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Thread: hitting genetic potential/var

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    manchester england

    Smile hitting genetic potential/var

    hi, new to the forum so any help wud be much appreciated. ive bin working out for 12 years and feel that ive hit my natural genetic potential. im 6,2 and 16.5 stone, with a gud athletic build. ive exhauststed all training methods, diets, etc, etc. but just cant seem to push my body any further. this brought me to my 1st cycle var at 50mg for 7 weeks, i didnt want to bloat up and ruin what ive worked hard for in the last 12 years, hence why i researched and choose var. i saw nice results, slight lean gain and strength increase. but did suffer from slight stomach bloat even though i kept salt intake down and drank lots of water. im now looking for my second cycle, and wondered if you guys could offer me advice, shud i do the var again, or look for something else? wanna keep the gains clean, with minimal stomach and no muscle bloat. all comments much appreciated. tim.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hi Tim.. Injectables will give way better results than an oral Var cyce. A basic cycle of 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate for 12 weeks will give you excellent results. Bloat, if you get any, can be controlled with Arimidex which will also control any Estrogen related sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the dark...
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Hi Tim.. Injectables will give way better results than an oral Var cyce. A basic cycle of 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate for 12 weeks will give you excellent results. Bloat, if you get any, can be controlled with Arimidex which will also control any Estrogen related sides.
    What he said. Test rules! You'll love it. Run it with everything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    manchester england

    Smile Genetic potential/anvar or test

    hi guys, thanx for the reply. ive considered test but always worried about putting on to much size and then losing it. i just wanna add to what ive got already say 5-10% and then for most of it to stick. hence the reason why i chose anavar for my first cycle. if test was taken in a low dose do you think id acheive the desired results?? MANY THANX TIM.

  5. #5
    If you just want to add a little more muscle why don't you stay natural? Safer, takes a little longer, but will be easier to keep without suppressing your hormones..

  6. #6

    Primo not var

    Primo will do everything Var does, ONLY BETTER. I love var but it really ****s with your lipids. Run 500 test/wk and 500 primo/week. Primo takes a while to kick in, but you can and should sty on Primo for 16-20 weeks. You could run a month of Var to kick start your cutting process. NO SIDES!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by OldnBold View Post
    Primo will do everything Var does, ONLY BETTER. I love var but it really ****s with your lipids. Run 500 test/wk and 500 primo/week. Primo takes a while to kick in, but you can and should sty on Primo for 16-20 weeks. You could run a month of Var to kick start your cutting process. NO SIDES!!!
    Primo is weak as hell. A month of Var is pretty damn pointless.Also I wouldn't suggest a first time anabolic steroid user should not stay on cycle 16-20.

    To the Op. I would suggest a test e or c for 12 at 500 mgs ew. If you are worried about bloat you can run a a.i during the cycle which will keep your bloat down. With the proper pct and diet you could maintain most of your gains. Also if you are really worried about bloat just run prop and an A.i which would lead to very very low bloat but you would have to be willing to pin yourself ed for stable blood levels.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    Primo is weak as hell. A month of Var is pretty damn pointless.Also I wouldn't suggest a first time anabolic steroid user should not stay on cycle 16-20.

    To the Op. I would suggest a test e or c for 12 at 500 mgs ew. If you are worried about bloat you can run a a.i during the cycle which will keep your bloat down. With the proper pct and diet you could maintain most of your gains. Also if you are really worried about bloat just run prop and an A.i which would lead to very very low bloat but you would have to be willing to pin yourself ed for stable blood levels.
    I was referring to an injectable similar to var. Primo and test isn't fast but you will KEEP the gains you get from Primo. And there is NO danger in running Primo for 16 weeks. Primo is weak? I doubt you have ever run real Primo with that answer.
    A month of var is hardly worthless. It would be a great kickstart to this cycle. You don't run var for more the 6 weeks anyway. I've run 18 cycles.
    The brochure is never like going there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by OldnBold View Post
    I was referring to an injectable similar to var. Primo and test isn't fast but you will KEEP the gains you get from Primo. And there is NO danger in running Primo for 16 weeks. Primo is weak? I doubt you have ever run real Primo with that answer.
    A month of var is hardly worthless. It would be a great kickstart to this cycle. You don't run var for more the 6 weeks anyway. I've run 18 cycles.
    The brochure is never like going there.
    You can frontload long estered test which speeds about blood levels and test can be fast depending on what ester you use i.e suspension and prop.

    Keeping your gains is much more dependent on diet and pct then the actual substance.

    Your right and I never will it is a weak substance and is really only applicable in contest prep and if you are prepping why not use masteron which is cheaper and more potent.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    You can frontload long estered test which speeds about blood levels and test can be fast depending on what ester you use i.e suspension and prop.

    Keeping your gains is much more dependent on diet and pct then the actual substance.

    Your right and I never will it is a weak substance and is really only applicable in contest prep and if you are prepping why not use masteron which is cheaper and more potent.
    Mast would work too. Mostly androgenic, but great stuff.
    Test and Var is like bread and butter, but for me I love Primo.
    Primo is not so reliant on diet to make gains either. Most people that don't like Primo, don't run enough of it long enough. Primo needs to go @500mg/ wk. for 16-20 weeks. Along with a little Test, 500mg/wk for 12 weeks then cut it down 200mg/wk for the last 6-8 weeks. I run Var with it too.
    40-60 mg/ed for 6 weeks. beginning or end of cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    manchester england

    Smile hitting genetic potential, test/masteron

    cheers again for all your replys, low dosed test with mastron or primo might just fit the bill. 12 weeks for the test, same for mastron? do you think this would giv me that lean gain that im after? dont wanna make it to obvious that im on gear for work/mrs reasons!! Also wud i need to run anything else with it to maybe keep bloat down? And what kinda pct would work well after this cycle. many thanx. tim.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    From personal experience of running a var only cycle for 8 weeks, i wasnt happy witht the results. You can gain so much better on 12 weeks of test e. Test is best

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