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Thread: mr happy aint so happy

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tip Toein on Hells border

    Red face mr happy aint so happy

    Aight fellas here it is...I am starting my 6th week of a twelve week test cyp/ deca cycle (i am taking adex eod .25mg) and until last week I couldnt turn the skin on my hardon with a pipewrench. I was runnin my girl around at least 4 times a day and this past week I would start strong but really have to keep up "concentration" or my elevator would start returning to the ground floor....
    Whats the deal? Is this a clssic case of deca dick? I have heard about it but never experienced it. I am also planning to start 50mg of anadrol ed on weeks 7-10. Should I continue with this or is there any way it might make my "issue" worse?

    Wasnt really sure where to post this so if it needs to be moved please do so...

    Thanx fellas.
    Last edited by Spartan ^; 04-11-2009 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    What's ur dosage of the test and the deca?

  3. #3
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    Tip Toein on Hells border
    cyp 400/wk deca 300/wk

  4. #4
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    cmon guys opinions?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    That's weird sounds alright I mean try bumping ur test up that may help

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    it could be there anything on your mind? Are you thinkin into it too much?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    my elevator would start returning to the ground floor....


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    it could be there anything on your mind? Are you thinkin into it too much?
    not other than beatin the brakes off my chic.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderRico View Post
    That's weird sounds alright I mean try bumping ur test up that may help
    I may bump it to 500mg and see if it "picks up". I know I keep amkin jokes but it really is gettin serious. My girl thinks its her......that aint good at all! It is SO not her. I punted way outta my coverage.......

  10. #10
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    I had a similar issue while on Deca. I stopped the Deca and switched over to Primo mid-cycle and haven't had an issue since. I also started to get some gyno symptoms which also went away when I made the switch. I was taking 600mgs Test E and 450mgs Deca at the time.
    I'll never touch Deca again. In my opinion the side-effects aren't worth the gains.

  11. #11
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    Alright bro... That sucks... but you already know that....

    If you.... have legit GEAR than I would say your problem herein lies psychological.... But if for some reason you dont... say you have bunk TEST well then the real DECA would be causing you to have DECA DICK !!

    I dont know what to say ... ummmm..... ry bumping the TEST up... I would have said from the start that that might be a lil on low side when running Deca... soooo...

    You have options... just which ones you chose is your choice... SEND ME A PM if you wanna discuss this further broesph ...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Alright bro... That sucks... but you already know that....

    If you.... have legit GEAR than I would say your problem herein lies psychological.... But if for some reason you dont... say you have bunk TEST well then the real DECA would be causing you to have DECA DICK !!

    I dont know what to say ... ummmm..... ry bumping the TEST up... I would have said from the start that that might be a lil on low side when running Deca... soooo...

    You have options... just which ones you chose is your choice... SEND ME A PM if you wanna discuss this further broesph ...
    This is not always true. Techinically you would just need an hrt dose of test to combat deca dick. Alot of people just run hrt dose and use the other steroids to achieve there goals. I would say its one of two things fake test or something physcological, my guess is the later.

  13. #13
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    Start proviron at 50-100mg ED, you'll be up and (well you know lol ) in a wk.

  14. #14
    Just keep more penile "concentration" ....

  15. #15
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    maybe he needs a fluffer?


  16. #16
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    Thanx fellas, I am gonna try bumping the test to 500/week and see what happens. I thought it may have something to do with the adex cause i didnt start it till about week four due to itchy nips. Thats pretty much when the problem started. I am gonna be pissed if my test is bunk! I know my source really well and all the other clientelle are fine so I really doubt thats it. Plus I have been making good gains.....more than I think deca wouldve done alone......especially at 350mg/wk.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RipitFuel View Post
    maybe he needs a fluffer?


    fukin hilarious bro......LMFAO

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    Aight fellas here it is...I am starting my 6th week of a twelve week test cyp/ deca cycle (i am taking adex eod .25mg) and until last week I couldnt turn the skin on my hardon with a pipewrench. I was runnin my girl around at least 4 times a day and this past week I would start strong but really have to keep up "concentration" or my elevator would start returning to the ground floor....
    Whats the deal? Is this a clssic case of deca dick? I have heard about it but never experienced it. I am also planning to start 50mg of anadrol ed on weeks 7-10. Should I continue with this or is there any way it might make my "issue" worse?

    Wasnt really sure where to post this so if it needs to be moved please do so...

    Thanx fellas.
    dont take adex unless you need it! i was taking it during this cycle and it screwed me up. i quit taking it and I started to feel a lot better. try dropping the adex completely and see if things get better. it was doing all kinds of things to me! i was taking .25mg ED and in a matter of days after I quit taking it i started to feel better. maybe it has something to do with your other problems too.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    Thanx fellas, I am gonna try bumping the test to 500/week and see what happens. I thought it may have something to do with the adex cause i didnt start it till about week four due to itchy nips. Thats pretty much when the problem started. I am gonna be pissed if my test is bunk! I know my source really well and all the other clientelle are fine so I really doubt thats it. Plus I have been making good gains.....more than I think deca wouldve done alone......especially at 350mg/wk.
    well then... this sheds some light on to things..

    u have itchy nipples with that low dosage???

    did the issue occur before u started the a-dex or right after??

    when i start adex, i feel my sex drive kinda go down a bit but it normalizes as the a-dex stablizes in your blood (takes about 7-10 days).. so it could be the a-dex, or you could be aromatizing too much, cuz high estrogen levels will give you ed also...

    what was your dosage and frequency for the a-dex?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well then... this sheds some light on to things..

