
04-10-2009, 06:48 AM #5
04-10-2009, 06:54 AM #6
Read this and all the relevant other stickys at the top of the page, then do a little cross referencing and then have a look at the steroid profiles, then the PCT section, you have to do a little work for yourself bud, shouldn't take more than 30 mins to see where you are going wrong. Laziness in this business is not an option.
04-10-2009, 06:55 AM #7
Welcome to AR
Your cycle is NOT constructed well at all !! Terrible in fact.
First cycle should be TEST only, nothing else. So you can see how your body reacts to AAS. If you use more than one compound how will you ever know which one is doing what to your body, both good and bad???
Pyramiding is starting with a lower dose, then changing it during the cycle DON'T do that
pick your dose and stick with it. With AAS you want to have stable blood levels as much as possible so taking dose higher and lower will screw with your blood levels
So, you say you weigh 225lbs, and bust your butt in the gym, BUT can only bench press 225 for 2 or 3 ??? something doesn't add up there.........
Your PCT start times are WRONG, and if you have been researching for 6 months you would know that, I think you have only researched for 6minutes
What is your injection schedule for the proposed cylce? When and how much will you be injecting??
What EXACTLY is your PCT protocol?? what will you be using and how much for how long
Lets start there, and see if we can teach you how to do this correctly IF you are willing to scrap what you have and start fresh,
Let Us know
04-10-2009, 07:20 AM #8
yea i read that part were you should only do one kind of test to see how your body acts to it i am taking a chance on that part, i read up on test e and sustanon 250 i simple like the sus250 better from what i read anyways, and thank you for explaing to me what pyramiding is i will deffinitly look over that better, and um its kinda sad i know but i am only able to bench my wieght 2-3 times , mabey i need to drop to 205 or something dont know what my bf% is but im being 100% honest with you guys do to the fact i dont want any wrong advice form you guys from giving you wrong information, as far as my pct and injections go i was planning on mon,wens,fri or 3.5 days apart im trying to narrow it down to only 2-3 shots a week 250mg sus 100mg deca and then another shot of 100mg deca etc, pct i have nolvadex ,clomid and inhibit-e on hand week3-9 20mg/day nova week9-10 50mg/day clomid and as far as inhibit-e goes i wanted to start takeing it around 6weeks into my cycle since it not only blocks estrogen but kills it and gets your nautural tets going agin.
04-10-2009, 07:42 AM #9
just do a 12 week 500mg test e/wk cycle ... very simple and effective .... afterall its ur first cycle.Leave sust for a future cycle.
04-10-2009, 10:15 AM #10
Im not sure if Somone already said this but sust needs to be shot at min every 3 days. I think more like every other.
04-10-2009, 12:02 PM #11
very bad
you must have copy and pasted that from some ready made stack place that is way outdated. It's just wrong.
04-10-2009, 07:01 PM #12
what do you guy's think about just useing sus250 at 500mg/week for 12weeks?
will this cycle even work? besides the pyrimiding witch will effect my blood levels and the terrible pct will this cycle give me mass and strength?
04-10-2009, 07:05 PM #13
Very simple:
500mg per week of test e. If you want to kickstart low dose d-bol 1-4 would work as well, it is optional though.
PCT should be very simple:
100-50-50-50 or 50-50-50-50
AI on hand if needed during cycle
04-10-2009, 07:09 PM #14
04-10-2009, 07:11 PM #15
i guess imma just save this gear for my second cycle, imma hold off on this and buy like 30 amps of test e i guess.
04-10-2009, 07:14 PM #16
thats the smartest thing you have said this whole thread !!!
put together a proper cycle and have us check it BEFORE you go ordering so we can make sure you have everything you need to do it correctly!!
Here, read this
04-10-2009, 07:47 PM #17
That cycle would work VERY well. Get some clomid and nolvadex for your pct.
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