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Thread: Genetics

  1. #1
    kdizzog is offline Associate Member
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    I read threads about smaller guys, members saying "no, you must gain more weight, your diet must suck, bla bla bla.

    I personally think genetics play a bigger role than diet or training. Some people can get big and some can't.

    I have a friend who is a health nut. He diets by the gram, eats great, clean, and plenty. Lifted faithfully for close to 10 years, 6 days a week and cannot break the 200 mark.

    I was in jail with this 18 year old kid, he took his shirt off and the kid would put many people here to shame. He was 6'2" 235 and about 10% bf. I asked him about his work out plan. The kid never lifter! Ever! WTF??? A little time on the gym and this kid would be the next Arnold!

    In my own opinion my buddy deserves a shot at aas more then my roommate in jail. He doesn't fit the criteria that many people preach on this forums, but he has pushed himself to his generic potential regardless of what he weighs. That's why I think it is wrong to advise some of these people they can't use aas because they under 200lbs.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Genetics do have a roll to play without a dought.

    However you see so many guy's coming on saying they need roids because they just cannt make anymore gains. When they post their true full diet 9 times out of 10 their diet really does suck...

    Imo diet is the most important thing when bbing...

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    most people who you think have great genetics eat more than you think they do

    most people who cry about genetics and think they have a great diet eat like a 13 year old anorexic girl. Fix diet, fix training, then resort to gear.

  4. #4
    TexSavant's Avatar
    TexSavant is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    most people who you think have great genetics eat more than you think they do

    most people who cry about genetics and think they have a great diet eat like a 13 year old anorexic girl. Fix diet, fix training, then resort to gear.
    AMEN ! The best genetics and the best gear will still let you down if YOU DONT EFFIN EAT ENOUGH, and right. Protein synthesis is endothermic - it uses energy - hence your body needs excess calories, especially on gear.

  5. #5
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdizzog View Post
    I read threads about smaller guys, members saying "no, you must gain more weight, your diet must suck, bla bla bla.

    I personally think genetics play a bigger role than diet or training. Some people can get big and some can't.

    I have a friend who is a health nut. He diets by the gram, eats great, clean, and plenty. Lifted faithfully for close to 10 years, 6 days a week and cannot break the 200 mark.

    I was in jail with this 18 year old kid, he took his shirt off and the kid would put many people here to shame. He was 6'2" 235 and about 10% bf. I asked him about his work out plan. The kid never lifter! Ever! WTF??? A little time on the gym and this kid would be the next Arnold!

    In my own opinion my buddy deserves a shot at aas more then my roommate in jail. He doesn't fit the criteria that many people preach on this forums, but he has pushed himself to his generic potential regardless of what he weighs. That's why I think it is wrong to advise some of these people they can't use aas because they under 200lbs.
    i agree mostly,, i lean more towards genetics than diet and training,, being i think genetics plays a bigger role than the later.

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