    u have itchy nipples with that low dosage??? had itchy nips the symptoms are gone now.
    did the issue occur before u started the a-dex or right after?? before

    when i start adex, i feel my sex drive kinda go down a bit but it normalizes as the a-dex stablizes in your blood (takes about 7-10 days).. so it could be the a-dex, or you could be aromatizing too much, cuz high estrogen levels will give you ed also... what would you do for this?

    what was your dosage and frequency for the a-dex?
    .25 eod

  21. #21
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    I sure hear alot of bad press on the decca, gyno, limpdick, bloating etc
    I will never run this compound. jmo

  22. #22
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    Your probably not going to get a lot out of the deca running it 300/wk. Minimum is 400. Lower the adex a bit and see if that helps and get some cabergoline to have on hand.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    Your probably not going to get a lot out of the deca running it 300/wk. Minimum is 400. Lower the adex a bit and see if that helps and get some cabergoline to have on hand.
    WRONG.....Even though I have a couple of sides (which is the first time ever) I still dont think I can blame it on the deca. Truth is I started this cycle at a bf that was borderline and I am payng the price. (16%) I have had good gains on the smaller dosage this go round. Even at 400wk cyp and 300 deca, I have gained almost ten lbs in 6 weeks. Thats pretty decent IMO. I still have yet to see where I need to go higher on dosage since I am happy with my gains....JMO, bu thanx for the advice nontheless.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    cyp 400/wk deca 300/wk
    Typically at that dosage with DECA sides are usually very minimal.
    Perhaps adding some PROVIRON to your course will help.

  25. #25
    ive always done deca and test e cycles and never had problems with anything till this one where i decided to use adex as a preventative measure. I will never use it again unless i get gyno symptoms. ive had all kinds of weird problems and since quitting adex most have gone away. only one now is weak erections. can't say for sure i guess it was caused by the adex or not but i've never had problems with deca even at higher doses.

  26. #26
    I am currently taking 250mg Test E twice a week. I am also taking 1 mg of Adex twice a week. (it came in 1 mg capsules, no other choice) The first 4-5 weeks I gained 10 pounds, strength went up, and I was a walking hard-on. The last 4 weeks I have noticed nothing. I am still training hard, eating right, doing everything the same. Do ya think that I am getting desensitized to the Test..or is it my Adex....or what?

  27. #27
    Ps.....I am not prone to acne or gyno...never had either and I am 36. I just used the Adex precautionary....and for water retention....

  28. #28
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    first of all your hijacking the thread. that's not really that much test (500mg/week) so you shouldn't really get bloat from it much. probably your diet, too much sodium. instead of putting salt on your food go buy mrs dash and drink more water. go to the diet forum and post up your diet or try writing it down what you eat for every meal for a couple days and take a look at it. if your not gaining weight your not eating enough calories.

  29. #29
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    that 10 lbs you gained real quick is probably mostly water.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    WRONG.....Even though I have a couple of sides (which is the first time ever) I still dont think I can blame it on the deca. Truth is I started this cycle at a bf that was borderline and I am payng the price. (16%) I have had good gains on the smaller dosage this go round. Even at 400wk cyp and 300 deca, I have gained almost ten lbs in 6 weeks. Thats pretty decent IMO. I still have yet to see where I need to go higher on dosage since I am happy with my gains....JMO, bu thanx for the advice nontheless.

  31. #31
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    id drop the adex or e3d, it makes me lethargic and fks my sex drive up

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    I would be inclined to agree except for the fact my bf is down 1.5%. Some I am sure is water but I feel most is lean muscle. Plus there is no bloating. JMO...maybe I am biased..LOL

  33. #33
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    Just an update fellas...maybe it was just a mind thing or maybe not idk. All I know is that I went up 100mg/wk on the test and two days after the first shot the libido is back up. Also I am proud to say that the elevator reaches the penthouse and stays for the view! Thanks for all of the info guys.

  34. #34
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    seems like only 100mgs more wouldn't make that much of a difference that quick but i can't really say i know that for sure. maybe it was something else that way causing the problem. have you had consistant success, or just one time?

  35. #35
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    twice yesterday. once already today. Im not saying the test did it either but maybe it made me take my mind off of it or something. But something happend....I'm gonna give it a few days before I make a final determination but if it keeps working I am gonna have to change the title to MR Happy is Happy again!

  36. #36
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    People often have said run the test higher than the deca...then other people run around poo pooing that. Could be some truth to it, hey spartan?

  37. #37
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    Suprised nobody has even mentioned caber yet

  38. #38
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    Yeah, I wont run a deca cycle without having some on hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Suprised nobody has even mentioned caber yet

  39. #39
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    ^^^ many people wont.

    OP, personally id look into cabergoline.

    Dont waste time on proviron or upping the test. Thats a ridiculous notion in my opinion.

    idk why you are going to run drol from week 7-10. Shoulda kick started with it imo.

    Did you begin deca at the same time as your cyp? I hope youre planning on coming off deca before the test.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    ^^^ many people wont.

    OP, personally id look into cabergoline. thanks for the advice, I'll look into it.

    Dont waste time on proviron or upping the test. Thats a ridiculous notion in my opinion.

    idk why you are going to run drol from week 7-10. Shoulda kick started with it imo. Agree but decided to try this go round while the body is in total anabolic state to see if there is a difference. I have also considered the next go round using it at the end of a cycle leading righ tup to PCT. No lessons learned as much as one that is paid to speak.

    Did you begin deca at the same time as your cyp? I hope youre planning on coming off deca before the test.
    YES! started at the same time. running deca ten weeks cyp 12.

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