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Thread: Hot Flashes

  1. #1
    Pirate50 is offline New Member
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    Hot Flashes

    Anyone ever experienced a severe hot flash while on? Running sust 600mgs ew and eq 400 mgs ew. Was just sitting at my desk typing away...all of a sudden my face felt like it was on fire....arms, hands, even chest and torso became extremely flushed, eyes even got a little blood shot. Anyone ever had somthing like this?

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sucks when it happens at night when your trying to get some shut-eye. Your pulln covers on and off all night Never ran Sust250 - but do get that with Eq...

  3. #3
    Pirate50 is offline New Member
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    okay...i just wanted to see if it was a temp side effect. I'll just get some ice water and not work, catch up on my message board reading....thanks bro..

  4. #4
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    Warrior... oh yes, the bed sweats!!! I get them on every cycle. It comes and goes. I think it can also be caused by your metabolism speeding up. With all the food you put into your body throughout the day, at night, your metabolism is still using the nutrients.

  5. #5
    Pirate50 is offline New Member
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    Good point, i did just get done scarfing a protein shake, and a huge chicken salad. This is just the worst of the hot flashes i've gotten. Had what i thought to be bad ones before but the rest are mild compared to the one i just body was so warm my shoulders began to tingle from the heat...thought i was gonna have to rip off my shirt here at my desk and lie on the ground pooring my ice water on my self...haha. Anyways...starting to cool off now....think i'm gonna be cool....

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    It could be from other reasons to. The flu that often accompanies in the first half of the cycle from the new substance introduced to your body - your body gets warm when it is trying to fight an infection of any kind. But hot flashes are probably going to be more based on a raise in estrogen from the accompanied rise in testosterone .

    About the job thing, funny shit. Working in a sales position sucks when that happens. You can't look like your doggin' someone out of money and bustin' out in a sweat can do that!

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